
  1. Iron Game

    M1T vs. DBOL

    <tbody> About M1T Methyl 1-Test (M1T) is the methylated version of the steroid 1-testosterone that is considered by many as the most effective pro-steroid or prohormone product to hit the market. A highly anabolic and moderately androgenic drug, M1T is 910-1600 percent as anabolic and...
  2. Iron Game

    Do Steroids Only Help a Little? - Lyle McDonald

    Do Steroids Only Help a Little? - Lyle McDonald Do Drugs Only Help a Little? I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write this piece since I don’t want to start being that guy who just craps all over other people’s stuff. I have never found that productive although I could make an entire career out of...
  3. Iron Game

    Long Term Anavar Cycle

    Q: How long can I stay on a low dose (25mg) of Anavar? I cannot find a correct legitimate answer anywhere! 6-8-10-12 weeks?? I know Anavar is used in treating AIDS patients from muscle wasting…so what is the max for “healthy” males and females? A: In the context of this discussion, “maximum”...
  4. Presser

    Trenbolones Relationship to IGF-1 and Why its the Superior Muscle Building Steroid for any Cycle (cut or bulk)

    The Ultimate STEROID of STEROIDS Trenbolone Acetate is hands down the strongest injectable anabolic steroid for muscle gains and crazy strength gains. So much more needs to be learned about Trenbolone acetate that numerous studies are being done on this drug as we speak!. This steroid profile...
  5. Presser

    Testosterone Suspension the water based steroid. TNE Testosterone No Ester

    Figured I would post this since i was reading up on TNE and what some people call Testosterone Base as it can get confusing since i think it comes down to how its referred to, as when some say TNE they say its automatically in oil, and when they say Test Base its automatically in water, however...
  6. Presser

    What does Customs Do with Your Seized Anabolic Steroids, SARMs, Peptides & Hormones? They Donate it to be studied for WADA!

    You guys and girls can take comfort in knowing that some confiscated / seized anabolic steroids and growth hormones are going to good use and being used to for testing by the World Anti Doping Agency aka wada so they can perfect their testing skills to bust cheating athletes lmao...
  7. cloudstrife1218

    Info on when steroids became illegal

    The legal status of anabolic steroids varies from country to country: some have stricter controls on their use or prescription than others though in many countries they are not illegal. In the U.S., anabolic steroids are currently listed as Schedule III controlled substances under the Controlled...
  8. akn

    Enclomiphene – The Super Clomid?

    by Josh Hodnik Clomiphene (Clomid) is one of the first drugs ever used for post-cycle-therapy to restore the body’s natural testosterone production. Clomiphene is a synthetic estrogen agonist/antagonist. In certain tissues it can block estrogen by binding to certain receptors. It can oppose the...
  9. Masher59

    SARMs info I came across today.

    Prohormones were a mainstay of the bodybuilding supplement industry since Patrick Arnold first introduced the world to 4-androstenedione around 1996 until the passing of the DASCA bill in December 2014, effectively banning prohormones once and for all. Since then, extreme muscle-building...
  10. Iron Game

    Shamrock and Kimbo Fail Drug Test - Trio of Steroids

    Bellator 149 headliners Ken Shamrock and Kevin “Kimbo Slice” Ferguson have both failed drug tests, a spokesperson for the Texas Combative Sports commission today confirmed to MMAjunkie. The positive tests are believed to have come back this past week, according to Susan Stanford of the Texas...
  11. Presser

    Front loading Steroid Cycle, Pyramid , Tapering, Stacking Steroids with Charts. Enjoy!

    1) Single Dosing Steroid Cycle. Steroid cycles come in all flavors and sizes, with theories abound as to which is the best approach. A quick internet search on the topic will reveal that numerous websites and forums discuss the relative merits of design "X" versus design "Y", and it's not...
  12. Iron Game

    Stay Safe, Stay Sterile

    Sterilization is defined as not being able to produce or being incapable to produce offspring. Not being able to produce seed, produce little or no vegetation, a sterile land or reproductive structures. Drying or freezing can kill many types of bacteria and causes others to become inactive as...
  13. Iron Game

    PGCL - Bodybuilding's Most Hardcore Drug?

    PGCL - Bodybuilding's Most Hardcore Drug? With the use of anabolic steroids and growth hormone endemic in bodybuilding and strength sports today, athletes have increasingly sought out ever new drugs to gain an edge. The widespread adoption of peptides such as IGF-1 LR3, Mechanogrowth factor...
  14. Presser

    How The Law Created a Risky and Sometimes Harmful Underground Steroid Market.

    How Legislation Created a Dangerous Underground Steroid Market Posted by Tim Zakowski © 2016 Anabolic.org. Read more Anabolic Steroids & Substance Info at: http://www.anabolic.org/how-legislation-created-a-dangerous-underground-steroid-market/ Almost daily we find examples of American society...
  15. Iron Game

    What is Anabolic DN

    Anabolic DN, otherwise known as Nandrolone Cypionate, is a powerful compound that promotes muscle mass and most people will start to take it for this purpose. It is most recommended for bodybuilders who are looking to enhance their image and improve their muscle mass. Anabolic DN is a modified...
  16. Iron Game

    Use/Dosing of Cialis, Tadalafil Citrate

    Use/Dosing of Cialis, Tadalafil Citrate Pharmaceutical Name: Tadalafil Citrate Drug Classification: Long-Acting Type 5 Phosphodiesterase Isoenzyme Inhibitor Active Life: 36-48 hours Long-acting type 5 phosphodiesterase isoenzyme inhibitors are a class of drugs currently prescribed for the...
  17. Iron Game

    A Women Guide to Tren

    <center style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;">A Women Guide to Tren Trenbolone is one of the most popular drugs used by bodybuilders today and, when you look at the stats, it is not hard to see why. A very potent androgen with strong anabolic...
  18. Iron Game

    Clenbuterol, Fat Loss Aid

    Clenbuterol, Fat Loss Aid Clenbuterol is a stimulant drug prescribed outside the United States for asthmatics. In some ways, it works like ephedrine as a "beta-2 agonist" (i.e., dilates the airways and reduces constrictive wheezing). However, unlike ephedrine (which is out of the body in a...
  19. Iron Game

    Oral Testosterone, Long Acting

    Oral Testosterone, Long Acting Sometimes, genius is seeing something others miss; sometimes, geniuses see things that aren’t there. No, this isn’t an article about deficit spending by the federal government; it is about a testosterone delivery product investigated in the laboratories of...
  20. Iron Game

    ALL DRUGS - two of the most disrespectful words a gym warrior can hear

    “All drugs”— two of the most disrespectful words a dedicated gym warrior can hear. It happens every day, at gyms in all neighborhoods. The bodybuilder walks through the club, arms busting through his shirt, lats flaring, traps to his ears, legs like tree trunks, trains twice a day, never misses...