Wanting some advice on training with reps


New member
I've been staying in the 4-6 rep range for a while now and everything is staying the same. I figure I need to change my rep range to shock my muscles but want to be careful that I pick the wrong reps and lose both ways.

I was thinking something along the lines of this:

Biceps: anything with the machine or cables, use 8-10 reps but with the mass builder exercises like preacher curls, stay around the 6 rep range.

Tris: same thing. When using cables, go with 8-12 reps but with brain busters, behind the neck dumbell extensions, stay low around 6.

Chest: stay around the 4-6 rep range with the benchpress but with dumbell flies, try 8-10 reps suppersetting with dips.

Shoulders: dumbell and barbell presses going with 6-8 reps and front and side raises going 8-10 reps with some upright rows to finish off with 10 reps.

Back: I feel like my back needs to be shocked all over so I'm going to stick with 8-10 reps for everything.

Legs: They're growing with the 4-6 rep range so why change it?

Basically what I am doing is for the major mass builders, I'm still keeping it low reps to grow and put mass on while the other, more strict and defineing exercises are seeing higher reps.

Does this sound right? Critique is welcomed!
I didn't jot down all the exercises that I do for the certain body parts, just the jist of my workout.

I didn't want people to think that I only did one or two exercises for a certain body part. I keep everything within 12-15 sets including the end-of-the-day supperset with the targetted muscle.
I usally train a mucle group heavy with low reps and low volume than the next time I train i go with high reps and higher volume.
The best mass builders for bi's and back are barbell curls and deadlifts, respectively.....you didn't have them listed so I thought I'd make a suggestion
I use a barbell with the preacher curl.

So is this a good way to go at it? Low reps for the mass builders and high reps for the exercise that foci on one certain muscle?
I always thought of preachers as a massbuilder. I would consider concentration, 21's, hammers, alternate twisting, as a shaper. I use high reps and squeeze at the top with every rep with the shapers, it hurts so bad it makes my eyes water.