
  1. Iron Game

    Compounded PDE-5 Inhibitor Basics Cialis, Viagra...

    Compounded PDE-5 Inhibitor Basics Phosphodiesterase-Type 5 Inhibitors Mechanism:During sexual arousal, nitric oxide (NO) is released from nerve terminals and endothelial cells in the corpus cavernosum. NO activates guanylate cyclase to convert guanosine triphosphate (GTP) into cyclic guanosine...
  2. drtbear1967

    Time-Restricted Feeding and Weight Loss

    Time-Restricted Feeding and Weight Loss by Matt Weik Broscience once told us that we should eat 5-7 small meals (every 2-3 hours) a day in order to help lose weight and shed body fat. Everyone was packing their Tupperware containers each...
  3. Iron Game

    How Pro Bodybuilders Eat To Stay Anabolic - Meal Spacing

    Eating to Stay Anabolic: Meal Spacing 4 Top Pros Have Their Say The Question is: I have heard that you are supposed to eat every two hours to stay in an anabolic state. Others advise that you eat every two to three hours. I guess you shouldn’t go much longer than that, but does it really...
  4. drtbear1967

    Overcoming Whole-Food Protein Limitations

    Overcoming Whole-Food Protein Limitations by Mike Arnold When analyzing the bodybuilding diet, there is one common denominator which takes priority above all else. Regardless of individual goals or variances in metabolism, its role remains central, around which everything else revolves. I am...
  5. Iron Game

    Nutrition for Building Muscle

    Nutrition for Building MuscleYour Ultimate In-The-Trenches Guide Disclaimer: I am not a scientist. I do not hold a degree or any standardized certification in nutrition. There are many others in this industry who can spout study results, chemical names and detail the complex processes of how...
  6. Iron Game

    Sauna Suits... Really??

    by Matt Weik I would like to take a moment to thank Kim Kardashian for yet another idiotic piece of news, and for sparking this article. I was reading some health news the other night when I stumbled upon an article about Kim Kardashian and how she wants to lose more baby weight. The article...
  7. drtbear1967

    Bulking: Don't Cheat Yourself

    Bulking: Don’t Cheat Yourself by Cade Thomas When you break it down, bodybuilding is pretty simple in theory. Lift heavy weights to breakdown muscle tissue, eat high protein food to repair it larger than it was before, and get lots of rest to allow the process to happen. These basics hold...
  8. B

    Meals for muscle

    Any meals that you eat on a regular basis while trying to build some muscle. It doesn't have to be low fat or anything, just ingredients you put together to make a dish or several dishes & sides to make a meal. Pre-workout meal, post-workout meal, any time of the day meal, etc... I am familar...
  9. classic-physique

    Log for Team Universe 13 weeks out

    I just won the light heavy's and overall bodybuilding class and 2nd overall in classic physique at the 2017 NPC powerhouse classic this past weekend. I'm already back to work taking full advantage of this rebound. Morning of the show (Saturday) I weighed in at 181. After two meals with high...
  10. drtbear1967

    Whole Foods vs. Protein Powders

    Whole Foods vs. Protein Powders Some people like to say that protein supplements are inferior to whole-food protein sources. But what does science say? Check this out. by Chris Shugart What We Know About Higher-Protein Diets Based on a bevy of studies we've covered...
  11. Iron Game

    Time-Restricted Feeding and Weight Loss

    by Matt Weik Broscience once told us that we should eat 5-7 small meals (every 2-3 hours) a day in order to help lose weight and shed body fat. Everyone was packing their Tupperware containers each morning and off to work they go with 3-4 containers full of glorious macronutrients. They found...
  12. drtbear1967

    Hardcore Bulking Introduction - Part 1

    Hardcore Bulking Introduction – by Gavin Kane Off-season; a bodybuilder’s favorite time of year and the favorite words whispered after a recent contest. So the time is here, what are you going to do about it? First step is to determine what you want...
  13. drtbear1967

    Breakfast - The Most Overrated Meal of the Day.

    Breakfast – The Most Overrated Meal of the Day by Anthony Roberts For decades we’ve been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. To support this claim, study after study has been foisted on us, showing that people who eat breakfast have lower cholesterol, live longer, are...
  14. Iron Game

    Should I Do Cardio Fasted?

    The Lowdown on Fasted Cardio Great for Fat loss or Not? Team MD One of the most popular bodybuilding strategies for accelerating fat loss is to perform aerobic exercise after an overnight fast. The strategy is based on acute research showing that low glycogen levels cause your body to shift...
  15. Iron Game

    Long Term Fat Loss, 1-10

    1. Do some resistive weight training 3 to 4 times a week using short rest periods between sets of 30 to 60 seconds. Work out no longer than 1 hour to keep your anabolic (muscle-building) hormones high and catabolic (muscle-wasting) hormones low. Over-training is a quick way to lose muscle along...
  16. Iron Game

    How Protein Builds Muscle

    <tbody style="box-sizing: border-box;"> It is advocated that if you want to gain muscle mass, the rule is to take one gram of protein per pound of your body weight each day. That is a lot of protein which many people can't get in their normal meals and protein supplementation may be required...
  17. Iron Game

    Diet Tips

    Diet TipsChoose the correct diet.An insufficient nutrition is often the reason why the athlete does not make any progress. What is the use of the best training, the intake of steroids, and sufficiently long rest periods if the body does not have the right nutrients in a sufficient amount-...
  18. jimbosmith316

    Rachael Wesmiller makes time to live her life. Striking a Balance From nursing in the ICU to international bodybuilding,

    Can I be that ball? Please! Rachael Wesmiller walks onto stage, stops and poses. Flexes. The judges bark orders. Walk forward. Walk backwards. Each time another pose. This is the 2016 Arnold Amateur, an international bodybuilding competition named for actor and seven-time Mr. Olympia, Arnold...
  19. jimbosmith316

    16 bizarre truths I learned as a bikini fitness competitor

    Do you agree? Competitive fitness is blowing up among general fitness connoisseurs, thanks to Instagram stars like Paige Hathaway and Michelle Lewin. Their bods and commitment are inspiring women around the world to set the goal of one day stepping on the stage as a fitness competitor in...
  20. Masher59

    5 tips for your next Mass phase

    FIVE TOP TIPS FOR YOUR NEXT MASS GAIN PHASE 0 Is this your first shot at getting big? Or have you already been around the mass-gaining block a couple of times? Whatever the case, you've got to get your training, diet, and MIND in the right place.If you're a skinny guy, every missed meal means...