
  1. Ox 51

    Is It Worth It?

    For those of you who have used gear, has it been worth it? I started with test, like most of us would advise. I loved the results. I gained 30 pounds pretty easily. Tried a few stacks with Deca, Dbol, EQ, etc. and gained a bit more. I started getting some sides like acne, gyno knots, etc...
  2. MegaDaveMustang

    First MC IGF-1 lr3 Experience

    I just needed to give my first impressions of MC's IGF - 1 lr3. This is my first run with IGF and I am currently on the tail end of week 2. I am stacking it with my current cycle which is this: Test E 12 wks 500mg/wk Deca 10 wks 400mg/wk Dbol wks 1-6 30mg/ED All necessary and "just in case"...
  3. S

    Steroid & SARMS list

    Currently we can supply: Testosterone steroid: -Testosterone Enanthate -Testosterone Propionate -Testosterone Cypionate -Testosterone Acetate -Sustanon 250 -Testosterone Phenylpropionate -Testosterone Decanoate -Testosterone Base -17-Methyltestosterone -Testosterone...
  4. dorian123

    old man training/cycle

    how do some of you old goats train and cycle now that you've gotten older? I'm talking you bastards that are 40 plus my cycle consist of tren deca and I jumped this cycle with dbol-quit taking dbol years ago because for whatever reason it quit working but this time around it really has kicked...
  5. W

    Purple panada labs

    Their anavar and dbol was fake. eq looks real, hopefully the winny deca and test are good. - - - Updated - - - purple panda labs .PPL
  6. P

    Advice for The first cycle?

    Hello guys. im going to take dbol, deca and testE for the first cycle. I’m not sure how much I should take and when. can anybody advice me about those gears? also I’m taking pct arimidex/ nolvedex. do I need others? Thank you.
  7. C

    20 lbs in 4 weeks cycle log!

    About to start a little bulk on top of my current bulk goal is to gain 20+ lbs in 4 weeks of course there is gonna be some fat but I can't wait to see what happens/// currently on 800mg test a week, 500mg deca 34 years old 5'-11" 205 12% ish BF morning weight... additional stack week 1-6...
  8. gandhisays

    Peptides - Steroids - The POSITIVE versus NEGATIVE

    Peptides - Steroids - The POSITIVE versus NEGATIVE Steroids are the synthetic drugs just like the natural hormones produced in the body. AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) is the type of steroids, which copy the effect of male hormones and testosterone; AAS are used by people to build muscles...
  9. P

    My 1yr AAS and PED Experiment

    My 1yr Experiment with AAS and other PEDs Current stats= 28 year old male 5ft 8.5 inches 175lbs 12-14% BF Been lifting and training athletics since I was 16 years old. Never was really into...
  10. thx

    Fuck it! Winter cycle: Test cyp, Tren ena, EQ etc...

    I changed my mind. I was gonna do a test prop cycle again but I got some old Test Cyp and EQ laying around and I forgot about the Tren E I've ordered a long time ago. So who wants to help me put together a winter cycle?! This is what I have: Test cyp ~60ml + 4x10ml vials EQ ~ 20ml + 10ml vial...
  11. K

    First cycle problems

    Hi everyone, I'm a white male in my 30s. Early this year I tried my first test cycle. I read tons of articles and watched a lot of videos about steroids before I started. I did labs before I started, a few weeks in, and after (all normal). Also I know the test I bought was real because it had...
  12. blacktail


    I added Tbol to the end of my cycle. Currently 400mg test e weekly, igf 50mcg a day and Tbol 60 mg a day. Dropped all AI when i stopped deca a month ago. Today is day 17 of Tbol and wow the pump is crazy! Strength is also going up. So far zero sides! I have ran dbol in the past but it did...
  13. C

    Mix dbol anadrol help.

    Hello Gentlemen. Wants to do a mix. Please o. Pom in obtaining the recipe. I know that I needed gwaicol Bb Ba Anadrol 50mg and Dbol 50mg in 1ml. Do you have a proven recipe? Do you think the recipe works? Bb15% Ba 5% Gwaicol 15%
  14. drtbear1967

    Why Some Gear is Faked.

    One of the most commonly fakes steroids is oxandrolone aka Anavar. Why is this? It's not a very strong anabolic and results you get are not dramatic, so why would this be counterfeited a lot?? The answer is money! Real oxandrolone is expensive to synthesize bc of the oxygen atom in the A ring of...
  15. drtbear1967

    Women and Anavar

    Are you looking to learn more about running an Anavar cycle for women? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We all have different health and fitness goals and objectives in mind, which is why people train differently, eat differently, and basically live differently to one another. Some...
  16. H

    Not ready for steroids / no need for goals?

    Today, I had to go to the hospital, as I had a cist in my eye causing inflamation, and now I have steroid eye drops to take over the next week. I'm on tren + test now. Last week, I experienced 2 days of wipe out (extreme tiredness, to the point that I was having breakfast, and dozed off in my...
  17. H

    Dbol reaction help

    I was on 1.5ml test per week (test E/300mg) split into 2 doses. Was fine. Started dbol (20mg x 2 tablets a day, spread out) and started getting ‘wipe outs’ ie sleeping but feeling exhausted (not sleepy but like someone sucked out all my energy) when I wake up to the point that I’ve had my...
  18. George Cook

    Dbol or Oxy

    My first post... In short I want to introduce a kick into my cycle and have both at my disposal. Have used dbol in the past a few time and like it. Bloat is a pain but not the end of the world. Never used oxys before and wondered how they compare. Probably the only med I have not used. Would...
  19. D

    LGD results

    Just wanted to post on some results. I had ordered a lot of ligandrol from musclechemistry while back. Went up to 12mg day while bulking. When eating a lot of food it gave me results similar to dbol. I dont gain 20 lbs off shop like some do....and ligandrol didnt do it either. But it did add...
  20. D

    LGD results

    Just wanted to post on some results. I had ordered a lot of ligandrol from musclechemistry while back. Went up to 12mg day while bulking. When eating a lot of food it gave me results similar to dbol. I dont gain 20 lbs off shop like some do....and ligandrol didnt do it either. But it did add...