
  1. Presser

    Antoine Vaillant

    THE RETURN OF ANTOINE VAILLANT! Cast your muscle ridden minds back to 2012/13. The blog was in full swing, I was finishing "An American Muscle God" and starting "Charlie's Secret" and pretty much every muscle lover on the planet was going nuts for Antoine Vaillant! He even topped my "Vote For...
  2. Iron Game

    Which IFBB Bikini Pro Winner Looked Best This Weekend? Courtney King, Michelle Sylvia, Breena Martinez Or Geri Berger?

  3. H

    IGF-1 lr3

    This is going to be REAL unpopular, but here it goes. i have used up 4 bottles of the IGF-1 lr3 that i bought and i cannot see what everyone's raving about. When people say they experience "pumps", i experienced a "burn". i have done comparisons with the other half of my body and cannot tell...
  4. E

    Ruger AR 15?

    I know there are at least a few gun enthusiasts here. Do any of you know anything about Ruger's version of the AR 15? This is a new interest for me and I've decided to get an AR 15; have been trying to dig up whatever info I can. Money is an object, so LaRue and some of the other high end...
  5. Presser

    2016 mens physique top 10 video.

    Personally I think Jeremy Potvin Has the best Overall Mens Physique, but it was off on contest day or maybe his color was off or a combo of both! Buendia looked better though on stage at the show and deserved the win. <iframe width="560" height="315"...
  6. jimbosmith316

    Scrawny Korean Man Becomes World Champion Bodybuilder After Being Disrespected

    When I was in Korea in the 90's steroids were legal! lol ByEditorial StaffPosted on September 8, 2016 Hwang Chul-soon is a South Korean bodybuilder who’s been called the “Asian Arnold Schwarzenegger” and “Korean Hulk” — all for obvious reasons. He’s won a number of bodybuilding and fitness...
  7. Iron Game

    The Gift Fulfills His Destiny Phil Heath's 1st Mr. Olympia Title

    The Gift Fulfills His DestinyPhil Heath's 1st Mr. Olympia Title I was thinking of calling my column 'The O Creator' this month, but I was afraid some people wouldn't get the joke and would assume I was taking all the credit for Phil Heath's Olympia win. I played a role of course, but most of...
  8. Iron Game

    Dorian Yates' First & Last Times On the Olympia Stage

    Dorian Yates' First & Last Times On the Olympia Stage 1991: Orlando, FL I’d won my first professional contest in May of that year, the Night of Champions. In the eyes of many, I was already a legitimate contender for the Mr. Olympia title based not so much on that win, but on the improvements...
  9. Presser

    Aleppo Boy In Shock and bloodied after Air Strike Destroyed his home. Brought me to Tears anyhow!

    Aleppo Boy In Shock and bloodied after Air Strike Destroyed his home If this doesnt bring you to tears, I dont know what will! This Photo got me bad today! Then like an idiot i went and looked up the video, and well lets just say im all out of tears! He is a Beautiful Little Boy, Looks to be...
  10. 9

    Artem Lobov says Team Diaz's behavior 'looked as fake as Pamela Anderson's...'

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/U4UvEXJVgbc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. jimbosmith316

    Tucson's titanium-joint bodybuilder finishes 4th in contest Lee Johnson NPC Terminator over-50 bodybuilding competition

    When shit gets worn out just replace them! Lee Johnson placed fourth in Saturday’s NPC Terminator over-50 bodybuilding competition at the Fox Tucson Theatre. And while fourth meant last in the four-person contest, Johnson, 72, is not discouraged. After all, he hasn’t competed in 11 years...
  12. The Dude

    Mike O'Hearn WTF?

    Dude is 47 years old!! I met him several months ago and I'm sure he was there for a phot shoot or something. He had a good amount of makeup and it looked like some botox or more on his face, but the dude is a freaking stud! He was CRAZY shredded... to the point where his face would have looked...
  13. The Dude

    Post the best pic you've got.

    Just like the title says. I looked better when I was in contest shape in 2011, but this is the best one I've got right now. It was about 8 months after my first cervical fusion
  14. Masher59


    <header style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 20px;">Meet The Bodybuilding Phenomenon That Went From Skinny Runner To A Man Nicknamed "Nightmare"<section class="stats" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; float...
  15. The Dude

    Best protein supplements?

    I'm a little behind on the new products. What is everyone using? I've been using lean beef amino's here and there, but they're expensive and I have to order them. I was doing BCAA's during my workouts, but again money is tight. I was also using Syntha-6, but im tired of all the different stuff...
  16. Presser

    Has anyone watched 10 Cloverfield Lane?

    I havent watched it yet, and i love alien movies and all things scifi usually, but this movie looks like the entire movie might take place in a fucking bomb shelter lol, I hate those kind of movies where it looked like it took 10 dollars to shoot the film, and they just toss in a big name...
  17. Presser

    What would you like to see The MuscleChemistry Store Carry ??

    I am curious if certain things would sell here if we carried them, so you guys and girls could get much of your needs all in one place. I ask because premier-pharmaceuticals whos sarms andarine s4 and ostarine mk-2866 we carry, also have their own multivitamin line out. They sent me a couple...
  18. Presser

    Looking forward to a New HBO Series, i think about Rock & Roll

    It sucks when all the good HBO series end for the season and we have nothing! im not a television guy one little bit, I watch the news quite literally around the clock, but no tv other than series on HBO and such, and the occasional movie for free on www.movietube.ms or www.xmovies8.org but...
  19. Iron Game


    I can look back on bodybuilding and how much fun it was in the beginning. I was gaining so quick and learning so much, and I was also gaining a new self respect and confidence too. I think cheat meals were a little more frequent too. It was typically 2 cheat meals a week and usually spaced out...
  20. 9

    Glory 24 - Denver results

    Glory 24 is in the books, and what was a solid card on paper delivered with some great action all night. The main event saw Joe Schilling defeat Jason Wilnis in a great fight marred by a bad ending. In his first fight since his big Bellator KO loss, Schilling came out hard here, putting a ton...