Whats the fastest way to get into Ketosis?


New member
Ok guys.. getting ready to start a low carb diet, and would like to know whats the fastest way to hit ketosis? I have heard of people doing it in 6 to 8 hours? Is that possible? Have heard of some using insulin, and other things, etc? How do u do it? Thanks for any help u guys can give!
talk to big A, I remember him saying someting about lower doses of slin, like 2iu I think, every couple of hours. Get in touch with him, he's got experience in that feild
I've been able to do it in the past just through diet alone and it would take roughly 2 days but since I do so much cardio these days I can't go without any carbs for that long. If you're trying to get there through diet alone you really need to check all of your labels and supps because there's lots of hidden carbs in places you wouldn't expect.
Thanks for the help guys, i have done a little reading with the slin, and yes i have found 2iu every couple of hours also. So will have to read more about it. Will AAS really boost the effectiveness of the Bodyopus and ketogenic diets??
You can get there overnight by taking alphalipoic acid at night before bed after eating no carbs all day. I dont remember the exact dosage I used but i think it was like 2000mg of ALA right before bed. You will piss the darkest line on the stick the next day. I only lasted 5 days on that diet.