Search results

  1. Razo

    Favorite (relatively clean) bulking food?

  2. Razo

    Favorite (relatively clean) bulking food?

    Twinkies, lol. J/p. Pasta.
  3. Razo

    MY contest pics up again!!!!!

    Lookin good bro.
  4. Razo

    Competition Pic

  5. Razo

    new member pic

    Lookin Good Bro.
  6. Razo

    Eating off season

    Good Stuff.
  7. Razo

    Eating off season

  8. Razo

    A simple hairloss tip

    Its all good bro, its in style anywayz. U got the vin diesel thing going. LOL
  9. Razo

    Eating off season

    Very good everyone, abot how many calories are consumed a day?
  10. Razo

    Eating off season

    Whats the deal with u're diet? Everything goes or do u's still watch u're diet?
  11. Razo


    Yea, If u get ICN's make sure u know who u're geting it off. There are fakes out there.
  12. Razo

    Guys at the gym.

    Thats pretty weird.
  13. Razo

    Scammed By superman1975 for $200

    That sucks bro.
  14. Razo

    Thai D-bol

    if it works then do it.
  15. Razo

    Thai D-bol

    Bro, thats alot of tabs. But personally the first time I used d-bol it kicked in well, now I don't feel anything either taking 50mg. Maybe I should try going over.
  16. Razo

    A simple hairloss tip

    Bro take liquid Finasteride. I know a bro who had problems and was losing alot of hair due to AS. It helps alot. Definitley worth taking when doing high doasages of test and c-17 alkylated gear.
  17. Razo

    Admit to Using Gear With Doctors?

    I totally disagree, u should tell u're doctor. Bro he's there to find out the problem not to make things worse. It could be hazardous to u're health if u have a problem caused by AS. It could be a joint or tendon problem. Something u don't know about. Be smart. Health is more important.
  18. Razo

    Employer drug testing

    Yea bro, its really expensive. Those steroid tests are usually done by the NFL and olympic programs, and they still manage to get around the tests.
  19. Razo

    Thai D-bol

    So u're taking 13 tabs a day?