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  1. D

    nolvadex or dbol?

    excellent, thanks guys...
  2. D

    nolvadex or dbol?

    Hey guys, I have a bit of a delemma. I have dbol and nolva, both in powder form which the labels have come off of, and I don't know which is which. one is very fine, like flower and sticks to sides, and the other is more like very fine grain sand or salt and falls to bottom of bag. any help...
  3. D

    Cycle advice for a friend...

    bump irish, get him gaining naturally first..and if it'thickness he wants I'd go w/ deca and test, maybe even some dbol at the beginning, skip the winny, sounds like his body will naturally lean out after anyway....
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    Long-term goals

    I think we just did....:D
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    Long-term goals

    I suggested avoiding orals in order to put as little stress as possible on your body due to the length of cycle, not cuz you'll lose the gains...
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    Long-term goals

    if you don't like blowing up then shrinking then IMO low to moderate dosed cycles that run 16+ weeks works better for me. stick w/ the "safer" compounds like deca, EQ,primo, test E or Cyp and keep blood levels even. stay away from stuff like dbol, anadrol or any oral for that matter....
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    Injection and Blood

    you die....:D
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    measured droppers

    excellent, thanks bro...
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    measured droppers

    hey guys, anyone know where I can get some vials or bottles w/ a measured dropper? I'm mixing up some orals and thought this would be easier than drawing w/ a syringe every time. I did find some online but they are made for perfume and measured in drams....any help would be appreciated... thanks
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    Prop wtf?

    bump brew, sounds about right...
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    Prop pain and why?

    half life of prop is 4.5 days, try adding some sterile oil, I had same problem and this solved completly...
  12. D

    Acne On Cycle - Grr.

    I have to clean my face, kneck and head w/ rubbing alcohol, pretty much everything I shave, otherwise I break out...
  13. D

    Human Study - Milk

    normally I'd say go w/ 1% but since you're drinking 2 gallons I'd say skim, more protien versus calories and since it's more watery you'll have an easier time chugging all day. Good luck bro, I'm with you, milk is great!
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    Masteron/Test Prop

    the masteron should take the edge off the prop. I have some masteron that's 200mg/ml and prop that's 150mg/ml, so I don't think it'll be a problem...
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    Tren ace 75mg/ml

    go w/ imty1999's recipe, I always go w/ about 3% BA w/ no problems as well, completely painless...
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    Is arnold really this out of shape???

    that was taken about the time T3 came out, most of the shots from t3 were computer generated, whether it ws aftr his accident I have no idea...
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    B-12 question

    yup, getpinz has alway worked for me. I don't see why you can't shoot your butt, thighs and shoulders are just easier IMO...
  18. D

    Deca Cycle (Thanks For Everyones Input)

    bump brew, the nolva wont help the gyno you get from deca, but people rarely get gyno from it, 400mgs is fine, I would consider at least replacing the test the deca will be surpressing, this will help w/ libido and lethargy issues. My buddy does this and has FAR better results compared to just...
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    REFORVIT-B need review

    worked well, especially for the money, I did inject w/ no problems, but only on days I had to shoot other AS, figured WTF, might as well throw some in, agree w/ MMX2, would filter just to be safe....
  20. D

    B-12 question

    you'll see the blood, much thicker and darker, bigworm6, you are make it much tougher for yourself IMO, just get some slin pins and shout 1cc EOD in your shoulder, EOD or ED shot w/ a slin pin is nothing compare to shooting w/ bigger pins, why put yourself though more pain than you need to? I...