Few pics before prejudging


New member
I came in at 184lbs for prejudging, and i won my weight class light heavy, 2nd overall.

Time to get big as mofo again.

I will post more pics when i get em... Developed


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looking good bro... r u still going to post ur diet leading up to the show and how you carb depleted and carb loaded. I want to compete eventually. I just dont understand the whole carb deplete and carb loading thing. I know u lower and raise the carbs during when doing that. But I dont really have any experience putting together a 12-16 week contest diet. Dpsquat has been helping me a little.
Jesus, I'm sitting here eating a 100 grand candy bar thinking, how come I'm not that cut up? You look great man.
Any idea what your bf% was for the comp? BTW, post any leg shots if you can - I've never seen any!
damn good work bro! congrats to you on the show ! I now have to go and slap my gf for drooling over your pics brb !
Finally good job bro..very proud...thanks for everything....congrats to you..and all of your hardwork.....some day man, I hope to be there!!!! the 12th of April show? That's my b-day...go for it man!!!
Sick! You look awesome. Congrats bro!Makes me want to start throwing abs and cardio into my workouts! Well.... lets not get too crazy....
Great job bro...Look out presser he is a LT heavy also:)Maybe we have a mc show at the jersy shore one summer?????
Wow. Great job, bro. You're looking extremely cut, and very symmetrical. Pretty darn big shoulders, too!

Thanks for all the responses, I am waiting on the photographers pics in the mail, till then i got nothing to show, the digital cam i had broke after prejudging. So no pics really till i get the proffesional ones. I will keep you all posted, well this past 2 days i consumed about 10k cals a day, 1000grams carbs, and 500+ grams fat a day... I feel like bloated pig, and got huge headache.

But it was all worth it, time to bulk heavy, so i can get bigger and more full. This was just a learning experience for me, to see if i can do it, dedicate myself to the struggle of dieting. I know what i learned about my body will help a lot long term. Nutrition wise i got more knowledge in my bag now , and i think thats what gets u extra edge, other then genetics and self will power. It has been so much fun, Last 2 weeks were the hardest, low carbs then now carbs then lots of carbs, water intake so low, its now even funny.
Anyway I will keep you guys posted.