
  1. Boomer

    Test + decca + ???

    Hey guys, Throw some of your experience this way. I've done test andndecca cycles before but this time around I was wanting to add another compound in around the half way mark... What have u noticed to work well together with test n decca.. I know the old test decca dbol works but dbol...
  2. Boomer

    Bridging between cycles?

    Curious to know what people think/do between cycles. I have done about 6 cycles in total over the last 10years and I have always had a long break between them... This time around I would like to cycle back to back but am wondering if there are ways to stay more anabolic between cycles.. I want...
  3. B

    Blood results + cycle

    I tested hormones for the first time in my life. I have not used any hormones for 5 years Btw, I have completed around five steroid cycles (stuff: test e/p, eq, tren, winny, EQ, masteron,... ), but nothing for the last 5 years. I have been in endurance sports for the last 5 years. Before that...
  4. J

    Grappling sports and performance enhancers

    Hey guys, I am a long time competitor in a grappling based sport and in my thirties now. I’ve always been ‘clean’ but getting a little older and competing against juiced up 20 yr olds I am starting to feel a little on the back foot! If it was MMA then I am pretty against performance enhancers...
  5. Boomer

    Face bloat

    Hey guys hope everyone has been well. Im sure many of us suffer from the same problem while on. I notice i can get some good gains on test only cycles. Although i may be quite lean my face isn't!. My face swells and u can just tell i am on cycle. Does anyone have any good tips on ways to...
  6. Presser

    SARM Cycles For Burning Fat

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(54, 57, 64); font-family: libre_franklinregular, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"><h1 class="entry-title itemprop=" name"="" style="box-sizing: inherit; font-size: 2rem; margin: -5px 0px 15px; clear: both; font-family...
  7. A

    IGF-LR3 cycle lengths/ off time??

    Hey, my first order just arrived and I'm so excited! I plan on doing 50mcg/day post workout. I have two questions: 1.) How long could I run it at this dosage before my receptors built up an immunity? I want to run 50mcg/day for 40 days. 2.) how long should I wait between these 40-day cycles...
  8. S

    Testosterone Phenylpropionate - Worth It in Your Opinion?

    Hello all. I know, I know... Test is test... I am planning on some short ester cycles. I have used NPP (A Phenylpropionate) and I am fond of it. And it seems that this ester is suited to 3 times a week injection cycles. So in your opinion is there any advantage during shorter cycles to using...
  9. Ashop

    Happy Easter on wishes you a joyful Easter. May the miracle of this day brightening your life with love, happiness and joy! Celebrate this day with peace, smiles and bliss. Have a blessed and holy Easter! As we want to make this Holiday really special and bring you even more positive emotions, we...
  10. H

    Skinny Fat Look Despite Cycling/Diet/Training On Point

    I have been doing various cycle and various diets, but can't seem to get rid of this 'skinny fat' look. My weights generally are low, if I dose myself with more test then they do increase but that is not the best way to do it, as once off I'm basically back to square 1. When I was not cycling...
  11. H

    Sides On Cycle Making Me Look Crap

    I am only using test/tren for several years now and threw in the odd anavar last year. Water wise I am drinking a lot more per day and diet wise I have really cleaned up the foods I eat. My face, on any cycle, becomes rounded and bloated regardless of water intake, diet, training, etc. I have...
  12. drtbear1967

    Cycles for the Over 40 Crew

    Ok guys, there are a lot of us out here that are over 40 and still in the gym. Being 52 this year, I just keep hitting it as hard as possible and got to thinking. What do other cycles at this age look like? I am running 600mg test e, 500mg of deca, 3 ius of gh a day, 1200 ius of hcg a week and...
  13. drtbear1967

    Funding your passion

    Guys, I have been in this game for a long time and understand that it can get very expensive running a cycle. I always have to save up for mine, but how do you guys fund yours? I have seen some guys on some monster cycles and there is no way I could afford to do that.
  14. D


    I done a few cycles, test, tren , mast, t-bol, d-bol. I have a question about low dose d-bol say 20-25 mg everyday. What is the longest time you guys have ran it.
  15. gandhisays

    Short Duration Steroid Cycles Should Only be Used With Short Ester Hormones

    Short Duration Steroid Cycles Should Only be Used With Short Ester Hormones Some people do not like the idea of running for 4 weeks. They think that what amount of gains will be obtained from such a particular short cycle. This idea is not approved by some because right after that, you will get...
  16. gandhisays

    Equipoise Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate Cycle - Cutting, Bulking

    Equipoise Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate Cycle - Cutting, Bulking Ganabol, Boldenone, and Ultragan aka EQ or Equipoise Equipoise could be considered an anabolic steroid that possesses moderate versatility, and some might even consider it slightly more versatile than Testosterone itself...
  17. R

    Cycle help

    Hey guys. Looking for some help building my cycle. I’ve done 7-8 cycles before. 5”10 205 I have 2000mg of tren a, 2000mg of test p, 5000 mg of test cyp and 75 20mg anavar Let me know what you think the best stack will be please Thank You Rangers Lead The Way
  18. C

    Test + anything, or just higher Test question?

    Hey guys been here long time haven't posted in forever. Got a quick question for the experienced users out there. I have run 20 + cycles over the years with varied results (gonna be 43 this year) 5ft 9 245pounds currently. I am on TRT and have been for 2 years. Keep a TRT dose of 300mg a...
  19. Musclebeauty


    Chemical Composition 17 beta-hydroxy-7 alpha-methylestr-4-en-3-one acetate Molecular Weight:*330.465 g/mol Formula:*C21-H30-O3 Manufacturer:*Schering/Bayer Effective Dose (Men):*10 mg/day Effective Dose (Women):*Not Recommended Half-Life:*Approx. 8-12 Hours Detection Time:*Unknown...
  20. Musclebeauty


    Chemical Composition 17 beta-hydroxy-7 alpha-methylestr-4-en-3-one acetate Molecular Weight:*330.465 g/mol Formula:*C21-H30-O3 Manufacturer:*Schering/Bayer Effective Dose (Men):*10 mg/day Effective Dose (Women):*Not Recommended Half-Life:*Approx. 8-12 Hours Detection Time:*Unknown...