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  1. BodybuildingChampMC

    Can anyone Please tell me how to make a legitimate post in this forum?

    welcome @Sophia Zhang if you're promoting, you can ONLY post on the UG forum and only 1 thread with your company info
  2. BodybuildingChampMC

    Disputed Claim total rubbish

    MODERATED: @BrianJas provided us no tracking # no order # and didnt respond to our email or DM In our view, The original claim by @BrianJas was made FALSELY. It has been resolved now. Therefore the claim above against @OSGear ( is deemed FALSE by the Administration:
  3. BodybuildingChampMC

    Disputed Claim stopped shipping to US customers?

    MODERATED: @Laqowi provided NO order # no shipping info nothing is provided after contact via DM and email In our view, The original claim by @Laqowi was made FALSELY. It has been resolved now. Therefore the claim above against @OSGear ( is deemed FALSE by the Administration:
  4. BodybuildingChampMC

    Disputed Claim very angry!

    MODERATED: @Juaowel provided NO order # or evidence of this order after contact. In our view, The original claim by @Juaowel was made FALSELY. It has been resolved now. Therefore the claim above against @OSGear ( is deemed FALSE by the Administration:
  5. BodybuildingChampMC test looks cloudy

    @Mooelso provided NOT pictures of the products to prove it. In our view, The original claim by @Mooelso was made FALSELY. It has been resolved now. Therefore the claim above against @OSGear ( is deemed FALSE by the Administration:
  6. BodybuildingChampMC what is going on? Service bad lol

    i dont know about service but was caught selling counterfeit and fake pharmacom labs its bad
  7. BodybuildingChampMC fake gw cardarine confirmed is selling straight up clenbuterol its a fact
  8. BodybuildingChampMC

    warrior labs sarms screwed up my order

    warrior labs sarms is FAKED like max
  9. BodybuildingChampMC a lame experience SUPER shady as a source damn
  10. BodybuildingChampMC

    SRY Lab steroid AAS source (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic)

    post reviews from clients and pics of stuff too how about bloodwork?
  11. BodybuildingChampMC

    Approved Log PuritySourceLabs Athlete Daily Log

    peeeeled to the bone :)
  12. BodybuildingChampMC

    using sustanon and tbol together

    tbol too high at your age 20mgs is fine with 250mgs sustanon add aromasin and n2guard daily
  13. BodybuildingChampMC

    Skinny frame needs steroid help

    you can do test cycle but 200mgs test with 20mgs dbol and n2guard go slow
  14. BodybuildingChampMC

    Approved Log Testosterone Primobolan Anavar cycle Log

    @JeffSter doing good which protein bar you eat?
  15. BodybuildingChampMC

    sarms for those avoiding steroids?

    12 weeks is what you want go with cardarine gw 20mgs and yk11 10mgs and n2guard
  16. BodybuildingChampMC

    Video Dominate Your Game: The ULTIMATE Wellness and TRT Enhancement Center

    put this on my playlist for tomorrow @dylangemelli :)