
  1. akn

    Can Aspirin Save You From Cancer or Heart Disease?

    In people with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, it has long been well documented that long-term use of aspirin is an effective anti-platelet treatment that significantly reduces the risk of serious cardiovascular events (such as heart attacks and strokes) by 30% and cardiovascular death by...
  2. Presser

    daily subcutaneous injection, low-dose recombinant human IGF-I (40 micrograms/day)

    Growth hormone insulin-like growth factor I axis in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.Dunger DB1, Cheetham TD. Author information Abstract<abstracttext>Growth hormone (GH) hypersecretion and relative insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) deficiency have been implicated in the development of...
  3. Presser

    recombinant human growth hormone (GH) in GH-deficient adults Effects on insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)

    Two weeks of daily injections and continuous infusion of recombinant human growth hormone (GH) in GH-deficient adults: I. Effects on insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), GH and IGF binding proteins, and glucose homeostasis.Johansson JO1, Oscarsson J, Bjarnason R, Bengtsson BA. Author...
  4. Presser

    Exogenous IGF-I and particularly LR3 IGF-I Increase Growth Rate

    Insulin-like growth factor-I and analogues increase growth in artificially-reared neonatal pigs.Dunshea FR1, Chung CS, Owens PC, Ballard JF, Walton PE. Author information Abstract<abstracttext>Exogenous insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I has been shown to increase growth rate in neonatal pigs...
  5. Presser

    Large amounts of Trenbolone acetate hormone residue in the live stock you eat! lmao

    I will summerize what this is about, Are you the consumer ingesting trenbolone acetate hormone residue from treated heifers aka live stock, aka the fucking meat you eat. steak! pubmedPharmacological and endocrinological studies on anabolic agents.Abstract<abstracttext>When used in connection...
  6. C

    Electric Razors

    I recently got a job where I have to shave daily (yea i know WTF, my precious beard). maybe one day they'll get with the times. :curse: Anyhow, any of you guys use an electric razor I just don't feel like shaving every single F'ing day with a razor.
  7. cloudstrife1218

    Melanotan and Melanotan II General info and Guide to use

    Background Melanotan (MT) and Melanotan II (MT-II) are both analogs of the alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) which is produced within the pituitary gland. Along with other melanocortins, they are responsible for various internal human functions including skin and hair pigmentation...
  8. 3J

    Importance of Static Dieting for Begginers by 3J

    The Importance of Static Dieting for Beginners By: 3J 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level. In this day and age, many people equate the gym as the first step to aesthetic improvement. Though its very true that the gym will play an important role in your...
  9. Iron Game

    No time for healthy diet? Some Californians say they're too busy to eat healthy foods

    Some low-income Californian adults say their busy schedule is to blame for their unhealthy eating habits, according to a study from Johns Hopkins and the University of California, Berkeley. The study is published in Preventing Chronic Disease. Researchers surveyed more than 500 adults living in...
  10. 3J

    The ask 3J anything thread!!! Q & A with 3J

    Circle up kids!!! Im opening this thread and inviting anyone who may have a question about anything diet, training, or gear related to feel comfortable in asking.. no question is too stupid! this is a safe place!! i will not tolerate any flaming what so ever!! So, got a question about your...
  11. Iron Game

    3.3 + lbs of LBM in 3 wks with LGD-4033 Ligandrol

    SARMs are an exciting new supplement for building lean body mass. We look to increase the tools in our anabolic toolbox to assist us in building muscle and power. One tool LGD-4033 Ligandrol promises to do just that and give us a advantage in the iron jungle. After all who wants to be average...
  12. Iron Game

    Big Biceps, Training Them EVERY DAY

    Yes, you can train biceps every day while maintaining your regular training schedule. This works very well for people who have always struggled with biceps growth. How to Do It Pick one biceps exercise, the one you feel the most. I like the preacher curl, but you might prefer the standing...
  13. J

    Animal Pak

    This is a good multivitamin. Animal Pak gives you everything you need. It's a lot better than having 10 bottles lying around, trust me. There are quite a bit of pills to pop daily, but better to get it one and done - out of the way. Good to stack with ANIMAL's FLEX pack too for joints.
  14. Iron Game

    Even just a few mg of SARM RAD140 has anabolic effect

    Even just a few mg of RAD140 has anabolic effect <tbody> </tbody> Four years ago we wrote about a study done by the pharmaceuticals company Radius, on new non-steroid compounds with a strong anabolic effect. The most promising was a substance that Radius called RAD140, but at that point we...
  15. M

    Cycle for massive gains in a short time - The synergy from all angles

    Guys, I want to run a cycle like that, I have experience with all these compounds, including insulin and igf. But used more sporadically. Insulin used very few times and igf for 2 weeks only to 50mcg. I am worried by this cycle of the possible effects of GH, insulin and IGF on enlargement of...
  16. Presser

    Vital Supplements for your thyroid gland post cycle therapy. T3 T4

    Thyroid Post Cycle Therapy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of supplements and recommendations I have compiled for your thyroid post cycle therapy. SUPPLEMENT AND NUTRIENT SUPPORT FOR THE THYROID Several nutrients are critical...
  17. B

    Daily dosage of HGH

    Hi! what is your daily dosage of hygetropin. Is 5 iu per day enough? what hgh is better? Thanks
  18. Presser

    GHAR1NE Ibutamoren or MK677 selective agonist of ghrelin/growth hormone secretagogue

    Not a fan of secretagogues when you can administer the end result igf-1 directly, however its still one of the better secretagogues among its class and shows elevated igf-1 level in humans with just one dosage for nearly a full day, so below is a quick profile of mk-677 for anyone interested in...
  19. Presser

    Andarine (s-4) best for Cutting cycle used as a hardening agent at 50mg daily

    Andarine (S-4) Users will want to use Andarine during their cutting phase of their cycles as it works best this way. S-4 has amazing fat burning properties making it a favorite among bodybuilders trying to cut fat and stay vascular. Andarine s-4 has about a 3 hour half life making it best to...
  20. Presser

    What Dose of Ostarine for Cutting and Bulking Cycle. PCT for Sarms with SERMS

    Ostarine and how to cycle this Sarm and what dose to use and when is the best time to take mk-2866 Ostarine. Is it best used for bulking cycle phases of training, or should it be used for cutting cycles. What can you stack with Ostarine to maximize benefits . Does it stack well with steroids...