
  1. T

    Anyone ever try restricted blood flow training?

    Where you use bands to wrap around yr arms and thighs? If so any luck or is it just another fad??
  2. drtbear1967

    Citrulline Malate - Need to know.

    Citrulline is an aminoacid with an important role in the urea cycle. Taking citrulline increases levels of ornithine and arginine and improves the nitric oxide metabolism. It can be used where NO is relevant (ED, athletic performance and cardiovascular health). ♥️ Citrulline is produced in our...
  3. drtbear1967

    Iso Hold INfo.

    When we talk about tendon stiffness, we're essentially discussing how well a tendon can transmit force. A less stiff tendon can be thought of as a thin rubber band whereas a stiffer tendon would be a much thicker rubber band. Which one snaps with more force? The thicker one, of course! Adding...
  4. B

    Blood results + cycle

    I tested hormones for the first time in my life. I have not used any hormones for 5 years Btw, I have completed around five steroid cycles (stuff: test e/p, eq, tren, winny, EQ, masteron,... ), but nothing for the last 5 years. I have been in endurance sports for the last 5 years. Before that...
  5. paul585

    Eye vision loss because of Sustanon 250...

    Increase Blood pressure is one the side effect of Sustanon 250, When we take Sustanon 250 steroid can raise blood pressure and also eye pressure. This is true for the many steroid forms. Eye drops and oral medications are more likely to cause eye issues. Very high doses of Sustanon 250 steroids...
  6. jimbosmith316

    Why Dietary Cholesterol Does Not Matter (For Most People)

    Why Dietary Cholesterol Does Not Matter (For Most People) Written by Kayla McDonell, RD on September 26, 2019 OVERVIEW High blood cholesterol levels are a known risk factor for heart disease. For decades, people have been told that the dietary cholesterol in foods raises blood cholesterol...
  7. drtbear1967

    Insulin Sensitivity and Abs

    You may be one of those poor bastards that retains a roll of fat around his waist no matter how much you diet and how lean you get. That "tubey" look may reflect insulin resistance. While your instinct might be to adopt a low-carb diet, it doesn't fix the problem. What's more, a chronic low-carb...
  8. drtbear1967

    100 Rep Leg Press - Just do it.

    100 Rep Leg Presses, Every Training Day – Start every workout (not just leg workouts but all of them) with 100 reps on the leg press. Use a very light weight. You might even want to start with the empty sled and try to get all 100 reps unbroken using a moderate speed and tempo. Don't go slow...
  9. drtbear1967

    BFR Training

    BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION TRAINING . It’s important to base the amount of pressure off your own personal arterial occlusion pressure. Being objective and accurate are the main assets that @smarttoolsusa blood flow restriction training provides through use of an external doppler. This allows us to...
  10. drtbear1967

    Why getting in enough protein is a must.

    ⁣ I know, I know. It’s hard. It takes time to prepare. You don’t enjoy it all that much. It makes you too full, etc. etc.⁣ ⁣ But would you rather put in a little extra effort to plan and prep and allow your body to adjust to eating more, or keep struggling to reach your goal?⁣ ⁣ If you aren’t...
  11. Presser

    Q: A Lot Of My Guy Friends Are Taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Is It Worth Considering? Is It "Cheating?"

    Q: A Lot Of My Guy Friends Are Taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Is It Worth Considering? Is It "Cheating?"Both free and total testosterone levels tend to decline with age. This is totally normal and natural, but at the same time, it's no fun. And when you also like to train hard and lift...
  12. Presser

    Testosterone Effects On Muscle Mass, Fertility, and Overall Health

    Testosterone is one of the most important tools in your body to grow, repair, and thrive. It's also an increasingly popular medical treatment for men looking to pause —or even reverse —the clock. If you're trying to naturally raise your testosterone levels or are considering taking a...
  13. Boomer

    Dbol = headaches

    Anyone else get huge headaches from dbol? The back of my head throbs and im assuming it blood pressure related. Im just on 7 days of use and i wake up with this headache and it doesn't go away. Im thinking i should stop the dbol and continue with my test e Any thoughts?
  14. drtbear1967

    Dangers of Energy Drinks

    For many young people, reaching for an energy drink is like grabbing a cup of coffee. Whether it’s studying for an upcoming exam, staying awake on the road, and getting an energy boost before a party, young people are relying on energy drinks to get more out of their day. However, energy drink...
  15. Vision

    Vision's blood work on TRT with P.S.L Mast-E and Proviron

    Here's my recent bloods on 200mg Pharma script Test Cyp with Euro-Pharmacies PROVIRON and Masteron As many of you know I blast & cruise, more blasting than cruising with switch hitting.. I had blood work that was expected to be pulled from my Doc, he actually forgot and I had to remind him, it...
  16. Vision

    Vision's blood work on TRT with P.S.L Mast-E and Proviron

    Here's my recent bloods on 200mg Pharma script Test Cyp with Euro-Pharmacies PROVIRON and Masteron As many of you know I blast & cruise, more blasting than cruising with switch hitting.. I had blood work that was expected to be pulled from my Doc, he actually forgot and I had to remind him, it...
  17. Vision

    💪💪Painful pumps while on gear/Orals? Here's why💪💪

    Here's some info I put together and a study included.. It can apply to back,forarms,shins, etc etc.. I'll high-lite in blue what may be the trigger mechanism in the back..It's known as "CECS".. AAS induced forearm pump? Well, it may be a little more than that! Over the years we've seen...
  18. drtbear1967

    Relieve Allergies with a workout.

    by Matt Weik Allergies have the ability to knock us on our butt when we least expect it. We are left with itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, pressure in our sinuses, fatigue, and even sometimes pain. The first thing we think to do is either go to the doctor or go in search of an over-the-counter...
  19. Presser


    reclaim your mojo A Testosterone therapy Guide for men: <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(45, 45, 45); font-family: "Titillium Web", sans-serif; font-size: 18px;"></header> Testosterone levels naturally decrease as men age, so maintaining healthy...
  20. drtbear1967

    Avoid High GI foods for weight loss

    For weight loss, the claim that high GI foods are to be avoided arises because increases in blood glucose and insulin results in a subsequent crash of blood glucose supposedly increasing hunger. . Evidence exists to support this claim; however, one meta-analysis would describe that the GI of a...