
  1. Iron Game

    Anabolic Androgen Steroid (AAS) Receptor Sensitivity:

    Anabolic Androgen Steroid (AAS) Receptor Sensitivity: by Dan Gwartney, MD In the real world, or at least as real as it gets in the gym, bodybuilders and lifters have long been aware that some people explode on fairly moderate anabolic steroid dosages, while others struggle to justify the...
  2. Presser

    Longer Telomeres with Higher Insuline-like growth factor-1 Levels IGF-1 Lr3 Longevity

    Fot those who arent sure what telomeres are, its highly recommended you research them. Then you'll better understand why IGF-1 lr3 is touted as the fountain of youth, and why so many claims have been made as to how well IGF-1 works in reversing the aging process. Yes Reversing, Not just slowing...
  3. Presser

    Longer Telomeres with Higher Insuline-like growth factor-1 Levels IGF-1 Lr3 Longevity

    Fot those arent sure what telomeres are, its highly recommended you research them. Then you'll better understand why IGF-1 lr3 is touted as the fountain of youth, and why so many claims have been made as to how well IGF-1 works in reversing the aging process. Yes Reversing, Not just slowing down...
  4. D

    Peptides legalities

    Has anyone tried to purchase peptides lately? The two companies I used to use are no longer in business (domestic) and the latest company I found out of Canada will not ship to US now due to legalities. The explanation was that US customs will no longer allow them to ship peptides to the US and...
  5. B

    Humulin R better than Humalog?

    I'm told that most states allow you to buy humulin r over-the-counter. Is this still the case? I've been on humalog, but I haven't used the longer acting insulin. Those who have used insulin, what are your experiences with humulin r?
  6. Presser

    Myostatin Inhibitors May Weaken Tendons.

    Myostatin blockers destroy tendons Researchers at the University of Michigan discovered this while doing experiments with mice that had been genetically modified so that they could no longer produce myostatin. The muscles of the mice were bigger and stronger, but their tendons were small and...
  7. Presser

    Myostatin Inhibitors / Blockers, is anyone taking anything like ace-031 or the like?

    Just curious now that Myostatin blockers have been out a bit longer, if anyone was using any and what kind of success they were having? I know ace-031 was popular and i forget the other 2 real popular ones, so anyone using any?
  8. 9

    Paige VanZant Confirms She's No Longer Dating Cody Garbrandt (vid)

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5mLQ5oZqAUY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. Iron Game

    Question on MK-677 ' effectiveness

    I have been using mk-677 for a couple weeks. I haven't noticed many of the effects ppl talk about. No vivid dreams, no numb hands, no lethargy. I have been taking 30mg at bedtime. I'm halfway done with the bottle so I'm going to switch to half a ml (15 mg) @ bedtime to have it last longer. I...
  10. Presser

    Dehydrochloromethyl testosterone, Stanozolol , Methandienone Drug Testing is Better

    Drug testing for Dianabol, Winstrol and dehydrochloromethyltestosterone vastly improved Athletes who still use anabolic steroids are more likely to be busted for their use than they may have thought. Drug / Doping tests have gotten much better in recent years, write doping hunters at the...
  11. guardianactual

    Q&A W/ IFBB Pro Healing peptides

    Q. DO you have any experience with using peptides for healing purposes? more specifically, igf-1 lr3 and ghrp-6? I recently started a protocol of these to help aid tendon issues A. *haven't used ghrp6 for healing injuries, but i have used gh. i beleive that good ghrp does release a good small...