
  1. Iron Game

    Even just a few mg of SARM RAD140 has anabolic effect

    Even just a few mg of RAD140 has anabolic effect <tbody> </tbody> Four years ago we wrote about a study done by the pharmaceuticals company Radius, on new non-steroid compounds with a strong anabolic effect. The most promising was a substance that Radius called RAD140, but at that point we...
  2. Presser

    Growth Hormone versus Testosterone for Anti-aging, Fat Loss and Lean Muscle Mass Gain

    This Testosterone versus HGH article is pretty old and since being pubished a lot more studies have been done and comparisons made. IGF-1 Lr3 has also come out and gotten extremely popular since this article, and for those who dont know, IGF-1 Lr3 trumps purchasing HGH , not only due to cost...
  3. Jozifp103

    Primobolan....tren without sides?

    Let's talk Primobolan. From what I hear it's a wonderful compound, but is expensive and needs to be run at high doses to see the magic. People say at high doses it gives the same effects of tren without the side effects. (Hard grainy look, vascularity, ability to add muscle on a calorie...
  4. akn

    Effectiveness of Anabolic Steroids on Building Different Muscle Groups

    Q: “I have some lagging muscle groups, particularly triceps, traps, and hamstrings. Do some*anabolic steroids*work better for some muscles than for others? Are there ones I should choose to target any or all of these?” A: If there is a difference between anabolic steroids on effectiveness with...
  5. akn

    GW-501516 – The Original Fat-burning, Performance Enhancing SARM

    by Mike Arnold Accelerated fat loss, increased muscular endurance, improved metabolic health; these are just a few of the ways in which GW-5015156 can benefit our bodybuilding progress. So, it wasn’t surprising when it became all the rage back when it was first released 5 or so years ago, but...
  6. akn

    The Perfect Oral-Only Anabolic Steroid Cycle primobolan winstrol dianabol

    Q:“I want to know how to do an oral-only cycle. I’ve been following your writing since the old days and know that you really don’t care for oral only cycles, and have said more than once that if a person is afraid to use a needle then they’re not ready to use anabolic...
  7. Presser

    Primobolan, Winstrol, Dianabol, Anavar Oral Only Steroid Cycle

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 26px; ">Primobolan, Winstrol, Dianabol, Anavar and How to Use An Oral Only Steroid Cycle Most Effectively.By Bill Roberts </header>Q:“I want to know how to do an oral-only...
  8. akn

    The Perfect Testosterone Cycle – Best Choices of Ancillaries and Steroids to Include

    Q: “I plan to base my anabolic steroid cycle around injectable testosterone. What are my best choices of steroids and ancillaries to combine with testosterone? Obviously there are a lot of choices but I want to consider the basic, best ones. What would be the purposes of these additions?” A...
  9. D

    IGF1 - Only beneficial or are there risks - well, as always, moderation is key...

    Although their are risks discussed, as always it is tied to the famous "the dose makes the poison" problem. "Too much" IGF-1 can be a problem....what is *too much*? Nobody quite knows yet, but the classic bodybuilding mentality of "more is better" is always best to moderate anyway...
  10. akn

    Weekly Injectable Steroid Dosages for Women

    Q: “For various injectable anabolic steroids, how much per week would you suggest for a woman who wants very low risk but still very significant results? I don’t mean relative to professional female bodybuilders or today’s ‘fitness’ competitors, but for being able to add say a solid 5 lb of...
  11. T

    My first peptide cycle. IGF-DES + IGF LR3 and MGF(non peg)

    Can I first say that doing research into dosage and protocol of peptides is horrible. Every single thread and every single forum has something different. So I'm hoping what I suggest sounds good and "peptide vets" can offer their critique :) Firstly my background + stats 29 yrs old 2 x AAS...
  12. S

    Acne treatments

    So what remedies do you guys use to combat it? I break out pretty bad, like small red spots, not actual pussed filled pimples. I never can find a cure, some of them fade away after cycle but Im left with most of them. Sucks. Im using Benzyl Peroxide 10% now and I am going to start mega dosing B5...
  13. Presser

    Human Study on 100mcgs of IGF-1 versus HGH.

    Metabolic effects of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I in humans: comparison with recombinant human growth hormone.Mauras N1, Haymond MW. Author information Abstract<abstracttext>Many of the metabolic actions of growth hormone (GH) are mediated through insulin-like growth factors...
  14. gandhisays

    Proviron Minimum and maximum dosages per cycle.

    As Proviron is one of the most misunderstood steroids on earth, so are Proviron Doses. One reason for this misunderstanding is this steroid's ratings based on its structural nature; however, its translating action does not match up to its structural nature. This often leads many to supplement...
  15. guardianactual

    DBOL and work....

    I'm prohibited to bring any pills to work so I cannot take DBOL 4x ED like I planned I'll get 2 maybe 3 doses I plan 40mg total.. How should I take it with my restrictions?
  16. guardianactual

    Kratom and bodybuilding

    Using Kratom to boost energy and focus for bodybuilding Kratom is a name given to a tree or its leaves which is found in Southeast Asia. It has been used as a traditional medicine in Southeast Asia for many centuries. The effect of the drug is sedation and pain reduction in high doses and has a...
  17. Presser

    What Dosage Human Growth Hormone Reverses the Signs of Aging? 1 I.U. = 50k ng natural

    What Dosage of the Human Growth Hormone Reverses the Signs of Aging? The human growth hormone is an indispensable component of the processes of growth, development and metabolism. Consequently, HGH supplements and products are gaining considerable popularity to help maintain optimum health and...
  18. HackTwat

    Steroids and Bodybuilding: Beginners and High Doses and Why?

    Beginner and High Doses Why? <!-- Facebook Like Button v1.9.6 BEGIN [] -->by Cade Thomas Some bodybuilders (using the term loosely) want to grow, some bodybuilders want to get lean, some bodybuilders want to maintain, and some bodybuilders just want to take...
  19. guardianactual

    Q&A W/ IFBB Pro Steriods and the Human Body Natural Production

    Q. Im on the younger side. Im 22. I've found steriods very interesting for many years. Ive done research papers covering the topic. I understand they are not as bad for you as people think if used responsibly. Runing a basic cycle (250-350test e+arimidex pct nolva 40w1 20w2) at my age what type...
  20. guardianactual

    Q&A w/ a IFBB pro Part 26 GA's question

    GA's Q.Is it true to be a top IFBB superstar you must inject 5grams + of test EW? i mentioned in another recent answer, doses vary from person to person, just like at any level of the sport and normally, no one starts starts at massive doses. over time, the same amount of gear becomes less...