
  1. akn

    Chondroitin Sulfate for Cardiovascular Protection?

    by Mike Arnold Over the last 10 years, the grim reaper has visited our community more times than I care to remember. In fact, more post-millennium professional bodybuilders have died in their 30’-40’s than in the previous 3 decades combined. While it is true that not all of these deaths can be...
  2. akn

    Muscles – Not Just for Bodybuilders!

    by Monica Mollica For most people, the mere word “muscles” brings to mind huge muscular bodybuilders… The importance of muscle mass, strength, and power for physical performance in exercise and sports is obvious. However, muscles aren’t just for show. Here I will explain why…. Role of Muscle...
  3. Stickler*


    IS GETTING OLD A DISEASE? DRUG RESEARCHERS ARE TRYING TO CONVINCE THE FDA THAT THE ANSWER IS YES By Alexandra Ossola - Posted 5 hours ago Aging isn't easy -- On June 24, researchers will meet with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a very specific reason: they want to test a drug that...
  4. guardianactual

    Turmeric benefits and comparably to prozac for depression.

    It’s common knowledge in the natural health world that pharmaceuticals often (if not always) do more harm than good. It’s also clear that foods, herbs, and other natural sources can offer similar benefits without those nasty side effects. Once again, our beliefs have been affirmed by science: A...
  5. Presser

    T3 on Steroid Cycle? How do I cycle dose cytomel t3, t4. Clen t3

    T3 is not a drug that should be taken lightly. It's a very potent thyroid hormone. Messing with your natural hormone levels is very dangerous and unpredictable. The potential for complications is very high, and abuse can lead to thyroid disease and low thyroid output not only immediately upon...
  6. Presser

    Can I take T3 on Steroid Cycle? How do I cycle dose cytomel t3, t4. Clen t3

    T3 is not a drug that should be taken lightly. It's a very potent thyroid hormone. Messing with your natural hormone levels is very dangerous and unpredictable. The potential for complications is very high, and abuse can lead to thyroid disease and low thyroid output not only immediately upon...