
  1. drtbear1967

    The New Off - Season Approach

    The “New” Off-Season Approach by Cade Thomas Bulking. Cutting. Offseason. Prep. You know the drill. We have images burnt into our heads of how each of these are supposed to play out. Offseason = higher carbs, more food in general, forcing...
  2. T

    What carb you prefer for breakfast?

    My main options are oats, cream of wheat or grits, am I missing another one? I know Go Lean is also a choice. Do any of you steer clear of grits cuz its basically corn? IE higher insulin spike BUT if you train hard enough, you put that to good use..
  3. Iron Game

    Training Frequency for Strength Training

    By Blaine Sumner INTRODUCTION: In the world of strength training, ‘frequency’ is defined as how often you perform something. In more specific terms, I define frequency as the number of times per week a particular lift is performed. Frequency can vary from 0/week to 7/week. Meaning you can...
  4. drtbear1967

    Whole Foods vs. Protein Powders

    Whole Foods vs. Protein Powders Some people like to say that protein supplements are inferior to whole-food protein sources. But what does science say? Check this out. by Chris Shugart What We Know About Higher-Protein Diets Based on a bevy of studies we've covered...
  5. drtbear1967

    The Fat vs Sugar Debate

    The Fat vs Sugar Debate by Matt Weik Once upon a time people who roamed the earth would eat food to sustain energy and to survive. They didn’t have the luxury of half-gallons of ice cream, bags of potato chips, French fries, and beer. But all those...
  6. Iron Game

    Weight Loss and Body Mass Index (BMI) ---POSTED FOR FUN

    I posted this for fun! I can't believe it is still used by the "MEDICAL" community. I had an argument with my Dr. last week and asked her if she was really going to use a formula from the 50's to determine my health. My wife was with me and was getting pissed at me because I guess I seemed...
  7. C

    Lower Pricing TheSupplementOutlet.com

    Check out our new prices. You won't beat the quality anywhere. Many of our products are also dosed higher than our competitors at better prices! Aqua-Burn - $34.99 Cyto-Burn - $29.99 Aqua-Alis - $38.99 Vi-Aqua - $32.99 All available at www.TheSupplementOutlet.com
  8. C

    New Lower Pricing TheSupplementOutlet.com

    Check out our new prices. You won't beat the quality anywhere. Many of our products are also dosed higher than our competitors at better prices! Aqua-Burn - $34.99 Cyto-Burn - $29.99 Aqua-Alis - $38.99 Vi-Aqua - $32.99 All available at www.TheSupplementOutlet.com
  9. drtbear1967

    Creatine Monohydrade - Still the best.

    theguerillachemist<!-- react-text: 56 --> Ran across an interesting study last night while researching creatine. The study showed that guanidinoacetic acid elevated plasma creatine levels higher than creatine itself. It was a very small study, where subjects took either 3.4g or creatine...
  10. C

    Baking Soda: The Performance Supplement You Are Missing

    Baking Soda: The Performance Supplement You Are Missing When we hear “baking soda,” we think of laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, and the stuff we put in refrigerators so they don’t smell bad. But baking soda has other uses as well, especially in regard to fitness and fatigue. The...
  11. Iron Game

    Whey Protein: What It Does and Why You Need It

    Whey protein powder is the most important muscle-building supplement you can take, with essential benefits for everyone from casual gym-goers to elite sportsmen. But with so many choices, each with a variety of other substances and bewildering acronyms propping up their ingredients list, it can...
  12. Iron Game

    Whey Protein: What It Does and Why You Need It

    Whey protein powder is the most important muscle-building supplement you can take, with essential benefits for everyone from casual gym-goers to elite sportsmen. But with so many choices, each with a variety of other substances and bewildering acronyms propping up their ingredients list, it can...
  13. Iron Game

    Using Viagra/sildenafil or Cialis/tadalafil to Make More Testosterone

    Some erection drugs have anti-oestrogenic effect Erection drugs like Viagra/sildenafil or Cialis/tadalafil inhibit the enzyme PDE5, thus making erections easier. Andrologists at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' discovered that tadalafil at least also inhibits aromatase, the enzyme that...
  14. The Dude

    MC SARMS review.

    I've written this thread like 4 times so let's hope it goes through this time. Background- I cut my AAS by 2/3 and added in IGF and started rotating SARMS like I've always wanted. I wasn't getting much of anything from the higher doses and I was going through it too quickly. I was relatively...
  15. Presser

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Muscle Hypertrophy, Metabolic Features and Higher Carb Utilization for Energy

    Insulin-like growth factor-1 builds muscle (hypertrophy) and utilizes carbohydrates as fuel for energy. We characterized the metabolic profile of transgenic mice exhibiting enhanced muscle mass driven by increased mIGF-1 expression (MLC/mIGF-1). As expected, 6-month-old MLC/mIGF-1 mice were...
  16. Presser

    H.C.G. During Your Steroid Cycle ~VERSUS~ H.C.G. Post Steroid Cycle. BIG DIFFERENCE !!!

    H.C.G. During Your Steroid Cycle ~VERSUS~ H.C.G. Post Steroid Cycle. (pct) When To Start Using HCG? Post Cycle Therapy aka "P.C.T." is essential after any steroid cycle. There has been a lot of great PCT protocols over the years, and many bodybuilders , and Athletes alike has garnered...
  17. Iron Game

    Arimidex Improves Test Lasting Ability

    Arimidex Improves Test Lasting Ability by Anthony Roberts Most steroid users are at least somewhat aware of Arimidex (anastrozole). When it was first being studies for the purpose of reducing estrogen in women with breast cancer, it was prohibitively expensive at $5 for a single...
  18. 3J

    How to kill cravings: Inulin-Propionate by 3J

    How to Kill Cravings: Inulin-Propionate by 3J www.3jsdiet.com Cravings, its one of the hardest obstacles one has to face when trying to lose weight. It is the number one psychological diet failure culprit. Ask anyone who has gone on a healthy calorie restricted diet and they will tell you...
  19. Masher59

    PT-141 Bremelanotide

    PT-141 PT-141 or Bremelanotide is the generic term for a research peptide being studied for its possible use in helping to improve sexual dysfunction in both men (erectile dysfunction or impotence) and women (sexual arousal disorder). PT-141 was developed from the tanning peptide Melanotan 2...
  20. Iron Game


    AFFECTS FROM STEROID ABUSE ARE REVERSIBLE Urhausen, A., Torsten, A., & Wilfried, K. (2003). Reversibility of the effects on blood cells, lipids, liver function, and hormones in former anabolic-androgenic steroid abusers. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 84, 369-375...