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    Most Winnie you can use in a week??

    anything over 50mg ed is painful to the joints
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    So what is the most amount of tren allowed per wk?

    i have done 100mg ed for a few weeks
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    Reconstitution of L3 igf-1???

    there is a method using white vinegar (acetic acid)
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    limp dick.

    try some tribestan
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    Gh and insulin

    trenman you are taking gh 2 x a day slin 2 x a day and igf pw how does the igf and slin affect you PW
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    Gh and insulin

    gh igf slin i am working on a gh igf and slin cycle also here is what i am thinking about GH 20 weeks 4 iu 5 on 2 off split into 2iu am and 2 iu 4:30 SLIN after morn cardio and PW 4 weeks on 4 weeks off IGF 50mcg PW 4 weeks on 4 weeks off please critique
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    How much cardio?

    I do 30 at least 5-6 days a week. walk on treadmill or ride bike if my lower back or shins cramp. i feel it helps to have some wind on those heavy sets of squats and deads. I dont feel it hinders my bulking. It helps my appetite in the morn. too. note: I dont have any trouble gaing weight...
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    IP used to make some superclen that were .5mg per tab or 500mcg with ketofin. i would cut them down to 1/8 pieces and the keot was so strong it would knock me out. I would take them at bedtime sleep good but sweat all night
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    favorite MRP?

    ultramet choc or van
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    too tiny for fitness

    you are very beautiful good luck if i was an agent you would have a job
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    Question about diluting igf-1

    1/3 pins r good
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    New Year's Resolutions at the Gym

    same thing at my gym lots of new people monday was legs so nobody was in the way but the benches were packed sure it will clear out in a few weeks, days and some may not come back
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    Season Sale 1 and Season Sale 2

    how long is this good for? hope to get some $ for x mas
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    Site Injects with IGF?

    i been doing delts, bi's, quads and calves can see improvement in bis and calves
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    you cant put it in a gelcap and keep it there the gelcap will dislove in a few minutes you have to fill the cap and take it then
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    Mixing and Shooting

    can i use b12 instead of bw?
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    Private Messages??????

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    had some prob with LR CS is the best
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    cycle question

    looks just like mine except i am going to fina after the d-bol then some winny at the end I will be using igf at 50 mcg per day too. looks good should get some solid gains off of it I like test, eq and d-bol together.