
  1. Presser

    Anyone getting out to Caucus Tonight in Iowa?

    Yeah I didnt think so lmao Seriously though, anyone from Iowa here get involved like this? For the record I am into politics, and pride myself on being in the know and think its important, so just curious who else is Im a conservative and fit the mold for the most part though hold my own...
  2. 9

    Dana White: Tough to give Aldo rematch

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  3. D

    Deca causing bad cramps!

    So after about 10 yrs, I decided to try deca again. Just came off two rotator cuff surgeries and two bicep relocations so i wanted to give deca a try again to help me build up my strength in the tendons. After three weeks I started to get bad cramps, gas like pains in my upper left rib cage. I...
  4. 9

    BJ Penn Issues Formal Challenge to Nick Lentz

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> @niklentz this is a formal challenge for Nik Lentz to meet me in the octagon March 5th in Las Vegas. Nik you wrote a silly poem about me making fun of me, you said stuff about me...
  5. Presser

    Pressers Movie Review for...."The Revenant"" with DiCaprio

    Ok for those interested this movie "The Revenant" with DiCaprio is on free and it will be listed as a cam but its really a dvd or hd copy, I guess they listed it as Cam, so they didnt have hollywood come after them since they had it on their site at before it even...
  6. dorian123

    coffee and BP

    anyone here monitor the BP on a regular basis? the other day I had 6 cups of coffee and the BP was 150/100 no shit after 3 hours it went down, the past couple days no coffee BP was 120/80-been a while since I've been on anything (4 months) getting ready to start a cycle, every 2 years or so I...
  7. 9

    MMA Update; UFC news, Holly Holm happy to give Ronda Rousey a rematch

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  8. Presser

    Using for Secure e-mail

    Is anyone else using ghost for their secure email ? I just signed up since proton mail is fucking down all day, lol, and hearing great things about ghost mail on other forums and reading reviews it seems they take encryption and privacy very serious and even have self destruct email...
  9. Iron Game

    CYBERSECURITY INFORMATION SHARING ACT OF 2015 Too long to copy. Give it a read and see for yourself!
  10. O

    IGF how much do you take?

    Ive looked around and can't seem to find what a good size dose you should take a month or week. Can some one give me an idea on how to take this product and how often. Maybe a break down on how to cycle it? Thanks
  11. eswol

    Mass Builder NPP

    Just wanted to give a shout out to Mass Builder and say thanks for their new product NPP, give it a try in your arsenal of gear you will love it...You cant beat their price and free shipping, very legit gear and fast turn times...... they also have Mastron now.
  12. D

    Should I take Tren A?

    After reading a lot about aggression from cycling with Tren ace, I am scared to take it. I do have a quick temper and unfortunately it's usually towards my kids or wife. I constantly catch myself having to collect my thoughts and reason with myself before reacting to situations that piss me off...
  13. Presser

    Universal Jurisdiction Laws….scary stuff

    So im not sure i got this story right but i think it goes like this, the U.S. justice department is going after drug traffickers, they haven't even arrested them yet, but they are investigating them and they got a warrant fot their emails, well their email is set up on servers in dublin ireland...
  14. Presser

    2015 NPC EUROPA ATLANTIC CITY Super Heavy Weight Bodybuilding CHRIS WINTEMBERG

    CHRIS WINTEMBERG from the 2015 NPC Europa Atlantic City. I know Chris Personally and wanted to give a shout out to him! Looking good daddio!
  15. 9

    UFC 191: Demetrious Johnson not "butt hurt" about fighting Jon Dodson again

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> dj is the man, i don't give a fuck if he's 5' tall, he's awesome
  16. Presser


    I know this show was 2 weeks ago, but i gotta give some love to my back yard, Literally my back yard lol, and an impressive turnout in bodybuilding competitors! South Jersey is where its at! John Foster
  17. D

    Dienolone acetate is this stuff for real or no ?

    I have some Dienolone acetate right now that I'm thinking about running. I'm hoping someone who has actual knowledge of it will give some info on it. What is the recommended dose, what to expect out of it, is it worth running at all. There is so much mixed crap on the Internet on it I don't know...
  18. D

    BPC- 157 dosage

    Curious of how to dose BPC-157. I am thinking of throwing some in the mix during my recovery from rotator cuff surgery. Another member said it worked good for his wife's recovery and was going to give it a shot. Would like to know what dosage I should take, how often and where to inject. Any...
  19. Powderguy

    So this is me...powderguy

    Many have asked and I don't have many pics I could crop so here is my military pic. The man next to me is 6'0 215. Im on the right 6'5 249 Its crazy to look back at pics and realize how you compare to others and how far you have come. I will post some of me later with out all the gear. Just...
  20. Stickler*


    I mean.. really.. need I say more? ... and press.. I was making tshirts for a living for a while... so hit me up... i mean.. really.. i'll give you the best deal possible on pre paid bulk t's... .... LET'S GOOOOO!!!! :sport::sport::sport: