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  1. D

    Body Opus Diet

    It's the schedule for a Sat and Sun carb load broken down into 8 hr increments. Six 8 hour increments=48hrs=2 days= Sat and Sun. Hope that makes sense for you.
  2. D

    Anyone used Life Re***** products ?

    What do you mean something else in the works? Can you elaborate please?
  3. D

    Be honest, who's tried the 100 rep...

    What is it? Could you post an overview or a link? Thanks.
  4. D

    Skip- Blasting/cruising?

    Skip, I saw that you are now working with DC to put on more size. My question is, are you following his blasting/crusiing methods, or still doing your own thing as far as gear is concerned? Thanks and good luck.
  5. D

    SKIP-All the whey?

    Skip, I know you love Synthetek products, but have you ever used all the whey isolate? If so, what did you think? Thanks.
  6. D

    Long Term IGF

    Has anyone run IGF for 8 weeks or longer consecutively? Do the gains really slow down after 4 weeks? Thanks.
  7. D

    PARIS HILTON...mmmmmmmm

    Wait until her porno tape is released.
  8. D

    Progressive Cycles

    Weight I see where your coming from. I obviously didn't make myself clear. The 6 days of GH are not normal use days. On the 6 days of use you jack up the dose to 18iu's a day. The doses are split up throughout the day. This method has been done successfully by many people. As far as me...
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    Progressive Cycles

    Weight While I have no experience personally with the GH blasts, it is not information gathered predominately from articles. Many of the people I speak with have used this method with excellent results. It seems (anecdotally) to be backed up by research, namely mimicking the body's natural...
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    Progressive Cycles

    Weight That's interesting, because everything I've seen indicates that the fat starts to come off after prolonged usage of GH, while the "blasts" are great for muscle growth. Can you detail some of your experiences? Thanks.
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    Progressive Cycles

    LA I agree with your point, but it's not necessarily all about HPTA shutdown, but about super saturating the androgen receptors before your body can respond with a negative response. Action/Reaction. You built the mass quickly with the androgens, now use the IGF to let your body get...
  12. D

    Progressive Cycles

    Weight With 10 weeks you would be running into the same problem. The body would adjust itself for the prolonged hormone levels. The idea is to get a non steroidal mechanism to maintain your support systems. Also, why would you not gain off of GH in 4 weeks? I've heard of plenty of guys that...
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    Progressive Cycles

    Double J Just a thought, but the rationale behind long cycles is so that your body gets used too the new mass and adjusts it set point and adds support systems for the new muscle. I believe you could do the same thing by using short acting androgens for a high dose for 4-6 weeks. Then, 2...
  14. D

    I SEE YOU DIEZEL666!! Welcome bro...

    Thanks Thanks for the warm welcome guys. Skip, my browser at work just got upgraded, so now I can view this site. I'm still looking forward to working with you for the upcoming contest season. Phil H. is helping me put on some more mass right now. Hopefully I can contribute something among...