
  1. Iron Game

    Higher doses of testosterone = less fat

    The more testosterone you give men, the more fat they lose. Canadian and American endocrinologists describe the effect of a study in which they gave fifty healthy men different doses of testosterone enanthate for twenty weeks. Testosterone increases fat-free mass, and therefore also muscle...
  2. Iron Game

    Androgen Receptor Regulation

    Androgen Receptor Regulation by Bill Roberts Bill Roberts received a bachelor degree in Microbiology and Cell Science and completed the educational and research requirements for a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry. Bill entered the nutritional supplement industry prior to completing his doctoral...
  3. Iron Game

    Do some anabolic steroids work better for certain muscles than for others?

    Q: “I have some lagging muscle groups, particularly triceps, traps, and hamstrings. Do some anabolic steroids work better for some muscles than for others? Are there ones I should choose to target any or all of these?” A: If there is a difference between anabolic steroids on effectiveness with...
  4. Iron Game

    Gain Muscle and Lose Fat with 2 Week Anabolic Steroid Cycles

    By Bill Roberts Q: “I’d like to do 2-on, 4-off cycles and add serious strength while improving body composition. My goal is to gain 25 lb of muscle and drop 25 lb of fat over the next 6 months or so. I’m new to anabolic steroid use. I have 5 years of strength training gains have been slow...
  5. Iron Game

    Masteron as an Addition to Testosterone (TRT)

    Q: I am 42-years old and currently on 100-milligrams of testosterone enanthate per week as part of a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) prescribed by my doctor. I plan on remaining on TRT indefinitely. But I’d like to have a little boost. I am currently 220-lbs but my goal is to return my...
  6. Iron Game

    Adex for Gyno AKA Aqua-Dex

    Q: I would like information about using Arimidex for moderate gynecomastia secondary to lipodistrophy. Dosage 2mg? A: Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the male breast resulting from a growth of the glandular tissue of the breast. Gynecomastia is defined clinically by the presence of a...
  7. Iron Game

    Is 1 Gram of Testosterone Per Week Excessive?

    By Bill Roberts Q: Hi Bill, you’ve talked about a gram per week of testosterone. Isn’t that ridiculous? What about say 200 mg? A: It is my view that the farther one is from one’s natural, untrained state, the harder it is to gain more muscle. There comes a point where the body essentially...
  8. Iron Game

    Masteron as an Addition to Testosterone (TRT)

    Q: I am 42-years old and currently on 100-milligrams of testosterone enanthate per week as part of a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) prescribed by my doctor. I plan on remaining on TRT indefinitely. But I’d like to have a little boost. I am currently 220-lbs but my goal is to return my...
  9. 9

    Kicking Drills for Stronger and Higher Kicks

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4wEJneExjX8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. Iron Game

    Proviron, Stacking and Use:

    PROVIRON - Pharmaceutical Name: Mesterolone Chemical structure: 1 alpha-methyl-17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one Effective dose: 25-100 mg / day orally Average Street-price: $0.80 - 1.50 per 25 mg tab Available Doses: 10, 20, 25 and 50 mg tabs Characteristics: Mesterolone is...
  11. Iron Game

    Super Muscle Growth with Supersets

    Super Muscle Growth with Supersets Arnold Schwarzenegger was a volume fanatic, as you may have seen in “Pumping Iron.” He trained major bodyparts as often as three days a week, and used a six-days-on/one-day-off, double-split routine throughout much of his professional career. What people don’t...
  12. Presser

    Longer Telomeres with Higher Insuline-like growth factor-1 Levels IGF-1 Lr3 Longevity

    Fot those who arent sure what telomeres are, its highly recommended you research them. Then you'll better understand why IGF-1 lr3 is touted as the fountain of youth, and why so many claims have been made as to how well IGF-1 works in reversing the aging process. Yes Reversing, Not just slowing...
  13. Presser

    Longer Telomeres with Higher Insuline-like growth factor-1 Levels IGF-1 Lr3 Longevity

    Fot those arent sure what telomeres are, its highly recommended you research them. Then you'll better understand why IGF-1 lr3 is touted as the fountain of youth, and why so many claims have been made as to how well IGF-1 works in reversing the aging process. Yes Reversing, Not just slowing down...
  14. 3J

    Phytoestrogens by 3J

    Phytoestrogens: Foods to Avoid as a Male Bodybuilder By:3J ww.3jsdiet.com The human body has a complex endocrine system that regulates hormones in correlation with the sex of the individual. One of the important regulations that the male endocrine system controls is the...
  15. 3J

    Ovo-Laco Veggie diets by 3J

    Dieting for Ovo-Lacto Vegetarians By: 3J www.3jsdiet.com One of the most difficult forms of dieting for the bodybuilder is vegetarian dieting. A big part of the bodybuilding diet is eating protein. It is the basic building blocks of our muscles and we cannot go without it. When a...
  16. Presser

    testosterone’s functions within muscle cells.

    Testosterone! As a bodybuilder, you need more of this in your system. If your body isn’t releasing an adequate amount of Test, you flat out won’t grow. Now the good news. By manipulating your training and diet, you can naturally escalate your levels of this anabolic male hormone. Intrigued? If...
  17. Presser


    When starting a New Thread, Please use Descriptive Keywords in your Titles! It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!! example of bad title: need help example of good title: Need help with Tren ace and Testosterone Cycle Dosing Guys It Makes a HUGE HUGE Difference in Not only getting you the help you need...
  18. Presser

    What Dose of Ostarine for Cutting and Bulking Cycle. PCT for Sarms with SERMS

    Ostarine and how to cycle this Sarm and what dose to use and when is the best time to take mk-2866 Ostarine. Is it best used for bulking cycle phases of training, or should it be used for cutting cycles. What can you stack with Ostarine to maximize benefits . Does it stack well with steroids...
  19. Iron Game

    To Crossfit or not to Crossfit

    CROSSFIT - YES OR RATHER NOT? <tbody> <tbody> Many people have prejudices against CrossFit, which are based on ignorance. Some strength and conditioning coach argue that CrossFit is designed more for top athletes, exercisers who want to improve and applied load, volume and duration of...
  20. akn

    Effectiveness of Anabolic Steroids on Building Different Muscle Groups

    Q: “I have some lagging muscle groups, particularly triceps, traps, and hamstrings. Do some*anabolic steroids*work better for some muscles than for others? Are there ones I should choose to target any or all of these?” A: If there is a difference between anabolic steroids on effectiveness with...