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  1. B

    the Gains keeper formula

    Theres one problem with this, If you do the math, at that dose of EQ for that amount of time assuming a 2 week half life, Your steady state EQ level will be about 800mg a week after 3-4 weeks. so after you stop the EQ 2 weeks later you will still have 400mg in you, a month later 200mg, 6 weeks...
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    HGH question

    I had about a 1 month period where I sensed I was experiencing a GH withdrawl. Nothing bad just kinda felt the opposite of how I felt while I was on it. I went from feeling like I could eat the ebola virus for breakfast to feeling like Im kinda falling apart do to aches and pains. Different...
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    Question about ordering HGH

    Just wondering how strict customs is about confiscating Jintropin? Is it treated like your ordereing antibiotics or like a narcotic? Also what are the chances of it getting confiscated? Isnt someone offering insurance incase it doesnt make it? I dont want to get in trouble, as It would be...
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    lab results..test level is 3300

    It would be nice if someone could be low like that <200 then take whatever amount of test cyp or ent and get tested everyday for a week.......
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    lab results..test level is 3300

    Yeah Body2see is right..............5oomg of test a week will give test levels around 1000ng/dL (if your fully after a month or so). Im really confused by the fact that yours came back at 3300ng/dL.........I would not think that anavar would show up as test.......I know for a fact...
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    what is methyl masteron and Trestolone

    yep I agree.........stick to the basics..........Test is Best!
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    what is methyl masteron and Trestolone

    the full chemical names are 17b-Hydroxy-7a-methylestr-4-en-3-one and 2-alpha, 17-alpha-methyl-androstanolone Can someone tell me what these are? anyone use these?
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    Ever lactated?

    whats the difference between brom and dostinex? they're both DA agonist.........I bought bromo a while ago but was to scared to take it. I hear you feel like crap on it...........Does anyone know if dostinex is more selective? the data on it says its selective to D1 and not D2, but I couldnt...
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    Im much more horney on femara then adex, and feel better too, but adex gets more water out. At 2.5mg femara and 100mg test prop both eod my estrogen was down to 2.9ng/dL..........thats fuckin low
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    question about cialis

    Just wondering if there is any rebound effect. If I dont have a problem and I just take this to be king kong for a few days, willl I not work as well when it wears off. compared to if I had never takin it. Basically is it physically addictive in the short run? in the long run?
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    1-test cyp smells and looks different than normal

    OK I ordered 1-test cyp maybe 6 months ago.........from the results, Its definetely 1-test.......... now before everything went illegal I bought more to stock looks a little different, smells different and is not as white........ the original stuff I ordered first was a white powder...
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    estrogen left over after synovex conversion

    why would you be sensitive? and when you use the syno, do you take nolva or an aromitase inhibitor(s) with it?
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    estrogen left over after synovex conversion

    I know people are using the kits with the estrogen solubizer (spell) but I have yet to read anyone compenting on how well they work at removing the estrogen? Has anyone ever tested the final test prop? I dont want to rely on nolva........ I'd be using 1/2 to 1 gram of prop a week using this...
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    Do you guys really feel the need for liver protectants?

    Dude, liver enzymes change slow........ and I have never heard of anyone having liver problems.......... Dont know of One pro bodybuilder with liver probs.......... they give sick people with blood disorders 5-6 anadrols a day for as long as 30 years before signs of reversable liver damage...
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    Which test is the best for lean body???

    Make your own 1-test cypionate.......... Take a gram a week...... It will blow away even tren/ winny........
  16. B

    1 test

    You can get 1 test cypionate from 1 fast 400........ It doesnt disolve at high concentrations.....stick with 100mg/ml to avoide injection site pain or knots to be more accurate......... As someone with 10 years+ experiance taking AS.......... that is the best shit out there........ Its magic...
  17. B

    Quad injects?

    Dude, Give it time, you will learn where the best spot(s) to put it are......... Use the above info as guide lines and just know that there is a pretty large area thats safe........ In time you will learn where there are the least nerves ON YOUR LEGS. When you go to stick it in, if it hurts a...
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    Do you guys really feel the need for liver protectants?

    Just wondering.......... I never have a problem with my liver enzymes.............. they only get a little high...........
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    Getpins closed???????????

    ahhh........Never mind......... I guessed at the url and I got it right...........ahhhh Relief............. Alright........Good Game everyone.................
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    Getpins closed???????????

    Wierd.............I just checked again and it says "sorry, our store is now closed..." I looked at the url and its? I dunno what happened? can someone pm me the url? I cant remember it.......... thanks!