
  1. drtbear1967

    Methylliberine - New Nootropic

    One of the newest nootropic supplements on the market is methylliberine, most commonly seen as the branded Dynamine. Methylliberine is known as a methylurate, which differs structurally from methylxanthines(caffeine, theobromine) by having an oxo group on the 5 membered ring, and is more similar...
  2. drtbear1967

    Food Fiber vs Supplemental Fiber

    We’re all repeatedly reminded of the importance for proper intake of carbohydrates, fats and protein. What also needs to be remembered, however, is having a balanced intake of dietary fibers. Dietary fibers can mainly be found in cereals, fruits and vegetables. Most people are only eating about...
  3. drtbear1967

    What all vegan bodybuilders need to know.

    Vitamin B12 is one of our essential vitamins. It’s vital for DNA-synthesis, red blood cell formation and neurological function. B12 can mainly be found in animal products, including fish, eggs, milk products, meat and chicken. People at risk for developing B12 deficiency are not just...
  4. drtbear1967

    Fasting to Increase GH

    Fasting to increase growth hormone In 1982, Kerndt et al published a study of a single patient who decided to undergo a 40-day fast for religious purposes. Glucose goes down. From 96 initially, it drops to 56. Insulin goes way, way down. Starting at 13.5, it quickly drops to 2.91 and stays...
  5. drtbear1967

    Determining normal T levels

    Most doctors don't measure testosterone. Historically, it just hasn't been part of the standard health panel, but it should be. If they do measureT levels, they'll almost always measure something called total testosterone, which is a measurement of the total amount of T flowing through your...
  6. Boomer

    My pre workout - not as good as I thought

    So in the many many years I have invested in training I have never really taken a pre workout apart from an espresso coffee. So I decided to do a little research and found out that citrulline malate was one of the main ingredients which created the pump affect through vasodilation. I combine...
  7. drtbear1967

    Can Insulin help build muscle?

    Can Insulin help you build muscle? “Eat some candy after your workout, you need to keep those insulin levels high bro, that’s how you get jacked”. No “bro”, it isn’t. Insulin is a hormone that tells your body’s cells to use the sugar in your blood. It is a so called “anabolic”...
  8. drtbear1967

    Olive Oil Extract - Why you need to take it.

    theguerillachemist Olive oil extract is often found in supplements for fat loss and vasodilation, but the main reason one should take this supplement is its main constituent is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Oleocanthal, one of the main polyphenolics in olive oil acts an a cyclooxygenase...
  9. 8

    Where I get uncapped blood test

    Someone recently told me that LabCorp caps all there blood test at 1500nh/dL is this true? I was told there is a way around that. What do I need to do in order to make sure I get an in capped panel done?
  10. H

    High Blood Pressure

    My blood pressure was 120/80 ish mid July last year. When I was on just test it went to about 130/85 but then gradually kept increasing then stablised at around 140/85. Once off cycle and doing PCT, it was still a bit high, around 135/80. Now I am on some tri-test (400mg/ml) and tren...
  11. Presser

    Training Over 40 On Testosterone TRT – HRT - Steroids

    <figure class="entry-thumbnail" style="margin: 0px 0px 1.25rem; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: inherit; font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align...
  12. D

    lowering red blood cell count

    Ok Guru's. My rbc are too high, prob from the trt, just got test results, 19.4 . My Dr. said I have to get to 17.5. He controls my trt so I want him to be happy, and I get 200 mg a week. Now the question, I will be taking tren soon, other than donating blood and drinking lot's of water, is there...
  13. A

    Sickness The aggregate plasma USA Diet Plan investigate.

    USA Diet Plan (the harbingers androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosteone into USA Diet Plan in the liver, fat tissue and skin. It skims in the blood in two structures, one related with transport proteins (30 40% bound to egg whites and 0 0% bound to SHBG or TeBG and SBP , the other free. For...
  14. T

    My Dr wants blood labs done and I'm on cycle! :( any advice?

    OK so I'm seeing a Dr for my diastasis recti and atrophied left tricep, hes been cool as shit to me so far, Now he's sending me to PT for both these and he wants a blood panel done. I think he;s pretty anti steroid (as most Drs) and hes asked me if I'm taking them, and thinking my insurance...
  15. drtbear1967

    Educating on the Why and How.

    by Matt Weik I ran into a scenario while my grandmother was in the hospital that sparked the concept of this article. We (I guess I can only speak for myself as I’m not sure your situation) are in the health and fitness industry. Some of us (like myself) are certified to work with individuals...
  16. Presser


    CAN RESISTANCE TRAINING IMPROVE CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH? You want to build muscle? Lift weights. You want to strengthen your heart? Put your running shoes on. This has been the conventional belief of every gym rat who has ever grumbled his (or her) way through thirty minutes on the treadmill...
  17. L

    ED Issues

    I have been making comments about my ED problems for well over a year. Well, I think I have finally got the answer. Had blood work done and my Estradiol is highly elevated. The range I should be in is 7.6-42.6. Mine was 265.8!! Would arimidex be something I should be taking? If so, how much? .5...
  18. K

    What kind of results can I expect from 200MG of Test C and 400MG of EQ?

    I am 45 years old 5'11 and fluctuate between 185lbs to 190lbs with body fat at 11%. I was very active in martial arts and weight training from my late teens to my late twenties and stopped in my early 30's to focus on career and building a family. At 40 (4 kids later and finished) I decided to...
  19. Musclebeauty

    Whey Protein's Impact on Insulin Resistance & Blood Glucose

    If you've*been in the lifting game for a semi-significant period of time, you've heard the Joe Gym-bro mantra that consuming whey protein and simple carbohydrates like dextrose immediately post-workout is crucial to "spike" insulin levels and maximize muscle protein synthesis (MPS).*Since the...
  20. Musclebeauty


    Nutrition*is an extremely complex science that deals with a system so intricate that it is oft difficult to fathom. Our bodies require many different things from the food we eat and we need the specific sustenance they offer in varying quantities and forms. One of the largest factors in...