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  1. CzarShel

    Alright all my Brother & Sister MC'ers...

    You mean something like this?
  2. CzarShel

    Can you get lasting gains from oral

    Well while I believe you can get meaningful gains with certain combinations of orals taken the right way, keeping those gains depends allot on how much of those gains are water retention and how hard you work to maintain those gains.
  3. CzarShel

    growing titties

    I usually use Nolva 20/day and stack other anti-e's like Armi or Femara I also like Proviron in my anti -e stack, It depends on what my AAS stack is like here's a Good piece of info right here when planning out an Anti-e stack to go with your cycle ...
  4. CzarShel

    gone for a few days

    Happy Hunting bro!
  5. CzarShel

    Where are all ya from.......

    Dallas Texas, AKA Big D
  6. CzarShel

    Appetite Stimulants

    Yeah I know what you mean, I've had Major Depressive disorder all my life, and the SSRI's seem to make me eat less.
  7. CzarShel

    New Guy

    Welcome glad to have both of you here at MC :thumbsup:
  8. CzarShel

    Help my girl

    How bout a nice ECA stack and some aerobic exercise?? afternoon walks are good cardio to do with ECA stacks in my opinion, and of course cut the carbs, eat lean and clean, grilled chicken brest, salads ect.
  9. CzarShel

    Appetite Stimulants

    I seem to be insencitive to most AAS, I've done 1000mgTest Eth, 800 EQ, 100 Tren Daily, Dbols, huge doses of Deca and I get minimal results as compared to everyone else I know. so800mg EQ / week in my stack should be no problem. And I'll try the b12 also, that reminds me ...
  10. CzarShel

    Appetite Stimulants

    If I could afford IGF I'd go that way :) Thats something I've been wanting to try for ever
  11. CzarShel

    Appetite Stimulants

    Well sounds like I'm gonna have to thow in about 800mg of EQ in my bulker, Good advice thanks guys Hey Elmonizzle PM me that b12 site please I'll try that too.
  12. CzarShel

    Appetite Stimulants

    Has anyone ever tried the antidepressants: PERIACTIN (cyproheptadine hcl) REMERON (mirtazapine) or LEXAPRO (Escitalopram Oxalate) as an "APPETITE STIMULANT" with any success? How bout just plain old B12 supplements, What I'm getting at is I need to "Eat Like an Animal!!" unfortunately that...
  13. CzarShel

    lets talk slin/IGF-1

    Personally I wouldnt run slin and IGF, just from what I've read and my experiance with slin
  14. CzarShel

    Good news and a nice update for MC!

    Sweeeeet........ Ronnie lives by me out in Arlington TX, if hes still there its been a while. But that sounds awsome, maby some digital pics would go well with that if you have a cam?
  15. CzarShel

    Which test is the best for lean body???

    I think Fina/Tren ed or eod is the best for lean muscle, just my .2
  16. CzarShel

    M1T "Do you have a plan?"

    M1T is the only Prohormone I've gotten really good results with
  17. CzarShel

    What's your favorite cocktail for mass?????

    Test Eth, Deca, and a few orals for especally hard hitting days
  18. CzarShel

    New around here....

    Hey man welcome to MC a wealth of knowledge awaits you in out forums, I'm also on Freekz but rarely get over there.
  19. CzarShel

    help me for liquid arimidex

    Peg400 should work fine