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    Somatrope HGH from mexico. Real or Fake?

    I buddy picked this up in Mexico and gave it to me. Does anyone have any experience with it? This is a link to a generic web image from google. But it looks just like this.
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    Post cycle gyno

    Cabergoline combats prolactin induced gyno.
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    Post cycle gyno

    Use Cabergoline.
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    Whats the fastest way to get into Ketosis?

    You can get there overnight by taking alphalipoic acid at night before bed after eating no carbs all day. I dont remember the exact dosage I used but i think it was like 2000mg of ALA right before bed. You will piss the darkest line on the stick the next day. I only lasted 5 days on that diet.
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    everybody is doin it man
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    What chemical compound is advanced supplements anti-p?

    What chemical compound is advanced supplements anti-p? Liqua fem has adrenalanium which acts real similar to Letrozole right? So letrozole:liquafem::_______:anti-p? For all you SAT buffs.
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    What is in Anti-p??

    Is it corn meal that acts like what?
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    Off cycle Femara use for cutting caused gyno

    anti p with the femara not progesterone
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    Off cycle Femara use for cutting caused gyno

    This happened a couple months before katrina. I took it for about 5 days and quit once the gyno popped up. I couldnt work out for a while after the storm because the gym didnt reopen here till january. My question was just to find out if i could take the progesterone with the femara to cut...
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    Off cycle Femara use for cutting caused gyno

    I havent taken a cycle in a few years. I just started taking the femara to help cut and my gyno went crazy.
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    stretch marks

    Oh and i tried avita tretinoinskin cream and it didnt do a whole hell of a lot.
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    stretch marks

    My best advice is to get a tan and learn to live with them. They arent as noticeable and nasty as you think they are.
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    Off cycle Femara use for cutting caused gyno

    So i was trying to cut up. i have a lot of estrogen(so i thought) related fat on my body on my chest and arms legs. I took liquafem and got a wicked case a gyno in a few days stopped and it cleared up for the most part. Is it high progesterone? Would anti-p help? What is in anti p?
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    Muscle Fatigue on Clen??

    aight cool just makin sure this is normal
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    Lipoderm-Y: Experiences?

    Does the lipoderm work better than yohimburn, I can see that it is much cheaper.
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    Muscle Fatigue on Clen??

    Lactic Acid seems to build up in my muscles more rapidly since taking clen. Walking around campus my calves feel like they are about to freeze up they get so sore and when i run my quads and hams get this way as well. Is this normal?? This never happened b4.
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    Exemestane and Gyno reduction??

    Anyone have any experience with this.
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    are you scared of any bbing drugs?

    Im scared a spiders coach.