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  1. R


    Thanks Buffalo that's why this site is TOPS. Fast answers and right on.
  2. R


    is gpz still cool guys been out of the loop for a few
  3. R

    Pharma tech

    guys is this ugl worth a shit.Thanks
  4. R

    get pinz

    Cool thanks Presser
  5. R

    get pinz

    I know what you mean if the Dr tells me we got to cut That will suck.But I caused more damage from putting it off the first time so i try to take care of these things alittle faster now.Hope you the best dude cause it sucks to workout around a knee injury
  6. R

    Joint Care

    Deca,Deca and some more deca LOL.Deca will help man i feel like a 20 yr when i take deca
  7. R

    How to increase appetite (other than b12)?

    How is the sleep because that will screw with your hunger.Dont over do the fluids because that will cause some to.Hope you work thru this because i have the same trouble from time to time.I could eat one meal a day and be happy but I would loss weight like hell.So i just force it down knowing this
  8. R

    get pinz

    Total rebuild in the right one in 1991 just about to wear out from all the lifting and ball playing over the past 15 yrs.But the Dr thinks he can help its killing me not to be able to workout with my legs.So I have taper my upper body wrkouts so it dont over ride the lower.But im still 205lb 6/2...
  9. R

    get pinz

    Thanks Presser, Hope to be around alot more I go back to ortho Dr for MRI on both knees but he said I could still hit the gym for now
  10. R

    get pinz

    Sup guys been away for little while trying to get back into things.I have had some surgeries this past year but ready to hit it hard again.Is gpzservices still open for bizz i need some pinz. Thanks for the info you give guys
  11. R

    Hgh ?

    well i have no fat so would it be better somewhr else
  12. R

    Hgh ?

    OK guys i got my hgh in but have a site inj ? Is it best to inj around the belly they say pinch inj between fat and muscle .The reason for the ? i hurt my right knee and some say inj around the injury helps.I have read to inj in the muscle but also read do not.So for now i will stay around the...
  13. R


    guys not ? for a price but what brand of hgh has the best price for the money.I want to try some on this cycle i have plenty of test to run with it but this hgh thing is new to me 42 yrs old this yr so i need some boost LOL for a old man
  14. R

    ? about mex

    that sux cause this has been my bud for 3yrs i guess i should of had a back up LMAO!!!
  15. R

    ? about mex

    Guys anything new in mex.I had a great source there but scared to buy now.I have not heard from him in a month after a few emails
  16. R

    Bac hurts like a mofo

    Ok guys started D-bol 30mg a day and test enth 500 mg wk.My back has been hurting or cramping like hell on the left side.The last time i took dbol my back wld get tight as hell on leg day but thats it.Any help guys those who have gone through this
  17. R

    d-bol capsules?

    D/K has them in 10mg they wrk great used them a few times
  18. R


    Damn i have a big not in my leg where i shot QV enth 1cc.I was mixin sust 250 and qv enth in one shot but i just shot qv yesterday and now i have a big fat ass not in my leg.How long does it take for that shit to go down
  19. R

    gyno removal

    Well there's one thing for sure if you got gyno it want go away unless you have it removed.You can take stuff to help keep it under control but thats it.I had mine removed 3yrs ago it was very simple and fast.Ins paid for most of it but i got mine when i was very young it just got worse after my...
  20. R

    BP scaring me, I need advice/Help!

    well the past wk mine has been 165-170 over 100-110 this is my 2nd wk in on test only cycle 750 mg a wk.What should i do