
  1. Iron Game


    ANABOLICS 101 - ANDRIOL (TESTOSTERONE UNDECANOATE) Anabolics 101 - Andriol (Testosterone Undecanoate) Description Andriol® is an oral testosterone preparation that contains testosterone undecanoate (in an oil base) in a soft gelatin capsule. This drug is very different than most oral...
  2. 9

    Brock Lesnar Fails USADA Drug Test

    Brock Lesnar has been popped for a potential United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) violation dating back to an out-of-competition drug test on June 28. According to Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), who released a statement earlier this evening (Friday, July 15, 2016) regarding Lesnar...
  3. The Dude

    NPP Cycle questions

    I've never used this stuff as it should be. Just threw some in one time until my Deca arrived. I keep hearing about it. I only do low dose stuff now. I was thinking of maybe trying 100mg of NPP, 100mg of Test prop EOD, with maybe something else?? I'll be using IGF. My goal will only be a denser...
  4. Iron Game


    Buying Anabolic Steroids - Watch Out for Counterfeits About a year and a half ago, Public Health Wales, which runs the WEDINOS project, released a report on the state of the black market. WEDINOS is short for Welsh Emerging Drugs and Identification of Novel Substances. They had collected...
  5. akn

    Oral Turinabol Explained (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone)

    by Anthony Roberts Oral Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) is the drug made famous by the East German state-sponsored doping program. Of course, it’s not the only drug they used, but it holds the distinction of having been used more than any other. It’s the one people think about...
  6. akn

    Clostebol Explained (4-chloro-testosterone)

    by Anthony Roberts Clostebol is an old anabolic steroid that wasn’t very popular outside of the former German Democratic Republic. In it’s original incarnation, it was known as Megagrisevit-Mono, and was comprised of the parent hormone clostebol (4-chloro-testosterone) attached to the acetate...
  7. akn

    Why are so Many Athletes Testing Positive for 4-chloro Anabolic Steroids?

    The East Germans experimented with other incarnations of 4-chloro substituted anabolic steroids, some of which were variants of Oral Turinabol (11beta-Hydroxy-Oral Turinabol), and others that didn’t even have names (called “steroid substance 482” and “steroid substance 648”), none of which were...
  8. Iron Game

    Steroids and Aggression

    Steroids and Agression, my view! Steriods and Agression Our media and government has hindered legit medical professionals to prescribe the drugs when needed for existing legitimate medical problems, such as hypogonadism, depression and a host of other conditions. In truth synthetic steroids...
  9. Iron Game

    Dementia Risk Linked with Common Medications

    Linda J. Dobberstein, Chiropractor, Board Certified in Clinical Nutrition Drugs like Benadryl, Coumadin, Sominex, Klonopin, Detrol, Flexeril, Lasix, and Elavil have something in common. They are in the class of anticholinergic medications. The use of these drugs affects the neurotransmitter...
  10. Iron Game

    Does Your Underground Lab Produce Quality Steroids?

    Does Your Underground Lab Produce Quality Steroids? For those unfamiliar, an underground steroid lab is a secret illegal operation that makes steroids specifically for sale on the black market. Decades ago, the black market was fed almost exclusively with products diverted from legitimate...
  11. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroids and Kidney Function

    Anabolic Steroids and Kidney Function An interview with Leal Herlitz, M.D. July 15, 2010 by Jerry Brainum in Hormones, Nutrition, Nutrition Science Although anabolic steroid users rarely experience serious side effects, it could happen. Whether it does depends on several factors, the most...
  12. Presser

    DMSO and Inflammation , Arthritis and the FDA. Dimethyl Sulfoxide Many Uses

    Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a by-product of the wood industry, has been in use as a commercial solvent since 1953. It is also one of the most studied but least understood pharmaceutical agents of our time--at least in the United States. According to Stanley Jacob, MD, a former head of the organ...
  13. akn

    Anabolic to Androgenic Ratings Explained

    by Anthony Roberts We’ve all seen this before – a new steroid or prohormone hits the market and the sales pitch includes a crazy anabolic rating and some kind of claim like “six times more anabolic than testosterone!” But what does this actually mean, in real world terms? Very little, as it...
  14. Presser

    Steroid Hormone Testing Kits. At Home Steroid Test Kit for Anabolic Steroid Harm Reduction

    Anabolic Steroid Color Reaction Testing Kits. So I remember these testing kits were super popular for Ecstacy Back in the day, and were sold on Bluelight and Pillreports.com sites, and they were extremely effective in determing if your ecstacy was real MDMA or MDA or just garbage! So I think...
  15. Presser

    MLB Players Testing Positive for PED Turinabol dehydrochlormethyltestosterone (DHCMT)

    Major League Baseball is expected to announce in the next few days that another player has tested positive for the steroid Turinabol, a drug that was commonly used by East German athletes in the 1970s. The positive test is one of a handful being processed, two sources familiar with the cases...
  16. Presser

    Anyone have any Positive Welbutrin Stories?

    I was curious who here knows anything about the drug WELBUTRIN? IS IT ANY GOOD for energy, and mental focus, clearer thinking etc... better moods, etc...????
  17. Iron Game

    Cheapest and Safest Way to Cycle Anabolic Steroids

    Q: “I want to have really good steroid cycle results over the next year, not like a pro bodybuilder but still very serious. But I don’t want to spend a penny more than I have to. What is the cheapest way that’s also sensible in terms of adverse side effects?” A: I suppose the absolute cheapest...
  18. Presser

    Anyone ever heard of or used drug called "Deplin" it is by prescription only

    Just curious who has used Deplin before, its a script but comes from herb or plant, anyhow, my doctor said it might help with energy, focus, and such if i am deficient in it. Anyways, its 15mg daily of drug called Deplin anyone???
  19. Presser

    Viagra (sildenafil) increases exercise, training, weight lifting capacity in bodybuilders

    Viagra helps mountain climbers: Popular drug helps with a different kind of performance By Valerie Reitman, Los Angeles Times September 13, 2004 Researchers may have found a new use for Viagra, after conducting tests on mountain climbers scaling Mount Everest, the world's highest summit...
  20. Iron Game

    What Is Free Testosterone?

    Q: What is free testosterone and does Proviron increase free test levels? A: Well, let’s leave out the Proviron part as Proviron does not increase free testosterone. The “free concentration” of a drug is that amount which is dissolved in a given volume of the aqueous (water) part of the blood...