
  1. Presser

    Best IGF-1 lr3 (BUY 2) Price EVER OFFERED! Plus RAD 140 & S23 Now Available

    Lowest Prices EVER OFFERED On IGF-1 lr3 - Check Out New Offers******Two NEW Sarm from SARM Sciences Have Been Added To Our Store: Rad 140 Sarm Testolone & SARM S23 Also Known to Some As Andarine 2.0 You Can Grab One Of These New Sarm For Free With One of Our Offers Below. ****** NEW IGF-1...
  2. Presser

    Lowest Prices EVER OFFERED On IGF-1 lr3 - Check Out New Offers

    Lowest Prices EVER OFFERED On IGF-1 lr3 - Check Out New Offers******Two NEW Sarm from SARM Sciences Have Been Added To Our Store: Rad 140 Sarm Testolone & SARM S23 Also Known to Some As Andarine 2.0 You Can Grab One Of These New Sarm For Free With One of Our Offers Below. ****** NEW IGF-1...
  3. drtbear1967

    Thoracic Rotation

    𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐂 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍✔️ . . . 💥 Looking to improve your thoracic rotation and loosen up that mid-back? Here is how you can improve the extension and rotation of this region! The thoracic spine is easily the stiffest area on most people’s spines because we sit so much and move so little! Our body...
  4. Jozifp103


    Ok folks take 2... I work with Purity Source Labs (PSL) as a representative. I was here with PSL a few years ago when we last sponsored here as well so some of the vets may remember me. I created an intro thread here under a new name yesterday because I couldn't remember my password for this...
  5. AOL


    How many of you were perverts (besides my wife Mrs.AO) and thought this would be a booty thread? Haha! Whats up everyone! New to the forum but not the "game". We have been on a few boards, some good some bad and 3 we will call home (possibly 4, going back to 1). All boards have had great...
  6. Ox 51

    NBA Summer League

    Has anyone been watching this? I never have in the past, but I've caught several games the last two weeks. Let me tell you...the Celtics team is definitely worth watching. They have Carson Edwards, the Purdue guard who dropped 50 in the NCAA tournament, Grant Williams, the two time SEC Player...
  7. drtbear1967

    New exercise to build Traps

    Bigger Traps? I got you. . I call this one the “ upside down DB shrug”. Does it have a different name? Until someone says otherwise or knows something cooler we will roll with this. . This is not an easy exercise but if you can master it, it will benefit all other direct trapezius exercises due...
  8. J

    Help with new w/o plan

    Would anyone be willing to help me out with coming up with a new work plan? I’ve been on the 5x5 plan for over a year and long ago stopped making gains in both size, strength, & weight. I’ve always been a skinny guy but have managed to pack on almost 20lbs in the last year, but am still under...
  9. Jumbo Shrimp

    700 raw squat

    <header class="td-post-title" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Powerlifter Russel Orhii Squats Incredible 700 lbsBy Scott Robert - <time class="entry-date updated td-module-date" datetime="2018-12-31T11:42:54+00:00" style="box-sizing: border-box;">December 31, 2018</time> </header> <figure...
  10. drtbear1967

    Study on Forced Reps.

    themusclephd💥This study analyzed growth hormone levels throughout two different training sessions and found that subjects using forced reps had a higher growth hormone response during the training session. Use this method by having a spotter help you force out 2-3 extra reps per set after you...
  11. Ox 51

    Tom Brady Throws 500th TD

    Tom Brady's 500th TD is the first Patriots TD for Josh Gordon Ryan Young,Yahoo Sports•October 4, 2018 Tom Brady threw his 500th career touchdown pass on Thursday night in the New England Patriots’ 38-24 victory against the Indianapolis Colts, becoming the third player in NFL history to do so...
  12. drtbear1967

    H2O - Get it IN!!

    Most heart attacks occur in the morning... Monday morning. Part of it has to do with stress, mental and physiological. The first day of the week is also the first day of the work week, and a lot of men dread all the shit they're going to have to eat for the next 5 days. But there's more to the...
  13. drtbear1967

    Questions to ask a Trainer before you hire them.

    Finding a personal trainer is like finding a new associate at work. Some candidates will be helpful, others, not so much. Some will come with lots of experience, while some might have just got their certification. It’s important for you to ask as many questions as you feel necessary in order...
  14. drtbear1967

    9 Tips to Break Through the Weight Loss Plateau

    9 Tips to Break Through the Weight Loss Plateau Has it happened to you? You begin to train hard and you’re watching your diet like a hawk. You start seeing some incredible improvements and then about 4 – 6 weeks into the program it seems like your...
  15. jimbosmith316


    Things must always change with the times or be left behind. The world of bodybuilding is undoubtedly adored by millions of fans and will always be in this authors opinion. The point of this article is to take a look into the mainstream shift that bodybuilding seems to be involved in with the...
  16. 3J

    3Js Nutrition Network Diet and Training Coaching Online & (((Free Diet Forum)))

    3Js Nutrition Network is proud to announce its addition to the Muscle Chemistry team! Thanks so much to all the staff and admin here at MC for being so welcoming!!! What is 3J's Nutrition Network: 3J's Nutrition Network is a company dedicated to the most effective avenues of knowledge that...
  17. 3J

    3Js Nutrition Network Diet and Training Coaching Online!!!

    3Js Nutrition Network is proud to announce its addition to the Muscle Chemistry team! Thanks so much to all the staff and admin here at MC for being so welcoming!!! What is 3J's Nutrition Network: 3J's Nutrition Network is a company dedicated to the most effective avenues of knowledge that...
  18. Jozifp103

    Hope everyone had a merry Christmas! Let's hear your 2016 goals!

    I want to thank everyone of the members here and all of our loyal customers for a great year! PSL can only exist because of all of you and your loyalty. Let's talk goals! Now that 2016 is basically here, I'm sure many of you have a goal you'd like to reach. My goal is to enter my first...
  19. C

    Better strength gain after each cycle

    Is there any truth to this that strength gain will plateau once we reach our natural maximum strength the body can handle naturally?
  20. 3J

    3Js Nutrition Network!! The webs best online nutrition coaching!!!

    Hello to all of you, For those of you who may not know me from other places on the web, my name is 3J. I am a certified sports nutritionist and owner of 3Js Nutrition Network, a company dedicated to the most advanced avenues of nutrition and training philosophies applied to the goals of my...