
  1. Presser

    Cardarine SARM Science. Best Fatloss S.A.R.M. Video

    Cardarine SARM Science. Best Fatloss S.A.R.M. Video <iframe width="350" height="350" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> GW-501516 Cardarine Fatburner WHAT IS...
  2. drtbear1967

    Compression Gear

    by Matt Weik For years now, many people (both athletes and the recreational lifter) have been on the kick of using compression apparel from brands like Nike and Under Armour. Some people use them as a fashion statement while others use them for the purpose they were intended – to keep the...
  3. J

    How NOT to Inject Steroids

    Go to any message board, and at some point in time you’ll find threads where people are asking how to inject steroids in some of the most ridiculous ways imaginable. You’ll find those asking how to inject steroids intravenously and if you search long enough you can probably find threads where...
  4. C

    Steroid Detection Times

    For the vast majority of anabolic steroid users, steroid detection times are of no concern; after all, most people are not tested. In the U.S. alone, it is estimated more than six-million adults supplement with anabolic androgenic steroids for the sole purpose of performance enhancement, and of...
  5. jimbosmith316

    Anti-Aging Human Study on Metformin Wins FDA Approval

    March 2016 By Judy Stevens News Reports around World Describe Multiple Benefits The media has caught up to the potential health benefits of metformin, something our long-term supporters discovered long ago. What caught the media’s attention was the FDA’s approval of the first human study to...
  6. drtbear1967

    Return of Lee Priest?

    by Christian Duque It’s been nearly a decade and a half since Lee Priest has competed on a real bodybuilding stage. He’s had some stints here or there, but it’s been a very long time since the people have been able to see the Australian phenom, with the greatest arms in the business, battle it...
  7. drtbear1967

    How Technology will change fitness

    by Matt Weik When you look at all of the things we can do today compared to 10 or even 20 years ago, you can’t help but have your mind blown. Who would have thought that in our pocket we would literally be carrying around a mini computer where we can accomplish almost anything by simply typing...
  8. drtbear1967

    Are Athletes Born or Created?

    by Matt Weik For me, personally, the answer to this is a no-brainer. But there may be people out there who think differently about the subject. So, I thought it would be a cool little article to put down what my thoughts are, see if they align with yours, and open up the dialogue a little bit...
  9. S

    The importance of using antiestrogen drug

    What are the side effects of estrogen on men? Recent studies have shown that estrogen causes prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men. At the same time, laboratory evidence suggests that estrogen and prolactin can cause cancer cell proliferation. And mosiphene, a class of drugs, is often...
  10. drtbear1967

    BMI Rates are Misleading

    The general population in today’s society is gaining fat and losing muscle. This means that, for some people, the low amount of muscle causes a weight loss which results in a normal BMI even though their bodyfat % is high! 50% of women and 25% of men have been shown to have a bodyfat % high...
  11. drtbear1967

    MPS - Muscle Protein Synthesis

    MPS (muscle #proteinsynthesis or #myofibrillarprotein synthesis) is a measure of how your muscles take up protein from the blood at add to their mass. . After a workout when protein is consumed, many studies use MPS to draw conclusions about where something is good or bad for increasing muscle...
  12. G

    Sore from first Test injection

    I did my first injection of Test Cyp in my glute and it feels like a bruise after 48 hours. I am reading a lot that means the test is bunk. Should I be concerned or is this normal and I just need to shut up and deal with the soreness? I got the test through a friend who has been using it for a...
  13. drtbear1967

    Crazy Coaches - Do your own research.

    By Geoff Roberts Fitness is officially full-on trendy. There is no shortage of skinny-fat people sporting gym brands outside the gym as if they are hardcore, while they spend hundreds of dollars and thousands of minutes coordinating gym outfits strictly to take photos of themselves in the gym...
  14. drtbear1967

    Crazy Coaches - Do your own research.

    By Geoff Roberts Fitness is officially full-on trendy. There is no shortage of skinny-fat people sporting gym brands outside the gym as if they are hardcore, while they spend hundreds of dollars and thousands of minutes coordinating gym outfits strictly to take photos of themselves in the gym...
  15. A

    Is IGF-LR3 worth it for me?

    I have been combing the internet for a good source of IGF-LR3 and you guys seem legit, so I just have a question about whether its a worthy investment for me? Stats: 21yo, 6', 215lbs, ~10%bf My current cycle is 250mg Sustanon/week and 50mg Proviron/day Planning on adding CJC1295DAC at...
  16. drtbear1967

    Your Squat shouldn't look like everyone else's.

    When someone can’t squat to parallel it’s easy to assume “bad mobility.” But, stretching and mobilizing will only get you so far. . In the bottom of a squat bone to bone contact can occur. It is a limiting factor and is what happens when a lot of people say they feel a pinch in their hip when...
  17. B

    AI or not AI, that is the question

    I've been seeing a lot of activity elsewhere with people posting things about using an AI is inherently bad with some agreeing and some disagreeing. I'm not sure I've seen any direct studies that support their conclusions. I'd think that if your estrogen/E2 is extremely high then you'd need an...
  18. Presser

    Aaptiv, the workout app, launches a new AI-based personal trainer called Coach. Laying Off 1/3rd Of its Human Employees!

    It appears as though Aaptiv has already let go of 33% of its coaches, who were the to be the "real world" experience behind the fitness app coachin, and they have instead decided to make some changes that include less HUMAN BEINGS, LESS Overhead, MORE R.O.I. I am sure "Amazon" one of the main...
  19. drtbear1967

    Can Roelly Turn it Around in Time?

    by Christian Duque I recently saw, interviewed, and chatted with famed bodybuilder Roelly “The Beast” Winklaar at the 2019 NPC Pittsburgh Championships. In usual Roelly fashion, he looked massive, his arms were surreal and his mindset was upbeat. He looked and sounded like The Beast, but after...
  20. drtbear1967

    Flexatron - Leave him alone

    by Christian Duque Ok, ok, I’m not about to make a video crying like that kid way back when did about leaving Britney Spears alone, then again.. Look here’s the deal folks. You can always count on me, The Iron Duque, to tell it like it is. What do I have to worry about? Getting trolled? I’ve...