
  1. drtbear1967

    Throw the scale away!! NOW

    by Matt Weik A scale. Most of us have them in our homes—whether we decide to use them or not, they sit there on the bathroom floor. What exactly we expect it to tell us is beyond me. Do we actually think that the numbers it shows means anything to us? The true answer is no, they shouldn’t—it’s...
  2. D


    Greetings fellow animals. My name is Dukey ( no not as in shit ). I am new to this sight so lets give a great big warm welcome...:wave:
  3. drtbear1967

    Rich Piana Has Passed Away

    More sad news for the bodybuilding world, we have lost Rich Piana. I had a bad feeling when no word was coming out of the 5% family. His girl had posted the below on August17th on her Instagram. She states she is only permitted to give this update, what did that mean? The only update I'm...
  4. drtbear1967

    Fake Supplement Review.

    by Matt Weik You’re in search of a new supplement to try… What do you do? Look for reviews on new products, right? What if I told you most of the reviews out there today are fake and paid for by supplement companies? One of the largest online supplement retailers is the worst offender, and...
  5. Iron Game

    Jose Raymond: Better Hack Squats, Close-Grip Bench Press for Meaty Triceps

    Help for Hack Squats I no longer can do hack squats, as my right knee can’t bend at the angle anymore. What can take its place? I can get leg presses in without the pain, but will that give me the same results hacks give me? They seemed to be the only exercise that hit that “teardrop” above the...
  6. drtbear1967

    Best Diet when running TREN

    I hear all the time that everyone is running a clean diet. That they are seeing the fat melt off of them when they are running tren a and prop. So instead of beating a dead horse let give some specifics. What is the best diet when running test prop and tren a?
  7. Iron Game

    The Competitor's Pump-Up Guide — Either Do It Right or Don’t Do It At All

    As a competitor, you know all too well the amount of time and energy invested in the physique you are about to display on stage. You know the sacrifices involved for the last handful of months, if not longer. The last thing you want to do is something at the last minute to take away from your...
  8. Iron Game

    Ways You Could Be Killing Your Progress

    We all make mistakes in life, that’s how we learn and grow. Well, the same principle can be used when it comes to our overall health and fitness progress. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or advanced exerciser, anyone can fall into a trap if they aren’t careful. If you don’t understand...
  9. Presser

    SARM Compound Patent Information

    Treating renal disease, burns, wounds and spinal cord injury with selective androgen receptor modulators <center style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: -webkit-standard;">Abstract</center>This invention provides: 1) a method of treating a subject suffering from, or predisposed to a kidney...
  10. drtbear1967

    The New Off - Season Approach

    The “New” Off-Season Approach by Cade Thomas Bulking. Cutting. Offseason. Prep. You know the drill. We have images burnt into our heads of how each of these are supposed to play out. Offseason = higher carbs, more food in general, forcing...
  11. Iron Game

    4 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss Progress Has Stalled

    How many of you started your weight loss journey and the weight started dropping like bird poop on a clear day in July? Then all of a sudden it was like your body started pumping the brakes and your weight loss progress seemed to have slowed down or even stopped all together? Well, you aren’t...
  12. drtbear1967

    Are Saturated Fats the Hero, Villian or Not Bad?

    Are Saturated Fats the Hero, Villain or Not Bad? For anyone who hasn’t been keeping up with all the posts here at Burn the Fat Blog, the team at wrote our “most liked’ post ever a few months ago, in which they talked about the...
  13. Iron Game

    AAS Half Life and How to Use Half Life Math

    If I give myself a shot of 1000 mg of testosterone; what is the active dosage amount after 10 days? The general answer everyone will state; is 500 mg. Thus we agree that the active ingredient diminishes daily. But the real question is; what is the active amount the day after the shot or even two...
  14. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroids and Bicycling

    Anabolic Steroids and the Bicycle Sport For an athlete or a sports person to be the best in his/her field, he needs to be in top shape. One of the many ways he/she can ensure they are on top of their game is by using anabolic steroids, to enhance the performance. Anabolic steroids are...
  15. B

    When doctors refuse to treat you

    Recently, I had some bloodwork done, and it came back showing my IGF levels as being low. This test is also used to indicate GH levels since IGF will be low if GH is low. The doctor however, refused to give me an Rx for either IGF or HGH citing that I was, in his opinion, "too muscular." What...
  16. PUMPED

    One last ride

    I think its time for me to pull out all the stops and give everything I have toward one last ride.
  17. Iron Game


    GETTING RIPPED AND LOSING WEIGHT COULDN'T BE EASIER! Human Evolution has created Core Burner® with our new "DENDROBIUM" formula. GREAT THERMOGENESIS increases body temperatures to burn more calories. GREAT DIURESIS, reduces the extra water retained by your body. Enjoy up to 10 hours of...
  18. Mountain_Man

    Mc igf-1 credits I'll write a detailed.journal on it this.will be my first a HGH man but the way u guys talk.about now.i.have to give it a go
  19. Iron Game

    Glycogen: Thoughts on Reps/Sets/Weights

    I know we all have to find what works for you/me and all of our opinions vary, but in light of things I've seen on logs lately, I wanted to share my theory on why maybe you'd want to do it different. Of course I'm open to discussion because I know my brain can get locked on things now and that's...
  20. Presser

    What if Your Son or Daughter Wanted to Use Steroids, Compete, or maybe even Just Use Cutting Agents Clenbuterol or T3?

    What if your kid, boy or girl wanted to compete seriously, to the point where drugs are used? Steroids, peptides, Diuretics, or even Just Clenbuterol or T3. Where if anywhere do you drawl the line? I know we have had this discussion here before probably about a decade or so ago. Truth be told...