
  1. Pushtoday

    What is Anabolic:Androgenic Ratio?

    Anabolic steroids are derivatives of testosterone which share two types of activity–muscle building (anabolic) and non-muscle male sex hormone related activity (androgenic): Anabolic, meaning that they promote anabolism (cell growth) Androgenic (or virilising), meaning that they affect the...
  2. Nikon

    Trenbolone Acetate: King of Kings!

    I've never tried Tren because I've heard a few too many horror stories about some pretty harsh sides. Well, I have decided that the only way I'm going to find out how it treats me is to try it out. I'll be giving it a go pretty soon, and I thought it would be cool to share a little info with...
  3. gandhisays

    Anadrol 50 Cycle , Side Effects, Dosages. Oxymetholone in Bodybuilders

    Anapolon steroid - What is Anapolon 50 ? Anapolon steroid use , drug info ,and side effects .The active chemical substance : oxymetholone Brand names : Anapolon 50, Anadrol 50 , Anadrolon 50 , Anasteron, Androlic, Dynasten, Gemodenin, Oxymetholone, Oxytozone 50, Plenastril, Rinasteron...
  4. akn

    A Look Into Methoxygonadiene (MAX LMG)

    by Josh Hodnik Looking back to 1996, the first legal steroids were available over the counter with the introduction of androstenedione and a handful of other pro-hormones. With all of the nors, dioes, and diols that have come and gone since, it can be confusing as to which ones truly work. Many...
  5. RagingWhoreMoan

    DASCA PASSES End of Prohormones

    The Designer Steroid Control Act of 2014 (H.R. 4771), the latest in a long line of legislative actions intended to bring an end to the sale of anabolic steroids, was passed by a voice vote in the House of Representatives recently. The bill still needs to pass the Senate before being signed into...
  6. Presser

    1-ANDROSTERONE (1-TESTOSTERONE) Twice Potency of Testosterone! 1-DHEA Dosing Cycles

    1-ANDROSTERONE (1-TESTOSTERONE) – GUIDEPosted <time datetime="2014-09-24T19:51:20+00:00" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); ">2014</time> by Tuned Sports Prelude 1-androsterone (aka 1-DHEA) is a prohormone that...
  7. RagingWhoreMoan


    'Methyldienolone' The chemically-structured 'little cousin' of Methyltrienolone , one of the most potent steroids ever developed, 'MethylDienolone,' which also goes by the names 'Methyldien' & it's true, structural designation 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxyestra-4,9(10)dien-3-one, is one of the newest...
  8. HackTwat

    Cheque Drops (Mibolerone)

    Cheque Drops Mibolerone Mibolerone was initially as a veterinary product used to keep female dogs under control while they are in heat by shutting down the cycling of their ovaries. With proper timing, breeders are able to regulate the heat cycles of their b*tches. Eventually, athletes began to...
  9. guardianactual

    Q&A W/ IFBB Pro MHN - methylhydroxynandrolone

    Q. What are your thoughts on this? I can't really find any reviews from people who have used it. Sounds promising on paper, but still need more real life information before I look more into it. </br> </br> A. MHN reminds me of a Winstrol like compound, I've used it once and have seen it used...