
  1. Iron Game

    How Pro Bodybuilders Eat To Stay Anabolic - Meal Spacing

    Eating to Stay Anabolic: Meal Spacing 4 Top Pros Have Their Say The Question is: I have heard that you are supposed to eat every two hours to stay in an anabolic state. Others advise that you eat every two to three hours. I guess you shouldn’t go much longer than that, but does it really...
  2. Iron Game

    Low dose Steroid cycles - Truth and myth

    If you've read some of my posts on other boards, you probably already have seen that I advocate suggesting low doses for beginners. Why jump into 600mg per week of test as a first or second cycle when it is highly likely you will get great gains using 200-300mg (in initial cycles)? I keep...
  3. B

    BPP checking in

    Long time lurker, first time poster here. BPP
  4. Iron Game

    Keep The Gains From Your Steroid Cycle

    Keeping gains- Some tips for coming off a cycle for the moderate user to hold on to the new found muscle - These tips are for the moderate user and not for the high dose or long term AAS user, these basic methods will help maintain a degree of muscularity while in the off period. If all...
  5. Presser

    June Specials = FREE Shipping All Month Long & New Prices / Specials On Many Products

    June Specials FREE SHIPPING THE ENTIRE MONTH OF JUNE! NEW SALE PRICE ON.... Buy 6 IGF-1 Lr3 Get 7th Free FANTASTIC PRICES ON BULK ORDERS of 10, 15 and 20 IGF-1 Lr3 (((Contact Us For Price Quotes @ [email protected] or Private Message Presser))) All SARMs Now $55 Visit Us @...
  6. Iron Game


    Every week, there seems to be another story about the health benefits of running. That’s great — but what if you can’t run? For the elderly, obese or otherwise mobility-limited, the rewards of aerobic exercise have long been out of reach. Salk Institute scientists, building on earlier work that...
  7. drtbear1967

    Phophatidylserine (PS) Profile

    Phosphatidylserine(PS) is a phospholipid made up of 2 long chain fatty acids and the amino acid phosphorylated serine and is naturally produced in the body. Phospholipids are a main component of all cell membranes, as they form the lipid bilayer which is basically the bouncer for your cells and...
  8. Iron Game

    The Long And Misunderstood History Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

    The Long And Misunderstood History Of Hormone Replacement Therapy by Dr. Charles Mok, Contributor. Forbes.com It is time for all women to understand their options when it comes to seizing control of their quality of life. In the 1980s and 1990s the number one prescription medication in the...
  9. drtbear1967

    The Great Calorie Conundrum

    The Great Calorie Conundrum by Geoff Roberts Misconceptions are rampant in our society. With all of the different sources of “information” available today, it is far easier to stumble across bad information than it is good information. Misconceptions of...
  10. drtbear1967

    Can you OD on Protein?

    by Blane Morton Everyone involved in bodybuilding, but sports in general has been told since their first day in the weight room that they key to building muscle is to literally eat as much as you can swallow or afford, whichever comes first. The gold standard in protein to build lean muscle...
  11. drtbear1967

    Doing Too Much Causes Stress and Cost You Long Lasting Results

    <header class="entry-header">Doing Too Much Causes Stress and Costs You Long Lasting Results by Nia Shanks </header>“What else can I do to speed up my results?” “What should I add to my routine?” “What additional changes do I need to make to my nutrition”? The answer is always the same: do...
  12. Iron Game

    Stacking Steroids

    Stacking Steroids I always tell people that there is a method to the madness of stacking steroids. Too many people listen to gurus on social media who display crazy cycles where they have 5-8 different steroids. I've called this the 'witches brew' in reference to how on Halloween a witch...
  13. A

    Long term Tren use?

    So I have a dilemma. My wife REALLY likes the tren version of me. "More conversational, more engaged, more attentive, more emotional, more affectionate." These are some of the qualities she has noticed. I know it's probably fools gold, but does anyone have experience running low dose Tren long...
  14. drtbear1967

    Fidget Your Way to A Healthier You

    Fidget Your Way to A Healthier YOU by Matt Weik Are you a toe-tapper? Don’t think too deep into that question or become offended. In fact, let’s just get to the point. Many of us have jobs where we have to sit for long periods of time. As most of us...
  15. Iron Game

    The Truth About Stubborn Body Fat – Part II

    “Stubborn fat” is really a misnomer. It’s also a self-limiting belief that turns into self-fulfilling prophecy. The truth is, each person inherits a unique pattern of fat storage. When you lose fat, you lose it all over your body and the first place you’re genetically prone to deposit it will be...
  16. Iron Game

    The Most Simple Tips For Dieting That Nobody Follows

    Tip #1: never ever go food shopping hungry This is one of the most effective strategies I know of to avoid unwanted junk and various snacks from finding their way into your shopping cart, which ends up in your home, which ends up on your butt! Make sure to eat something before you go food...
  17. Iron Game

    World Record Powerlifter Marisa Inda's Arnold Expo Interview -

    Powerlifter Marisa Inda broke two world records at the Arnold Grand Prix -- an international powerlifting event held this weekend at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, Ohio. She talks to Hi-tech's Matt Christianer about how long she has been lifting, world records she has broken and more...
  18. Iron Game

    Viagra Boosts Testosterone

    by Anthony Roberts Sildenafil (Viagra) is one of the most poplar popular drugs ever released. Most people remember it as the original medication used to combat erectile dysfunction. It’s not. Way before the days of the little blue pill there was Caverject; so named because it was administered...
  19. M

    Test shot sub q

    I have been seeing online and YouTube how many men are shooting up sub q. They say it takes longer but they still get the benefit. Has anyone tried it? they are using 30g needle half inch long.
  20. Iron Game

    The Steroid Lies, Lies, and Crying Wolf

    by Josh Hodnick The government has long used their power to persuade. A highly ambitious campaign was put together to eliminate marijuana use more than a half a century ago. To stop all the “reefer madness”, The government put forth the effort to convince society that marijuana smokers...