
  1. drtbear1967

    Danny Hester - Mr Consistency

    Danny Hester: King of Consistency <!--sec-marg-in--> <!--sec-marg-out--> <!--post-header--> <!--author-img--> <!--post-soc-pin--> <!--prev-next-posts-->...
  2. drtbear1967

    Dave Draper - Building Character in the Gym

    This is not important reading. You will not discover shortcuts to muscular excellence, weight loss, personality transformation or financial stability. This is an extemporaneous rambling, an unfolding of thoughts that occur to me as I forge...
  3. drtbear1967

    Don't beat yourself up - Overindulging happens

    Being consumed with guilt after overindulging, and then making extra restrictions with food for the next two days.Feeling like you didn’t work hard enough in your workout because you were unable to improve your performance, so you squeeze in an extra workout to “make up” for it. Feeling...
  4. M

    amazing results

    I just recently started Anavar for Women and in less then 3 weeks I have lost 17.6 pounds. I feel absolutely amazing and I haven't even been to the gym so I can only imagine what my results would be then.
  5. drtbear1967

    Have some Class at the Gym, Don't be a Dbag.

    by Matt Weik Everyone needs to start somewhere with their fitness journey. The first step is generally to sign up for a gym membership. The gym, however, can be a frightening place to those who have never been in one before. Hopefully this article sheds some light on things NOT to do. If...
  6. Iron Game

    IFBB Men's Physique Pro Antoine Williams Chest/Shoulder/Triceps Workout At The NPC Photo Gym

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. drtbear1967

    Deca and joint pain?

    There has always been a lot of anecdotal evidence by gym rats saying that the anabolic steroid nandrolone decanoate(Deca) can help alleviate joint point, but is there any science to back this claim up? It turns out that there may in fact be a mechanism that could explain this phenomena. This...
  8. Iron Game

    Safety Squat Bar with Branch Warren

    Safety Squat Bar I’ve seen you use the safety squat bar in your DVDs, and I asked my gym owner if he would get one for our place. He started giving me excuses about budget and whatever, so I looked online and found one used for under $300. I am sure the shipping won’t be cheap. Obviously I would...
  9. Iron Game

    Do You Have A "TRAINING" Mission Statement?

    Words Of Wisdom Things I've Learned Here are a few pearls of wisdom: What kind of person needs a mission statement for training? It only makes sense to be big and strong, to regularly challenge the body. I train because I can. To succeed in weight lifting, do shorter workouts than the...
  10. Iron Game

    Don't Train Like A Sissy!!

    Don’t Train Like a Sissy! I saw a great photo of Clint Eastwood on Facebook the other day with the quote, “I miss the ole days when everybody wasn’t such a pussy”. Although I’m not quite as old as Clint, I can relate to his brash opinion of the diminishing state of manhood when it comes to...
  11. T

    My gym manager wear too hard core??

    So heres my issue, I hired a gal some time ago to do outside marketing at my gym, she used to work at a few other facilities so she had some experience. I have put her out in the public going to businesses handing out passes to gym...have had very little response so I'm politely nudging her and...
  12. nuknuk

    Is the ridiculous beats head set fad over with finally?

    my last two years in the gym was 2012 and 2013 and everybody was wearing these big ugly beats head sets. I noticed today that since I been back in the gym I don't see anybody wearing them anymore. Is the fad over? I sure hope so.
  13. nuknuk

    going to up the dose just a little on the IGF

    I going from 40mcg a day to 50-60mcg a day, it may not seem like much on paper, but I think the little bump will do just fine. Im still seeing my muscles becoming more round, and now the bigger guys in the gym are coming up to me asking questions. lol. Feels good to be getting back in the mix.
  14. drtbear1967

    3 Tips Newbies Don't Want to Hear

    3 Tips Newbies Don't Want to Hear New to lifting? Here's some harsh advice you might not like, but you should definitely take to heart. by Paul Carter 1. One Rep Maxes Aren't For You: You have no business maxing out in the gym if you're a beginner. I don't care how strong you're feeling. Do...
  15. nuknuk

    one week of back in the gym is in the books, and the results are ...

    So after a very long time off from the gym and turning into a skinny fat whatever, I just completed a full 7 days back in the gym. Trained 6 days of those 7, zero carb for 5 days and only 2 days were 50 grams of carbs, 500mg of test Cyp, and some cardio in the mix. Was 215lbs day one first...
  16. drtbear1967

    The Modern Destruction of Gym Culture!

    The Modern Destruction of Gym Culture! by Anders JP Eskilsson The evolution of fitness and bodybuilding culture has changed rapidly over the last decades. The old hardcore training mindset is decreasing in favor of sluggish compulsory mentalities...
  17. Iron Game

    Ways You Could Be Killing Your Progress

    We all make mistakes in life, that’s how we learn and grow. Well, the same principle can be used when it comes to our overall health and fitness progress. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or advanced exerciser, anyone can fall into a trap if they aren’t careful. If you don’t understand...
  18. drtbear1967

    Craziest Shit You have Seen in th Gym.

    Several years ago, I was training at a gym where this older Africa man trained. He was strong as a bull but when he trained he didn't count in English or count at all but made this sound that sounded like he was saying Fuckaone and then he would change it up and it sounded like he was saying...
  19. drtbear1967

    Defy the Meat Head Sterotype

    Defy the Meat Head Sterotype by Cade Thomas Bodybuilders have a way of turning off the general public. Whether it be other members in the gym or people at the grocery store, the reactions are not always positive. Depending on where you live and the general activity level of the citizens, it’s...
  20. drtbear1967

    Generation Iron 2

    I was able to watch this the other night and all I can say it WOW. It has the good and the bad. Kai is awesome in the film and it shows that you don't have to compete to make money but it also shows the down side to those that do compete and the competition that comes from others that do not...