
  1. drtbear1967

    How to stay full while on a fat loss diet.

    Part of the reason why some people find it difficult to make fat loss progress is that they do not feel satisfied after their meals. If this is the case, the first thing I would look into is your calorie-intake. - Regardless of how you design your meals, if your calorie target is extremely low...
  2. Metal85

    2020 is almost wrapped up!!!

    It has definitely a rough year for most of us, for me it's just been picking back up to back to normal the last couple weeks financially. I got 33% more hours back at my main job (at 66% now), I received a good offer for a 2nd per diem job & got a couple weeks done there as well. Here's to a...
  3. drtbear1967

    Hidden Calories

    We know you need a calorie deficit for fat loss. But one of the most common reasons people struggle with creating a calorie deficit is that they are consuming more calories without knowing. In today's post, I will discuss a few potential fat loss barriers and practical solutions. - First, we...
  4. J

    Food/cheat meals

    Let's hear everyone's go to free meal?
  5. drtbear1967

    Will it make a difference??

    by Matt Weik I was reading an article the other day about a study in the UK where they are trying to have their government enforce a policy that restaurant menus would need to have calorie labels for each item. Their thought process is that if people are aware of how many calories they are...
  6. drtbear1967

    Add water to meals to drop weight.

    If you want to lose weight you're best off drinking ordinary water with your meals. This way you'll automatically consumer fewer calories than if you drink juice, milk or soft drinks. Nutritionists at the University of North Carolina drew this conclusion from a metastudy in which they reviewed...
  7. drtbear1967

    Macronutrients and calories burned

    The macronutrient content of a meal can influence how many calories you burn throughout the day; this is referred to as, “diet-induced thermogenesis.” While this particular study is a little older, it is well-accepted that higher protein meals will induce greater energy expenditure than high...
  8. drtbear1967

    Frozen Meal? What do you think?

    by Matt Weik I remember growing up in the ‘80s and ‘90s where frozen dinners were the craze. You’d get out a snack tray table and plop yourself down in front of the television, warm up your frozen tv dinner and settle in for the night. Then all of the nutrition Nazi’s came along and threw stones...
  9. drtbear1967

    Stay away from Processed foods.

    Overweight adults were randomly assigned to eat ultra-processed or unprocessed meals (defined according to the so-called NOVA classification) for two weeks. Meals had the same calories, macros, sugar, salt, and fiber and energy density, but everyone was allowed to eat as much as they wanted. The...
  10. L

    MF Meals

    Anyone try the Mega Fit prepared meals. Got some on order. Hope it's good as Jay Cutler says.
  11. drtbear1967

    Pre Sleep Protein for Gains

    Previous work has shown that taking some extra protein before sleep might increases muscle mass gains. . 🥛Our new study suggests that you probably want a relative large dose before going to bed for stimulating muscle protein synthesis (MPS, the process that drives muscle growth) during the...
  12. drtbear1967

    Protein Timing? Does it matter??

    This systematic review compared how consistently between-meal protein supplementation resulted in changes to lean mass, body fat, total body mass, and the ratio of lean to fat gains, when compared to with-meal protein supplementation. Both approaches produced similarly consistent gains in lean...
  13. drtbear1967

    7 Tools you Need in the Kitchen

    When trying to add quality lean muscle mass to your frame, on top of having a solid training protocol, it comes down to not only a caloric surplus, but it also matters what kinds of foods make up that surplus. Clearly, if you added ice cream to every meal, you’d get to your surplus quite easily...
  14. M

    Gainer question

    Hi. I'm interested in dumb question, sorry for this. What do you think guys gainers are just waste of money? is it needed for bulking? Because in my opinion it's useless, 'coz you can use high-carbs foods and gain mass instead of using "magic" gainer. It's marketing, no more. Your opinions? Is...
  15. drtbear1967

    7 Steps to Lose Weight

    by Matt Weik You don’t need to starve yourself or spend hours on the treadmill each day in order to lose weight. In fact, you only need to make some very minor adjustments to your diet and nutrition in order to see some big results. This article will show you some extremely easy ways to lose...
  16. drtbear1967

    Amber Dawn Fokken - Interview

    Interview Q&A with Amber Dawn Fokken<!--sec-marg-in--> <!--sec-marg-out--> <!--post-header--> <!--author-img--> <!--post-soc-pin--> <!--prev-next-posts--> <!--post-info-left-bot--> <!--sec-marg-in-->...
  17. D


    Anyone else ever get jealous of someone else. I’m trying to go by the motto of “be the best you” but it’s driving me nuts. I’ve been lifting on and off for the past 16years I deal with a lot of back issues and tendon issues in both wrists and elbows. I know a guy that lifts on and off for a few...
  18. drtbear1967

    Protein + Sugar = FAT

    by Matt Weik Remember physics? Boy, was that a fun class—or rather a nightmare for some. We all know that P = Fv. And that W = FΔx. If you didn’t know that, just play along. But now we have a new equation to memorize, and that is SUGAR + PROTEIN = FAT. The combination of sugar and protein...
  19. drtbear1967

    6 Meals or less, What Works For You?

    The key to losing fat and keeping it off is simply to figure out what's sustainable. Those who achieve their body composition goal are those who can stick with the changes they make in the long run. Sure, you can cut huge amounts of carbs and fats, basically surviving on only protein and...
  20. drtbear1967

    Fat Loss Diet for Cutting

    Fat Loss Diet for Cutting We all know that dieting can be a very arduous process and restricting your caloric intake can be quite difficult at first. As a trainer, I get asked many questions, but none more than “How do I get a six pack”? or “How do I get rid of this fat on my stomach and...