
  1. Presser

    Dallas Mccarver Looked Fucking Phenominal in my opinion!

    ANyone else think this kid brought a great package to the Mr Olmpia, for being so dang young, i was impressed as fuck! I thought he stuck out in all honesty !! Big Ramy was gifted a placing, cause i can name 4 guys off the top of my head who looked way better , army didn't have striations, no...
  2. Presser

    Overall Mens Physique Winner Andre Ferguson from IFBB Europa Pro Atlantic City.

    Congratualtions to Mens Physique Winner Andre Ferguson who brought a physique package even a hardcore bodybuilding fan can appreciate! Mens IFBB Physiques are something I can possibly get behind with the amount of muscle and aesthetics they've been presenting, however the board shorts have got...
  3. Presser

    Overall Mens Physique Winner Andre Ferguson from IFBB Europa Pro Atlantic City.

    Congratualtions to Mens Physique Winner Andre Ferguson who brought a physique package even a hardcore bodybuilding fan can appreciate! Mens IFBB Physiques are something I can possibly get behind with the amount of muscle and aesthetics they've been presenting, however the board shorts have got...
  4. Presser

    Movie Review for "Chappie" with Hugh Jackman

    So i watched this on Movietube.cc last night on my iPhone, the quality is perfect and you can't beat that for free movies that are still out in the theaters. So CHAPPIE was pretty entertaining, looked just like "District 9" setting and had cool ass robots and overall was pretty good movie i...
  5. echo419

    have you ever.....

    had a spot get really sore after pinning some test and then hit that spot really hard on something? well it happened to me Saturday night. I had pinned some test in my left lat that afternoon after training. well later that night I went to a bar to watch the UFC fights. well it was raining very...
  6. Powderguy

    IGF and AAS working together

    Hello MC Family, I looked and looked for information about if IGF works with AAS and how so.. If anyone has any info or articles please post them or send links. I am very curious about any studies and it would seem that IGF would work synergistically with AAS to develop a great compounding effect.
  7. dorian123

    crashed gear

    anyone have any experience with crashed gear? been doing this for about 15 years now and this is a first for me... got my gear for a good source that I have used before, everything looked fine-went ahead and ran it through a whatman into a sterile vial as usual on the road and had the test E...
  8. guardianactual

    The man with a 25 inch penis. (self.Jokes)

    A man who had a 25 inch long penis went to his doctor to complain that he was having a problem with this rather massive instrument and has had more than one complaint. "Doctor," he asked, in total frustration, "is there anything you can do for me?" The doctor replies, "Medically son, there is...