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    Bodybuilders of the 70's

    I think the reason the pro are so much bigger today is GH, slin, and I-gf1.
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    favorite labs

    Qv or denkall are the best on the list. I would go with qv becoues the prices are cheaper.
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    Cutting Cycle Cardio?

    I like to do 40-50min of cardio frist thing in the morning 5 times a week.
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    contest cycle

    I would drop eq at 4 weeks out and the prop at 1 week out.
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    T-3 And other fat burners

    Unless you are using AS stay away from T-3.
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    for signs of gyno

    I would go with 20mgs of nolva rest of cycle.
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    Some of the best enanthate i have ever tired. Painless and always over filled.
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    Updated scammers list

    nice post
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    D-Bol and Anti-e's...

    Just have the nolv on hand in case you see sign of gnyo. Bloat can be control with you diet.
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    next cycle suggestions? / EQL

    Have used many of there products and like them alot. Will be using there prop and winny in next cycle.
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    Do You Increase Test Dosage with each cycle

    I only increase dose when i feel the results are getting to slow.
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    EQL quality?

    I have used there test enanthate,deca and just started eq. The deca and eq are painless. The test enanthate was painful but works good. Started mixing it with eq and has help alot with pain. Also all the vails were overfilled. Very good stuff.
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    Wanting some advice on training with reps

    I usally train a mucle group heavy with low reps and low volume than the next time I train i go with high reps and higher volume.
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    What's the week count for everyone?

    14 weeks till my first show. Will start dieting in 2 weeks.
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    Clen or T3

    I hear they work very well together. I will be using both starting in a few weeks.
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    What would you guys advise?

    If he really wants to compete I think its alright for him to juice. As long as his diet and trainning are good. Just make sure its low dose of test.
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    fina time!

    Tren is a great drug for cutting.
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    Few pics before prejudging

    Good job and you look great.
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    EQL are weak

    Most likely its his diet or trainning becouse everyone seems to be doing very well with EQL. I used there deca and it was good for me.