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  1. caseywhitcher

    Honeymoon and Wedding Pics

    Thanks alot for all the compliments guys Spanishfly , She is 25 4'11 90 lbs she posts over at another fitness board we're on alot as Mrs Whitcher. She's been a hardcore Dancer, Ballet, hip hop, jazz all that stuff her whole life, so her legs and glutes rock! :)
  2. caseywhitcher

    Honeymoon and Wedding Pics

    Hey thanks guys. Yeah Gear our honeymoon was actually at the Aventura Palace, it's like an hour south of Cancun, way more private. It was an adults only resort, and All-Inclusive, so you got awesome food, and free drinks they whole time, we were there for 8 days, definately going back. I'd...
  3. caseywhitcher

    Honeymoon and Wedding Pics

    Not like sex????? HEY I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW...... It was 2 seconds from the time that I gave the bell boy his tip until I had my new wife on our bed in our hotel room and... It was exactly 15 minutes later that we got our first noise complaint from the management.. Personally .. I think that...
  4. caseywhitcher

    Funniest thing I've seen on TV in a LONG TIME!!!

    Last night on fear factor these 2 chicks and this guy had to eat slugs. When the first guy was done he said... "the Grosest thing about it is the slime gets all over your mouth and you're tounge and you can't feel anything in you're mouth" Then the Blonde chick says. "Just like a...
  5. caseywhitcher

    Honeymoon and Wedding Pics

    Hey all I've been off the board for a while, just got back from my honeymoon. We havn't got all of our honeymoon pictures developed yet, and the only wedding pictures I have so far are from my roomate. Our real photographer is still finalizing our pictures. But here are a few of them. We...
  6. caseywhitcher

    Halloween what will you dress up like?

    My fiancee and I just got our costumes this weekend, we might get more, but right now, we're going as a sultan and a herum girl. It's cool cuz the sultan outfit I just have to wear this vest, and my fiancee just wears a tiny top and a G String with see through long pants so we both still get to...
  7. caseywhitcher

    Halloween what will you dress up like?

    I'm going to be in Cancun for my honeymoon at the time. I'm hoping to go as The Incredible hulk, but I have to get a little leaner. If not I think I'm going to go as a caveman.
  8. caseywhitcher

    i would love to personaly kick the shit out of..

    I say they give him the same sentence I suggested for David Westerfield. Take a small tacticle nucular weapon, and stick it straight up the guys ass. Thermonucular Supository.
  9. caseywhitcher

    TTokkyo Owners Indicted!!!

    Just thought I would write a little complaint about a news segment I just saw about special K and this bust.. (i hate how the media portrays drugs, they always look for the scare tactics so that they get more ratings, thats why every drug ever is always refferred to as a "date rape" drug, cuz it...
  10. caseywhitcher

    TTokkyo Owners Indicted!!!

    Why is it whenever the media refers to Ketamine, GHB, or X they call it a Date Rape drug? when the # of people taking it for Date rape purpouses has to be ridiculously small.. 99.9% of people that take these drugs are taking them for the sake of getting high and having fun.. And Ketamine...
  11. caseywhitcher

    What kind of pet.....

    Sorry to hear that thundercat, I have heard Danes are Awesome pets, wish you the best of luck in finding another companion.
  12. caseywhitcher

    new guy

    Alright I was looking around my computer and found a couple of other old shots I had of Bitter that I was using when I made his buisness card. The first picture is the one I used to make his actual card.
  13. caseywhitcher

    What kind of pet.....

    Hey guys, I also have a little maltese it's mine and my fiancees though, what she always wanted, it's a little girl, only 4 lbs, full grown and the coolest dog I've ever owned. This is a picture of her as a pup, (they are all her, I just doctored the photo to look like 6)
  14. caseywhitcher

    new guy

    Alright I can't talk shit he went to the tuxedo shop and got fitted today. Still looks like a little bitch though, arm about the size of his head, but little bitch none the less. Here's another picture of BitterB I used one of his contest pose shots to make his buisness card last year. I...
  15. caseywhitcher

    new guy

    I think that guy on the right looks like a little bitch. I also think he needs to take his happy ass to the tux shop and get fitted for my damn wedding!
  16. caseywhitcher

    Help Me Help Myself!

    Hold on here, I have some advice, but you have a 34" waist? I don't think you could be remotely considered even fat at that, let alone obese? I don't think?.. I'm 6'1 220 I've been dieting and losing weight for a while, my progress pictures are in the members pic section, my abs are coming...
  17. caseywhitcher

    my flash skills here...

    Hey presser, I just saw this thread, are you using Swish? it looks like all swish effects.. drop me a line if you are, I can help you out with a "trial" version of flash. What you're talking about doing is totally possible with the bodybuilding guy. I thing you have to make sure of though is...
  18. caseywhitcher

    Do these GHB substitutes actually work?

    You know... I havn't done G in years, but I always had a really good time with it. I was careful though, and educated about it. Also I worked in a nightclub for 5 years where G was VERY common, I personally have carried out more G'd out people than I could count, I've seen people piss and...
  19. caseywhitcher

    How do you check private messages??

    Hey Presser, I can definately do something like that, but I wouldnt reccomend it for this site. That entire site is Flash, For a site like yours you could have part of the front page in Flash to add some cool effect to the front, but I think it would be more bennificial to come up with a more...