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  1. arrowone

    updated pix-4weeks out

    that is awesome josh... what did hyou weigh? did you hit your 210 goal? congrats bro
  2. arrowone

    biceps injection

    shot my left bi with 1ml of fina... hurt about 10 minutes after for about 1 hour then got better, now it is just sore..
  3. arrowone

    Few pics before prejudging

    excellent bp9. thanks for posting your pics throughout your transformation.. you looked awesome...
  4. arrowone

    EQL dissolving AGENTS

    Im thinking that maybe some of the problems a few guys have might be from allergic reaction to the oil.. do they use peanut oil bass? It is definatly darker than most. some people will have pain and other wont same as with any aas..
  5. arrowone


  6. arrowone

    friend like this...

    sounds like he is an idiot to time he does that in front of someone say yeah if youadd about 60 lbs youll be the same size
  7. arrowone

    where is keli??

    thanks guys Ive been wondering about that puke..
  8. arrowone

    Biker Boyz

    here is my toy
  9. arrowone

    mg 4 mg deca or eq

    deca is better for bulking... either one can be used for bulking, but deca makes you hold more fluid around your joints and helps with pain, cause if you are bulking then you are lifting very heavy..
  10. arrowone

    buyying a house

    hey bro Im a house builder, would you like me to build you one??
  11. arrowone

    Biker Boyz

    biker boys sucked, wish I wouldve watched final destination 2
  12. arrowone

    repping out 225 on the bench

    He'll probably put you in the hold that is in his avatar..LOL
  13. arrowone


    very well put Bellx, well put indeed.. harvey go over to A-P and you'll see what is happening...
  14. arrowone

    Is there an Over the counter substitute for liquidex?

    liquidex is proven and very easy to obtain. So I wouldnt waste any money on OTC supps..
  15. arrowone

    How is this for a first cycle?

    I believe you will like the EQ better than the winnie, for your first cycle...test 500 and EQ 400 per week will do just fine...
  16. arrowone


    no, no, and no... Dont waste your cash on that stuff bro... Use it for more protien..
  17. arrowone

    anyone ever had swelling like this?

    the last 2 times that my buddy started a cycle with enanthate, his leg 1 time and ass 1 time swelled up and got sore as hell for about 7 or 8 days... He doesnt have a problem with anything except enanthate...
  18. arrowone

    Anadrol dosage

    you should also throw in some ALA while on the drol....1-2 grams per day..