
  1. B


    For those who have used primobolan, what do you notice the most when you use it? Does it build lean mass for you? How would you classify it?
  2. drtbear1967

    What's the End Game for most Bodybuilders

    by Matt Weik Let’s be honest for a minute. Bodybuilders don’t make much money at all. In fact, you and I probably make more than majority of them annually. Unless you are a TOP competitor, this sport won’t pay your bills. TOP EARNERSRight now, you have a few bodybuilders who have had a...
  3. Presser

    Free Sarm Sciences "S4" With All (BUY 4) & (BUY 6) IGF 1 lr3 Orders.

    Free Sarm Sciences "S4" With All (BUY 4) & (BUY 6) IGF 1 lr3 Orders.IGF-1 Lr3 Specials Listed Below: (BUY 2) IGF 1 lr3 $150 Plus Free Aqua-Dex (BUY 4) IGF-1 Lr3 Get 5th Free $250 Plus Free Sarm S4 (BUY 6) IGF-1 Lr3 Get 7th Free + For $350 Plus Free Sarm S4 (BUY 10) IGF 1 lr3 Is Now Available...
  4. drtbear1967

    3 ways to build muscle in less time

    There will be days where you can’t even spend a full hour in the gym. Responsibilities pull for your attention, important events fill up your calendar, and annoying meetings seemed to be scheduled at the most inconvenient hours. Here’s are 3 scientific ways to condense your workouts while still...
  5. drtbear1967

    High Protein Diets.

    This study compared a typical bodybuilder’s diet (~1g/lb protein) with a diet even higher in protein (~1.5g/lb). Both groups underwent an 8-week training program and had similar gains in muscle mass. However, the high protein group lost significantly more fat mass even while taking in about...
  6. drtbear1967

    Beginners - Just do something!!

    Beginners are often concerned with what method they should use to build muscle. The good news is that regardless of method a beginner almost always builds muscle easily during their first months of training. . There are even studies showing that novice runners build muscle without lifting...
  7. drtbear1967

    Lifting weights will not make you bulky!!

    Lifting weights will not make women bulky! Lifting weights will not make women bulky!On average, 30% of a woman’s bodyweight is composed of muscle, while men have around 40%. Women actually gain a bit more muscle, percentage-wise, initially, but the absolute amount of muscle gained...
  8. drtbear1967

    Can Insulin help build muscle?

    Can Insulin help you build muscle? “Eat some candy after your workout, you need to keep those insulin levels high bro, that’s how you get jacked”. No “bro”, it isn’t. Insulin is a hormone that tells your body’s cells to use the sugar in your blood. It is a so called “anabolic”...
  9. H

    Building muscle - trying to understand something

    Is this true: "an average person can build a max 5-6lbs of muscle a year when using anabolics". If not, how to build more muscle (with fat is fine)? What is the best roid to help with this? Just test, good diet and lifting heavy? Money isn't an issue, I am just fed up of how I look, really...
  10. Presser

    Train Your Mind To Build Your Body – Building Muscle Is A Mindset

    <header class="entry-header clearfix" style="margin: 0px 0px 1.25rem; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: inherit; font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align...
  11. drtbear1967

    You have to put in the work.

    One of the most underused muscle-building habits is keeping track of progress. If you want to build the most muscle in the shortest amount of time possible, you need to measure your success. In the kitchen this means, yes, tracking your calories. I understand that it's inexact, a pain in the...
  12. 9

    Khabib Nurmagomedov helping build water wells in Nigeria

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Presser

    Andarine - Aqua-Dex - Free With IGF 1 lr3 Orders. New (BUY 10) IGF 1 Lr3 Special.

    Free Sarm Sciences "S4" With All (BUY 4) & (BUY 6) IGF 1 lr3 Orders. IGF-1 Lr3 Specials Listed Below: (BUY 2) IGF 1 lr3 $150 Plus Free Aqua-Dex (BUY 4) IGF-1 Lr3 Get 5th Free $250 Plus Free Sarm S4 (BUY 6) IGF-1 Lr3 Get 7th Free + For $350 Plus Free Sarm S4 (BUY 10) IGF 1 lr3 Is Now...
  14. Presser

    Andarine - Aqua-Dex - Free With IGF 1 lr3 Orders. New (BUY 10) IGF 1 Lr3 Special.

    Free Sarm Sciences "S4" With All (BUY 4) & (BUY 6) IGF 1 lr3 Orders. IGF-1 Lr3 Specials Listed Below: (BUY 2) IGF 1 lr3 $150 Plus Free Aqua-Dex (BUY 4) IGF-1 Lr3 Get 5th Free $250 Plus Free Sarm S4 (BUY 6) IGF-1 Lr3 Get 7th Free + For $350 Plus Free Sarm S4 (BUY 10) IGF 1 lr3 Is Now...
  15. 9

    Build Punching Power in The Gym

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. drtbear1967

    So you want to build Big Arms?

    This is a great exercise to improve the size of your biceps, yet it's rarely used, mostly because it doesn't allow for a lot of weight to be lifted and some egos just can't deal with that. Also, this exercise requires perfect form and control – things the average gym-bro doesn't have. . The drag...
  17. drtbear1967

    Your hormones as you get shredded.

    People often associate a shredded physique (low body fat) with strength and athleticism. While you may look like ‘you don't even lift’ with your shirt on, being shredded exudes power and physical prowess when you're bare-chested. __ 🎛But what's going on beneath those carved-up muscles? __ 🔬To...
  18. drtbear1967

    Brand Loyalty - Yes or No?

    by Matt Weik I was outside getting some work done a little bit ago and I saw a FedEx truck making a delivery to my neighbor’s house. I wondered what all they got so I went and opened the boxes. Just kidding. But, seeing the FedEx truck made me think about brand loyalty. Personally, for me, I’m...
  19. N

    Hey there

    Hello. Recently i decided to join this forum and hope it will be so useful and attractive. Thanks a lot for all the information placed here! I want to get new knowledge and build the body of my dream. And little about me - i'm new to this but not to bodybuilding. I'm doing this for 3 years on...
  20. Presser

    Best Weight Training Methods To Build Muscle Mass. High Intensity Versus High Volume Repetitions

    <hgroup style="box-sizing: border-box; word-wrap: break-word;">Training Effectively To Build Muscle Mass with High Intensity Training and High Volume Repetitions</hgroup>Bodybuilding has been a mainstream sport and fitness activity for several decades now. However there is still a debate over...