
  1. J

    Help/suggestions AAS

    Hey guys, need some help. I recent “trainer” where I received all of my super helpful oily and oral “information” seems to have retired and I am in need of a new legit plug. It’s a gamble going through anyone else and there’s so many people and websites that are plugs so I need a legit source...
  2. jimbosmith316

    Pros and Cons for CBD Oil in Muscle Recovery

    Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a naturally occurring compound that has gained popularity among people around the world and for numerous reasons. In this article, we take a look at the pros and cons of CBD oil in muscle recovery. In this case, we will base our discussion on the good and...
  3. drtbear1967

    BB Myths that need to Die

    Bodybuilding Myths That Must Die! Every culture has its myths and bodybuilding is no exception. Like most myths, most are nine parts fantasy and one part truth, though of course, some myths have no truth to them at all. I have spent much of my career attempting to expose myths surrounding...
  4. jimbosmith316


    If you are a person who is serious about their fitness and/or bodybuilding you are always looking for new ways to make the most of your workouts. Part of why people stretch before and after the workout is keep themselves from being sore the next day. People also adjust their diets and supplement...
  5. drtbear1967

    Death of Ultimate Nutrition

    by Christian Duque Ultimate Nutrition was a powerhouse in the fitness industry. Back in the earliest days of, they’d send me huge boxes of samples for all my events. They were all over the magazines, they had Das Freak Markus Ruhl, and more recently they had two Mr. Olympias...
  6. drtbear1967

    10 of the Dumbest diet myths

    The 10 Dumbest Diet Myths Here's what you need to know... Soy protein is practically useless in stimulating muscle protein synthesis. Dextoxifying your liver or "cleansing" your colon with coffee enemas is beyond stupid. Stop worrying about the growth hormone in milk. You can't starve cancer...
  7. drtbear1967

    3 Health Issues You Might Have Without Knowing It

    Top 3 Health Issues You Might Have Without Knowing It You might have these three conditions without knowing it! High blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood cholesterol can all have serious health consequences, but symptoms can take up to 20 years to manifest! Here, we...
  8. drtbear1967

    Scientific confusion about Gluten

    Scientific confusion breeds skepticism toward people who avoid GLUTEN for medical reasons _ Conflicting messages send people down a rabbit hole of food avoidance _ GLUTEN isn’t always the culprit, but avoiding doesn’t hurt as it can lead to certain autoimmune conditions _ GLUTEN free products...
  9. drtbear1967

    Living with No Regrets

    by Matt Weik The topic of this article is somewhat not the norm but I feel as though it needs to be said as it can transition through many areas of your life – including health and fitness. Far too many people push things off, don’t follow through, and never think they are able to do or...
  10. A

    Any experiences with DHB?

    Thinking of running DHB at 200mg/week alongside 20mg Superdrol/day (with test base obvs) for my next bulk I've heard conflicting things about it, some people say it's a slightly weaker Tren with better sides, some people say it's too dangerous to touch. Looking for anyone who's had real...
  11. drtbear1967

    Sugar and Obesity

    Eliminating sugar doesn't eliminate obesity! ❌ Data from the US, Australia and UK. 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 . There is a link between the amount of sugar people eat in a country and the amount of people that have diabetes GLOBALLY, but not in Northern Europe for example. . As we've said before, linked does...
  12. drtbear1967

    Athleisure - Do we really need this?

    by Matt Weik We see trends come and go. However, athleisure seems to be steadily growing – for now at least. But, it raises the question as to have we become more lax as a society and more accepting of “casual wear?” TRENDY OR TRASHY?The athleisure market has exploded over the last several...
  13. drtbear1967

    Why Cardio can Negatively Affect Women's Fat Loss

    Why Cardio Can Negatively Affect Women's Fat Loss A lot of women ramp up their cardio workouts when attempting to achieve fat loss. Learn how this may not be the best approach for most with fat loss goals. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a...
  14. drtbear1967

    Need to be Smarter these days!!

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin-right: 57.0156px; margin-left: 0px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: Merriweather, Georgia, serif; font-size: 16px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);">Need to Be Smarter </header> b Matt Weik Somewhere in America...
  15. jimbosmith316

    Actress Liv Tyler, 42, reveals she takes CBD oil daily to treat her anxiety

    Liv Tyler Takes CBD oil Daily Liv Tyler, 42 reveals that she is a regular user of CBD oil and takes it everyday to treat her anxiety, as she confesses she suffers from severe nerves that are easily triggered by her ‘stepping out of the comfort zone’. Liv Tyler revealed she uses CBD oil...
  16. jimbosmith316

    5 Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil

    5 Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil Curious why you’re seeing CBD everywhere? Think that it sounds too good to be true? Not sure how to use it? We’re here to demystify why it’s better than the hype. 1. Manage Stress and Anxiety, Naturally: A daily regimen with CBD reduces your body’s natural...
  17. Vision

    When you hit a wall what do you do? stagnate gains, can't eat etc...Post your thoughts here..

    As the title says "When you hit a wall what do you do? stagnate gains, can't, can't sleep or just lost your motivation... What do YOU do to keep pressing forward during your most testing times? Post your thoughts here... Let's hear some feedback from our members in which they could share for...
  18. drtbear1967

    Dangers of having Athletes as the Face of Your Brand

    Sponsored athletes and endorsements are commonplace in our fitness and supplement industry. They can help get your brand out in front of a target audience by using an athlete’s name, face, and celebrity status. While it might make sense to use that athlete as the face of your brand, you’re...
  19. drtbear1967

    Depression and Diet

    1 in 5 people reading this will experience clinical depression at some point in their lives (1). If you live in a developed country, you are twice as likely to get it compared to developing countries. Still, we don't know what causes depression. (2) . #Depression probably has different causes...
  20. S

    The safest first cycle for beginners !

    The first cycle collocation: 1-12 weeks: testosterone enanthate or testosterone cypionate 250mg-500mg per week. 13-14 weeks: stop injection. PCT after cycle: 15-16 weeks: Tamoxifen Citrate 40mg/daily 17-18 weeks: Tamoxifen Citrate 20mg/daily The first cycle must be simple! The vast majority of...