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    who here has taken equipose??

    i'd think most people have used it. any way vascularity is the perk of eq imo. also hunger for most people but i never have that prob any how. the vascularity seems to pretty much stay.
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    anadrol and omnadren = no results

    you need to run the drugs longer. you're ot giving yourself enough time. i'd up the doses, too. 500mg of sustanon is nothing when you break it down. 500mg of enanthate is way more effective. deca takes some time to begin working so when you cut it short at 3 weeks you're just beginning to see...
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    What is your definition of a crazy dosage?

    most of my cycles are in your insane range. 2g's test and a g of eq. 150mg drol sometimes. i pretty much run 1500-2000mg of test per cycle and then something else. but that tren dose is insane to me. 250mg + eod is nuts to me.
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    EMERGENCY, need advice immedialtely

    it sounds like too much ba. or maybe the esters are seperating once the ba/bb has disipated.
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    Injectable Prohormones

    is that the md with jimmy canyons abs on the cover? i didn't notice the ph's in that issue. guess i'll ave to look through it again.
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    Better pump on crea than on M1t...

    i take 15, too. only because i feel that some of that is wasted before it all gets used.
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    Better pump on crea than on M1t...

    you're body supposedly can use approx 10g's of creatine supplementation a day and then it will waste the rest.
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    Creatine Might be next to get banned

    whey is banned in a few northern european countries and a few mid eastern or asian ones. i can't remember them off hand. creatine has been banned in france (haha fuck them any way) and also spain i think. not 100% on spain though but it's another one of the larger western european countries.
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    Creatine Might be next to get banned

    it doesn't matter. they'll ban whatever the hell they want. there are countries where protein is banned. i doubt that the situation ill ever come to that though but creatine is banned all ready n some places and i can def see this gov't taking the axe to it. it's so funny when you compare it to...
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    Enan Powder

    it should be white and paste-like. sort of like crisco as somebody else put it. if it's kind of liquidy you might not have a good quality powder. that would mean it was breaking down too early.
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    Progesterone and Estrogen question

    bromocriptine is what you use with tren.
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    Mr Gyno!

    i would stack nolva/proviron. i've seen sensitive guys run 40 nolva/100 prov and be on a g of test and deca. you could even switch the nolva to letro/aromasin/rimi/etc. but i would raise the dose on any of them. obviously you're real sensitive if 2mg rimi isn't cutting it. when you see the early...
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    Hi all Middle east bodybuilder here ... got a question related to gh .

    right! i run a g a week of test on almost every cycle and i've run up to 2500mg before. that's how you get to the next level, unfortunately. at least for competitors. never had any bloodwork issues at all either. eq and deca combined is a good combo. you get the vascularity and appetite from the...
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    Most hated bodybuilder of all time

    that's the one i was thinking of. if he got xrayed you'd see the synthol. just like ernie taylor's tri's. he probably mixed synthol in with the steroids. none the less he looks like a complete fool. he went way too far. all this publicity just makes it even worse.
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    Most hated bodybuilder of all time

    he's not a bodybuilder. he's a just a douche bag. i know the guy. and i absolutely hate him. i used to see him all over the place. night clubs, bars, diners, you name it. i knock md 2 notches down for having him as a columnist in their magazine. or maybe jr did it to show how much of an idiot he...
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    Hi all Middle east bodybuilder here ... got a question related to gh .

    are there any american bodybuilders where you're at? i had considered going to eqypt for a while to train but i'm sketchy about my safety. a friend in west bank said things are ok there.
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    Hi all Middle east bodybuilder here ... got a question related to gh .

    700 drol isn't that bad. at least for 4 weeks or less. 7 weeks is pushing it. i've seen guys run 300 a day but only for the first week. that is insane. just take you liver protects and you'll be fine. especially over there. you've probably got easy access to stuff like tationil?
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    Hi all Middle east bodybuilder here ... got a question related to gh .

    it won't make a difference. the gh will still work fine. what is your cycle?
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    Anal procedure

    when i was in high school this guy i know was banging some chick and when he went to stick it her ass she shit all over him. to make matters worse it was in somebody's bedroom at a party. to this day when you mention her name around town people go 'you mean the girl that......'