
  1. F

    Steroid Pills

    Steroid Pills Anabolic steroids can be found in both pill and injectable form, with injectable forms being the most common by far. While injectable steroids are indeed the most common, steroid pills have their place in a performance plan, and can be quite exciting. Unlike most injectable...
  2. drtbear1967

    Cycle and Suggestions.

    Looking at running the following cycle. What would you guys change or add. MC IGF 50mcg pre workout Test Cyp -800 - 1000 per week NPP 400mg per week Dbol 40mg per day - first 6 weeks Tbol 40mg per day 6 to 12 weeks Run for 12to 16 weeks
  3. Iron Game

    Origin of Anabolics

    Here is another write up of mine. Quick brief history of the good ol' juice. Some of you may already know this literature, some of you may not. But I want to tell you guys a little story about the origin of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids. In 1849, a German physiologist and zoologist that...
  4. G

    Tren e and Deca together

    Hi fellas, I found some info about this topic already, so i would like to ask all of you that tried this combo, tren e + regular deca together, of course with testosterone, how did you feel with it, impression, expectations, side effects, pct, etc that you encountered during the use of those 2...
  5. F

    Mexican Steroids

    Mexican Steroids For decades, Mexican steroids have been some of the most highly desired anabolic steroids of all. For years, brands like Brovel, Denkall, Quality Vet, Tornel and Ttokkyo Labs ran supreme, supplying more anabolic steroids from this market than perhaps any other. In many cases...
  6. L


    2 weeks in at 50mgs a day. Splitting half in the morning and then half before training. I would think that there would be a noticeable strength increase with 50mgs. Source is reputable. Do I need more? I feel like nothing changed. I am currently running 250mgs of Sus every 5 days and 100-125mgs...
  7. F

    Let's take a look at..... Equipoise

    Equipoise Steroid There are numerous anabolic steroids, and while most have a primary role and a few secondary characteristics, some are quite versatile in nature. Of the versatile steroids, none are more versatile in nature than Testosterone and Trenbolone, but while not nearly as versatile as...
  8. F

    Let's take a look at..... Dianabol

    Dianabol (Dbol) Dianabol is one of the most popular and important anabolic steroids of all time. The second anabolic steroid ever created, it was the birth of Dianabol that would lead to the birthing of numerous anabolic androgenic steroids to follow. Developed for the sole purpose of enhancing...
  9. Pushtoday

    Non Traditional Cycle

    When we talk about cycles, it usually has some kind of descriptive term along with it. Such as "bulk" cycle, "cut" cycle, or "lean mass" cycle. Most guys will associate a bulk cycle or mass building cycle with test (enathate, cypionate, or sust) as a base, maybe deca/npp, perhaps an oral like...
  10. drtbear1967

    Testosterone as a Reference Point

    Testosterone as a Reference Point A very small but extremely important note must be made for the reader to remember prior to discussing the various types of steroids and derivatives. It is extremely important to understand that Testosterone is utilized as the measuring stick (or the measuring...
  11. Boomer

    1st time tren user

    Hey guys it's been such a long while since I've posted...we had another kid and life has been hectic. Now I have my shit together and have been training solid for a while. All my previous cycles were all based around test.e generally around the 500 -750mg mark with dbol or m1t kickers. Last...
  12. drtbear1967

    Steroid Stacking Profiles

    Steroid Stacking Profiles For the performance enhancing athlete, steroid stacking is an important aspect of the total process. There are literally hundreds of different anabolic androgenic steroids, and we do not haphazardly grab a handful, chuck them down our throat or inject them into our...
  13. drtbear1967

    Dianabol - Test in a Pill

    History The history behind dianabol is quite interesting. After World War 2, the Soviets were racing the West on space travel and sports, as it was considered a cultural victory on both sides to beat each other and to prove their way of life was superior. The Soviets were winning the Olympic...
  14. J


    As previously stated it is my first cycle so I have a lot of questions. I am currently 21yr/o, 5'10, 182lbs and have been working out for 6+ years. i am going to run dbol and winny for a 6-8 week cycle. I was also given Estrofuse but am pretty confused as to its use, is it on cycle support or...
  15. B

    Help me choose please

    Let's just say the list I am about to put down was what I had to choose from. Looking for some advice of what gear to stack with each other. This will only be my second cycle. First one was a sarm kickstart & ran test e at a lower dose. Wanting to take it up a notch this time. Looking to put...
  16. S

    What is the best quality Dbol out right now

    I love taking Dbol 2 times a year I love the way I feel when I take Dbol but the last cycle I took it was the best I ever had I didn't know the name of it I got them from a friend that is no longer with us (RIP Danny) so I can't even ask him so if anyone has there info on what there last cycle...
  17. A

    Beginner cutting cycle

    :wave:Hi Everyone I am planning to do a oral only Anavar cycle of 8 weeks. I am working out from last 10 years on and off. One year back i had a shoulder injury so i stopped the workout,now i am recovers from my shoulder injury completely. so again i started the gym two months back only,now...
  18. drtbear1967

    Defy the Meat Head Sterotype

    Defy the Meat Head Sterotype by Cade Thomas Bodybuilders have a way of turning off the general public. Whether it be other members in the gym or people at the grocery store, the reactions are not always positive. Depending on where you live and the general activity level of the citizens, it’s...
  19. S

    bulk/maintain/cut - steroid regiment

    Hey guys I am about to jump on my 3rd cycle and it will include a bulk phase, a maintain phase, and a cut phase. I was curious if anyone would like to go over and shout over their experiences and give some advice on it. This will be my 3rd cycle and have been on TRT for about a year. BULK...
  20. drtbear1967

    The New Off - Season Approach

    The “New” Off-Season Approach by Cade Thomas Bulking. Cutting. Offseason. Prep. You know the drill. We have images burnt into our heads of how each of these are supposed to play out. Offseason = higher carbs, more food in general, forcing...