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  1. sirben187

    d-bol and bloating

    Good advice from TNT. When I'm getting these symptoms, I take two Zantac 75 every morning (for a total of 150mg) which as stated above is the prescription strength. Stuff works great. You should be proactive and try something, as this is going to effect your calorie intake and your workouts...
  2. sirben187

    d-bol and bloating

    I think franconian is talking about his stomache gets bloated after he eats, as in he needs some TUMS or something. While on a bulking cycle I get terrible indigestion and heartburn towards the end, from gorging myself for months. Franconian, I believe your digestive system may not like the...
  3. sirben187

    Frontloading Debate

    I raised this topic at CEM and you guys have got to see this thread that ran on that board RE: frontloading. You need a master's degree to understand half of it, but very interesting nontheless.
  4. sirben187

    igf & headaches

    From the way you guys describe them, they sound like tension headaches.
  5. sirben187

    Why Take or NOT Take Finasteride

    Cool, you will find with research that people say not to use Deca & Finasteride together. This is because the 5AR Enzyme reduces nandrolone to Dihydronandrolone, an even less harsh hormone on the hairline, prostate, etc. I, however, found no problems using Deca & Finasteride. I haven't heard...
  6. sirben187

    Frontloading Debate

    Also, some people use the term "frontloading" when they speak of using Dbol or prop at the beginning of a cycle w/ longer esters for a kick start. This isn't the same as frontloading... it's more like "Kickstarting".
  7. sirben187

    Frontloading Debate

    Ok, I've seen this debate on different boards, and also in a thread here at MC. Here is an extremely interesting post I found at muscletalk UK regarding frontloading. I have yet to hear an explanation of why this doesn't work as outlined below: Courtesy of Bigfella: "Here is an example to...
  8. sirben187

    Why Take or NOT Take Finasteride

    Propeica I have been taking 1mg propecia every day for the last 5 years. I got on it initially to prevent any potential hair loss, since all the men in my family are chrome-domes. (Propecia is best used as preventive medicine). The first thing I noticed (after about 3 months) was the amount...
  9. sirben187

    Low dose T-3

  10. sirben187

    Low dose T-3

    Does anybody use a low dose of T-3 to increase cellular activity while bulking? Say 12.5 mcg ED or EOD? If so, was there a noticible difference in gains? Was there a difference in BF% while bulking? How about sides? I am very interested in this concept and would appreciate any feedback.
  11. sirben187

    methanabol vs. other d-bol

    You're good to go with the BD's.
  12. sirben187

    Read this "crooked cop" story

    i hope he gets ass-raped in prison by a 250lb nazi with AIDS.
  13. sirben187

    Clen during PCT..

    thanks for replies, bumping for more.
  14. sirben187

    Clen during PCT..

    WHo does this? Do you believe it has anti-catabolic effects?
  15. sirben187

    VERY good question on d-bol!

    They are both chemically exactly the same. The generic name's differ because the products originate from different countries. for example mexican dbol will have the name methandionone, while american dbol was called methandrostenolone. They are all good old fashioned "DBol". Hope this helps.
  16. sirben187

    SYD group or QV

    I've used QV Products with no problems whatsoever (prop was painful though). Agree they underfill a little. I personally like Denkall for mex gear, if your supplier has it.
  17. sirben187

    delt injections?????

    Try this link. Much better than spotinjections dot com if you ask me. It shows where a health professional would inject you. Never heard of a doctor or nurse injecting intramuscular in the chest or trap muscle!
  18. sirben187

    winny for the last 6 weeks?

    MoNizzle, my "last 6 weeks" run up to the day before clomid.
  19. sirben187


    Are you using tabs or depot? When I first used winny I used tabs at 25mg ED, although I think you'd be ok at 50mg ED oral or injectable. If oral, split your dose up morning and night.
  20. sirben187


    I like winny for the last 6 weeks @ 50mg ED.