
  1. drtbear1967

    Zine - Why it's important.

    Zinc is a critical mineral for many biological processes. This study in rats shows how a zinc-deficient diet can affect androgen binding, aromatization and conversion to DHT. This study fed rats either a deficiency or surplus of Zinc through diet and had some pretty significant results. This...
  2. Rep

    Peptide Info

    Hi All, Ive been out of the game for a while. I used to be on here years ago but life got in the way. Years ago, I tried IGF with huge success but I haven't kept up with new peptides or combinations. I see alot on here about IGF but is there a sticky or link for info about ALL peptides...
  3. Musclebeauty


    Info*i*found and good shit to know..... Time between DNP runs for recovery? I swear I've looked just about everywhere and can't find any info. It sounds like once it leaves your system after 5-7 days, you want to wait a few weeks for the thyroid to recover? I'm curous if there's a difference...
  4. drtbear1967

    Huperzine A

    Huperzine A is an all natural nootropic molecule that is commonly found in many top selling cognitive enhancement products. It works by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is responsible for not only cognitive function...
  5. drtbear1967

    LGD-3303 (Not Ligandrol)

    LGD-3303(not ligandrol) is a SARM that seems to be very potent at activating the AR in muscle cells at very low doses. The study showed increased muscle mass in doses as little as 0.1mg/kg in rats. Unfortunately, it also seems to activate the AR in the prostate as well, especially at higher...
  6. Presser

    Legalize Them, Tax Them, And Watch The Number Of Positive Stories And All The Sudden Study Finding Rise To Match The Number Of Horror Story Propaganda

    legalize them, Tax Them, and watch the number of positive stories and all the sudden study finding rise to match the number of horror story propaganda articles like this Steroids - The Truth About Steroids - Steroids Health Risk And DangersWritten by Patrick DixonFuturist Keynote Speaker...
  7. drtbear1967


    theguerillachemist A lot of people ask me what are the best legal fat burning supplements. While I still think that nothing rivals the ephedrine/caffeine stack, this compound is probably the best one that’s available in supplement form. Rauwolscine AKA alpha-yomhimbe is a yohimbine isomer that...
  8. drtbear1967

    Kanna - Sceletium Tortuosum

    theguerillachemist Sceletium tortuosum aka Kanna is an herb that contains some very interacting nootropic and psychoactive alkaloids. It was shown to interact with at least 77 different receptors Traditionally, kanna has been used to elevate mood and as an anxiolytic(anti-anxiety), with some...
  9. drtbear1967

    LGD-3303 Profile

    theguerillachemist I've been getting a lot of questions about this newer SARM and so I've been trying to get as much research on it as possible. LGD-3303(not ligandrol) is a SARM that seems to be very potent at activating the AR in muscle cells at very low doses. The study showed increased...
  10. drtbear1967

    Eria Jarensis Extract

    In an attempt to bring the latest and greatest stimulant to market, many companies are using Eria Jarensis extract so I want shed some light into this new ingredient. Real Eria Jarensis extract consists of 2 main constituents that are phenylethylamine(PEA) derivatives(most companies use...
  11. Iron Game

    Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B-12) Injection

    OverviewMethylcobalamin is one of two coenzymes forms of B12. Evidence indicates that methylcobalamin has some metabolic and therapeutic applications not shared by the other forms of vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin, the second coenzyme, is the most common form of B12 provided at physician offices...
  12. Iron Game

    Inflammation Important for Muscle Growth!

    Ibuprofen Inhibits Muscle Growth & Strength!Inflammation Important for Muscle Growth! A study published August 21, 2017 in the journal Acta Physiologica, conducted by Swedish researchers, found that the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen inhibits muscle growth. These results are quite...
  13. drtbear1967

    Curcumin - A Must Have for Everyone.

    If people were made in high-tech factories instead of being born, they'd no doubt come off the assembly line with a couple of bottles of curcumin glued to the side of their butt so the product would remain defect-free. I mean, is there anything this stuff doesn't do? Curcumin started off as an...
  14. Iron Game

    Human study: power training builds more muscle with vitamin C and E

    If elderly men and women take 1000 mg vitamin C [structure below] and 600 mg vitamin E daily, they build up more muscle mass than elderly people who only do power training. Researchers of ageing processes at the Canadian University of Sherbrooke will publish an article on this soon in Diabetes...
  15. LeatherHead

    ECA STACK - dosage question

    So I'm making my own ECA stack, just wondering about the dosage... my old ECA stack I used to buy was 25e/200c/75a, from which I understand is the ideal dosages for optimum performance. NOW, with that being said, my aspirin dosage is slightly higher. Anyone ever do it with different doses of the...
  16. Iron Game

    TRT - Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Women

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Women Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands in women. Although typically associated with being a male hormone, a decline in testosterone levels can affect women as well. Of major concern among health care...
  17. Iron Game

    Poor Mans HGH, Tren and Primo

    Alright lets look at the differences between Primo & Tren Ace. With Primobolan your looking at a very mild compound which isn't C17 alpha alkylated. The androgenic activity of Primo is considerably low, as well as its anabolic properties. Also it does not aromatize. So estrogen related side...
  18. Iron Game

    Tren FAQ - Is Trenbolone Liver Toxic?

    All About Trenbolone - Is It Liver Toxic? Trenbolone: Sometimes Liver Toxic People like to see things in black and white. A particular food is either healthy or unhealthy … an action is good or bad … a person is to be liked or disliked. Perhaps it is easier to navigate through a complex day...
  19. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroids 101 - Primobolan Depot

    Description Primobolan Depot is an injectable version of the steroid methenolone. This is the same constituent in Primobolan orals (methenolone acetate), although here an enanthate ester is used to slow the steroid’s release from a site of injection. Methenolone enanthate offers a similar...
  20. Iron Game

    AAS Dosing & Diminishing Returns

    by Mike Arnold In today’s world of bodybuilding it is not uncommon to hear of some individuals using doses which, 20 years ago, would never even have been contemplated by the typical professional BB’r. In fact, things have progressed so far that cycles which were once reserved for only the most...