
  1. 3J

    Another Amazing Transformation Brought to you By 3Js Nutrition Network

    I gotta say, when you love what you do you never work a day in you life. Its before and after pics like this one of my client that makes my job so damn rewarding. He has absolutely changed his life around! If interested in my 100% online nutrition/training coaching please email me at...
  2. 9

    Front Headlock: Head in the Hole, Standing

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ve6Cd-Y2IC0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> pretty cool shit imo - - - Updated - - - despite the background noise lol
  3. jimbosmith316

    NPC Men's Classic Physique Posing Tutorial With IFBB/NPC Head Judge Steve Weinberger

    Hear it from a judge! <iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OWeJwWwZ_Ic" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. Presser

    DMSO and Inflammation , Arthritis and the FDA. Dimethyl Sulfoxide Many Uses

    Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a by-product of the wood industry, has been in use as a commercial solvent since 1953. It is also one of the most studied but least understood pharmaceutical agents of our time--at least in the United States. According to Stanley Jacob, MD, a former head of the organ...
  5. akn

    Is Dana Linn Bailey the Best in the Business?

    When you think of female figures in the fitness industry, it goes without saying that if you were to ramble off five names, one of those would most definitely be Dana Linn Bailey. The first female physique pro to ever make it into the big leagues (IFBB). An active athlete her entire life, it was...
  6. Presser

    Building Bigger Biceps with Proper Training Form.

    Curl Primer: Find Your Form And Build Your Biceps – Written By Michael Camp <section class="cb-entry-content clearfix" style="box-sizing: border-box; zoom: 1; margin: 0px 0px 30px; color: rgb(72, 72, 72); font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25.2px;">Biceps...
  7. 9


    Assembly Majority Leader Joseph Morelle successfully fending off the MMA trolls I don't drink coffee, I take tea and I like my toast done on one side. You can hear it in my accent when I talk, I am not a New York native and yet I—and thousands of others—tuned in to watch the four-hour long...
  8. cloudstrife1218

    So tired

    So, I'm at work. I didn't get a single minute of sleep before work tonight, and I"m here til 730am. I am already bobbing my head. I can't hold out much longer! Save me!!
  9. Presser

    why is it you always feel sicker at night? Every time!

    Does anyone know why when you sick, that it always gets badder at night ( yeah badder lol) seriously though, s0on as night time comes, my fever goes back up, head congestions gets worst. Its always ben this way, why is it this happens when ur sick ?
  10. Iron Game

    Site Enhancing Oil and Stretching Fascia for Mass

    Site oils can be used for two purposes - to increase the size of a muscle or to shape a muscle. To increase size, lets use the biceps for example. You need to inject in EVERY head of the muscle, while rotating the shots daily within that head. This is the only way to ensure that the added...
  11. Iron Game

    Building an Impressive Back

    Building an Impressive Back Go to any bodybuilding contest or fitness expo and you will see an array of impressive looking people. Large muscular arms, chest and shoulders fill such events yet often when viewed from behind these people seem to look a lot more average. It’s nearly disappointing...
  12. D

    Syntherol site enhancing oils how to inject deltoids guide

    HowToDoInjections.com <tbody> SEO (Synthol) GUIDE - DELTOIDS. </tbody> <tbody> </tbody> <tbody> </tbody> <tbody> </tbody> <tbody> The above 3 photos indicate the injection location for the anterior (front) deltoid head. </tbody> <tbody> </tbody> <tbody> </tbody>...
  13. Presser

    "" IF "" McGregor Loses Tomorrow Night, they will kill him like they did Rousey

    If Conor mcGregor loses to Jose, i will bet my life the joe rogain and the like will say the same exact thing about him as they did ronda rousey, that they were pumped up by the UFC, and over hyped and couldn't really fight worth a shit etc... I hope Conor kicks the living shit out of Jose...
  14. Presser

    Just got Prescribed Adderral at 20mg tabs taken twice daily. My Questions Are……….

    So in another thread a while back i was asking about nootropics or whatever they are called, the mind brain power pills and powders and such. Anyhow, I was prescribed Adderall 20mg tabs instante release, not the XR (extended Release) so these hit fast and i have to take 20mg tab twice daily...
  15. Presser

    Anyone seen star wars trailer? I haven't but heard it crashed Fandingo

    Just curious if anyone watched this trailer on stars wars, its all anyone was talking about on talk radio this morning, might head over and peep it out myself, just curious
  16. 9

    The Physiology of a Rear Naked Choke

    The Physiology of a Rear Naked Choke, or: What Happens When You Get Choked Out By Valerie Worthington Coach If you train Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ), chances are you’ve been on the receiving end of a rear naked choke (RNC). You know just by feel that what’s happening isn’t good for you. But...
  17. Presser

    Play Presser Head to Head In Fan Duel This Weekend!

    If anyone wants to go head to head against me in Fan Duel this Sunday! Let me know, and i will make a head to head match up for $100, winner takes all! lemme know
  18. Presser

    Fan Duel and Draft Kings Cheating Scandal

    Of course after i just started gambling on Fan Duel and winning, i read that it may get shut down due to one of Draft Kings employees winning 350k$ on Fan Duel through some insider trading shit, lol Not sure how it went down but anyone else betting with these guys yet? I am now on fan duel and...
  19. Presser

    Dallas Mccarver Looked Fucking Phenominal in my opinion!

    ANyone else think this kid brought a great package to the Mr Olmpia, for being so dang young, i was impressed as fuck! I thought he stuck out in all honesty !! Big Ramy was gifted a placing, cause i can name 4 guys off the top of my head who looked way better , army didn't have striations, no...
  20. Presser

    Anyone ever Gamble through FanDuel or DraftKings Weekly Fantasy Leagues?

    Just curious if anyone has ever played the weekly picks fantasy through draft kings or fan duel I keep seeing commercials and I'm finally going to head over to the sites now and see what its all about, i have no idea honestly but figure fuck it, legal gambling! lol