
  1. A


    Hi im 36 and 5 foot 11, have done plenty of cycles since my 30’s but have never used hcg. i do pct after cycles but after my last cycle back in April my testies never really went back to a normal size like usual after a pct. my next cycle which I’ll start in November is test and deca at 600ml...
  2. Musclebeauty


    Info*i*found and good shit to know..... Time between DNP runs for recovery? I swear I've looked just about everywhere and can't find any info. It sounds like once it leaves your system after 5-7 days, you want to wait a few weeks for the thyroid to recover? I'm curous if there's a difference...
  3. Presser

    Testosterone Only Cycle, Test & Dianabol, and Dec & Dianabol Cycles for Beginners.

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Testosterone Only Cycle, Test & Dianabol, and Dec & Dianabol Cycles for Beginners. </header>You are asking yourself right now whether you should use steroids or not, and you have no...
  4. D

    What’s your favorite bulking cycle

    List your favorite bulking cycles
  5. Iron Game

    Long Steroid Esters Are More Anabolic Than Short Esters

    By Anthony Roberts TESTOSTERONE ESTERS I thought testosterone is testosterone? Isn’t that what they say on the internet? If you hear it on a steroid forum, isn’t it true? Well, research dating as far back as 1954 says no. In fact, (primate) research as recent as this decade seems to say the...
  6. Iron Game

    Keep The Gains From Your Steroid Cycle

    Keeping gains- Some tips for coming off a cycle for the moderate user to hold on to the new found muscle - These tips are for the moderate user and not for the high dose or long term AAS user, these basic methods will help maintain a degree of muscularity while in the off period. If all...
  7. Iron Game

    Stacking Steroids

    Stacking Steroids I always tell people that there is a method to the madness of stacking steroids. Too many people listen to gurus on social media who display crazy cycles where they have 5-8 different steroids. I've called this the 'witches brew' in reference to how on Halloween a witch...
  8. drtbear1967

    Real Couple Real Experience for Women and Steroids

    I found this the other day while looking up steroids and women, this is the best information i have found from a couple who experimented with many different compounds and what they came up with. i love it, and am going to be using it as my guide through all m cycles in the future. take a read...
  9. M

    DMZ and ostarinè

    What are your thoughts on stacking DMZ with ostarinè. I have done a cycle of prè prohormones before and done a small pct. Can dmz be stacked with sarms? Planing on doing 2 cycles by end of summer. 4 weeks of ostarine then ad the dmz for the last 4 week. Second cycle will be a month later and...
  10. Iron Game

    AAS Half Life and How to Use Half Life Math

    If I give myself a shot of 1000 mg of testosterone; what is the active dosage amount after 10 days? The general answer everyone will state; is 500 mg. Thus we agree that the active ingredient diminishes daily. But the real question is; what is the active amount the day after the shot or even two...
  11. drtbear1967

    Steroid Detection Times - Good to Know

    Steroid Detection Times For the vast majority of anabolic steroid users, steroid detection times are of no concern; after all, most people are not tested. In the U.S. alone, it is estimated more than six-million adults supplement with anabolic androgenic steroids for the sole purpose of...
  12. drtbear1967

    Steroid Cyles and Stacks

    Anabolic Steroid Cycles Quality anabolic steroid cycles have many forms as the purpose of the cycle can take on many faces. When the average person thinks of steroids they immediately think of a man bigger than the Incredible Hulk and while such a desired end can be a common purpose of use many...
  13. drtbear1967

    Women and Steroid Cycle Length

    <header class="entry-header">Women and Steroid Cycle LengthBy Bill Roberts </header>Q: “How do you recommend women arrange steroid cycles in terms of duration? Are the factors basically the same as for men? Do the 2-week cycle ideas apply, or is there as much importance to limiting duration as...
  14. Iron Game

    An Eight-Week Steroid Cycle with Trenbolone and Dianabol

    An Eight-Week Steroid Cycle with Trenbolone and Dianabol By Bill Roberts Q: “I’ve done four trenbolone/Dianabol two-week cycles copied from your ‘Jim’ article. The results were great until the last one. I got a total of 25 lb retained muscle from the first three, but only about 3 lb more in...
  15. drtbear1967

    Need your input!!

    Ok guys and gals, to make this the best forum on the net we need our members input. What topic would you like to see? let's hear it!!;)
  16. drtbear1967

    Sustanon 250 versus Testosterone Enanthate

    Sustanon 250 vs Testosterone Enanthate<style type="text/css">.socialicons{margin:0px auto!important;width:100%;text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px!important;}.socialicons li{margin-top:20px;display:inline-block;margin-left:15px;}#socialicons li{width:auto!important;}</style> About Sustanon...
  17. D

    M1t or SD cycle?'? i need help thanks!

    Hi im 30 years old 16% BF 8 years lifting, many cycles of DMZ and epi with good results 0 sides only mild headaches now i want to try something better for bulk lean mass between M1t and Sd cycle cannot decide, need help for peope that experienced cycles of them, dosage gains side effects needed...
  18. Iron Game

    Which Is Better? Long Term Lower AAS Doses or Shorter Heavier Cycles?

    Which Is Better? Long Term Lower AAS Doses or Shorter Heavier Cycles? by Mike Arnold Every single one of us, upon contemplating our foray into the world of chemical enhancement, quickly learns that there is no general consensus regarding the best way to proceed. Opinions on this subject run...
  19. Iron Game

    What You Need To Know About Human Growth Hormone

    What You Need To Know About Human Growth Hormone Factors determining HGH dosage Health state. Using solo or in combination. Cycle duration and Protocol Financial capacities. Purpose Different quantities of the hormone show different results. To improve your skin, and, feel younger, and...
  20. Iron Game

    Mild AAS Cycle From the 1980's

    LOL @ these doses compared to today. 350-750 mg Primobolan a week, 100 mg nandrolone decanoate a week and 40 mg stanozolol a day: that was the typical steroids cycle for a Dutch bodybuilder in the early 1980s. By today's standards these are tiny doses, but according to the sports physician...