
  1. Presser

    Study Shows Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Regenerates & Repairs Nerve Damage.

    I know we, have all known about igf 1 and its healing and repairing nerve damage, and its how I came to be introduced to it almost 2 decade ago. <blockquote class="wp-embedded-content"><a...
  2. drtbear1967

    Extreme 30 week diets cause damage for years.

    themusclephd &#55357;&#56485;"The biggest Loser" is a famous show in which individuals with excess body fat go on a extreme diet to lose as much weight as possible over 30 weeks. This study showed that this type of crash dieting can leave our metabolisms slow for years to come! Tomorrow’s...
  3. drtbear1967

    Glutathione (GSH) to repair cell damage.

    Glutathione(GSH) is a tripeptide made up of 3 amino acids, and is the body's most important antioxidant. GSH is the key compound in the liver responsible for metabolizing tons of molecules, including alcohol and methylated androgens. The thiol(SH) group is the most important part of the...
  4. drtbear1967

    Ashwagandha - Indian Ginsend for Gains

    &#55357;&#56631;Ashwagandha (KSM-66) can make you bigger, stronger, and leaner. ---- &#55357;&#56458;Ashwagandha is commonly known as Indian Ginseng (brand name: KSM-66). It is also known as an adaptogen, which basically means that it can be beneficial for anything that you want. It has been...
  5. drtbear1967

    Nootropics in Pre Workouts.

    There is a trend now with preworkout supplements incorporating nootropics in the formula, along with your normal stimulants. I really like this direction and the combination of nootropics and stimulants works very well, IMO. Noopept is a synthetic molecule very usually classified as a racetam...
  6. drtbear1967

    Glutathione (GSH) Profile

    Glutathione(GSH) is a tripeptide made up of 3 amino acids, and is the body's most important antioxidant. GSH is the key compound in the liver responsible for metabolizing tons of molecules, including alcohol and methylated androgens. The thiol(SH) group is the most important part of the...
  7. drtbear1967

    TUDCA for liver health

    Taurousodeoxycholic acid aka TUDCA, is a bike salt made up of Usodeoxycholic acid(UDCA) and the amino acid taurine. It's been used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years to heal sick organs, where they had to actually kill bears for their bile to obtain TUDCA. More recently, however it's...
  8. Iron Game

    Finding The Balance Between Bodybuilding Progress and Health

    by Mike Arnold “Bodybuilding isn’t about health” is a statement uttered frequently by today’s BB’ing enthusiasts. Yet, as a byproduct of the physical culture movement, its practice was rooted in a philosophy which placed health above all else. Throughout the first few decades of the sport, this...
  9. Iron Game

    The Positives & Negatives of Testosterone

    The Positives &amp; Negatives of Testosterone Testosterone Lowdown - The Positives & Negatives Men in their prime take for granted that testosterone is there. Yet, declining testosterone levels are associated with a number of physical, psychological, sexual and metabolic dysfunctions facing...
  10. Iron Game

    17-aa Oral Steroid Liver Damage Hype

    <tbody> by Mike Arnold When it comes to the discussion of oral AAS, one topic I see come up more frequently than anything else is the fear of developing liver toxicity. This has led many BB’rs to administer these drugs for very brief periods of time, long before they have reached...
  11. Presser

    Pressers Movie Review For "eye in the sky"

    Site: 123movies.to Movie: Eye in the sky HD: Yes Ok watched this "EYE IN THE SKY" movie over the weekend, and I have to tell you I was angry and calling the actors on the tv a bunch of fucking pussies, lol, and just kept thinking or wondering actually whether it is really this bad in real life...
  12. Iron Game

    Grow Young with HGH

    Grow Young with HGH The most abundant hormone made by the pituitary gland is human growth hormone, also called somatotrophin. Growth hormone production hits its peak during adolescence. Most HGH is secreted into the bloodstream in brief bursts, and most HGH secretion takes place during the...
  13. The Dude

    Back in School

    Well... I did it. I enrolled in 3 classes for the Summer term. 3 classes in 8 weeks. Life has continued to be chaotic for us and there have been new developments. After much discussion I've decided to try to finish my Bachelor's and also pursue a Masters. Due to a number of reprehensible actions...
  14. Iron Game

    Vitamin E protects testes while taking steroids

    Vitamin E protects testes while taking steroids While on a course of steroids, taking extra vitamin E [upper structural formula shown below] reduces damage caused to the testes. An animal study published 6 years ago in Andrologia by animal scientists from Harran University, Vitamin E...
  15. akn

    Does Estrogen Promote Muscle Growth? Part 2

    by Mike Arnold Most bodybuilders tend to view estrogen as a fat storage hormone, but its actions on adipose tissue are not so simple. In excessive amounts it can indeed lead to body fat acquisition, but in quantities compatible with male physiology it has a positive effect on bodyfat, making it...
  16. Iron Game

    The Importance of Adequate Recuperation For Faster Gains

    The Rest is Up to YouThe Importance of Adequate Recuperation For Faster Gains Getting enough rest after weight training is essential for optimal muscle growth and performance. Unfortunately, many get insufficient rest because they simply disregard the fact that weightlifting breaks down...
  17. 3J

    Identifying liver damage due to oral steroids

    A good article on how to accurately identify liver damage via rippedzilla How to accurately identify liver damage from oral steroids I'm making this topic after doing a little bit of reading that explained why the usual liver function test that most guys take is NOT effective at spotting...
  18. Iron Game

    Twelve weeks of 3 mg ostarine daily, SARMs

    Twelve weeks of 3 mg ostarine daily The successors to anabolic steroids are called SARMs. SARMs are the brainchild of James Dalton, and he recently published the results of a study in which he tried the SARM ostarine out on 120 healthy men and women. It did have side effects, but the new...
  19. Presser

    Researchers may have discovered fountain of youth by reversing aging in human cells

    Researchers in Japan have found that human aging may be able to be delayed or even reversed, at least at the most basic level of human cell lines. In the process, the scientists from the University of Tsukuba also found that regulation of two genes is related to how we age. The new findings...
  20. Iron Game

    DOMS, Inflammation, and Muscle Growth

    DOMS, Inflammation, and Muscle Growth Why Your Muscles Get Sore: Exercise and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness by Matt Perryman If you've ever done any kind of hard activity, you've had sore muscles. It's inevitable, even to couch potatoes. If you exercise on any regular basis, it's guaranteed...