
  1. Iron Game

    WPC Powerlifting Worlds 2016. Baton Rouge, USA.

    Hafiz Verdiyev from Azerbaijan totalled 1020 kg (2,248 lbs) at the WPC Worlds 2016 in Baton Rouge, USA. In the 100kg category Single Ply division his lifts were: Squat 390 kg. Bench Press 285 kg ( New WPC WR). Deadlift 345 ( New WPC WR). Total 1020 kg ( New WPC WR). (859 lb squat, 628 lb...
  2. Iron Game

    Suppression From The 1st Dose - Testosterone Enanthate

    Effects of different doses of testosterone on gonadotropins, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, and blood lipids in healthy men Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden Aims: To study the effect and time...
  3. Iron Game

    Single Large Dose VS Multiple Small Dosing - Getting The Most Out Of Oral AAS, Anavar, Dbol, ETC

    by Mike Arnold In recent years, there has been a considerable debate regarding the optimal application of oral AAS. One recent trend which has become quite popular lately is the pre-workout method, in which the individual administers the entire day’s dose of oral AAS immediately before training...
  4. The Dude

    Calf implants

    Anyone on here that this done or know someone that has? It's something I've always wanted, but I could never justify the cost. I'm thinking in the next couple of years that I would like to do it. Over the years my calves have grown tremendously and now they are a smidgen over 18", but they still...
  5. Iron Game

    Donating Blood while on Anabolic Steroids - Good or Bad?

    By Bill Roberts Q: “I’ve always been a blood donor. It’s something worth doing for others, but also I understand that men really have very little mechanism for eliminating excess iron from the blood, so it’s probably good for my health as well. I’ve always read that blood shouldn’t be donated...
  6. Iron Game

    Brett Benedix - Road to the Europa Games 2016

    The USPA Single Ply Powerlifting Event is being held at the Orange County Convention in Orlando, FL on April 29th & 30th. Brett will be lifting on Friday (the 29th). This Training Footage is from 9 Weeks out to 2 Weeks out from the USPA Single Ply Powerlifting event at the Europa Games 2016 in...
  7. Iron Game

    Brett Benedix - Squats 680 & Deadlifts 575 at 19 years old

    Brett Benedix is 4 Weeks out from the USPA Single Ply Event at the Europa Fit Expo in Orlando FL. These are both Personal Records for him in single ply gear. He will be competing in the 148 lb weight class at this event. It will be his first meet as a 20 year old (Junior lifter). He is planning...
  8. C

    Electric Razors

    I recently got a job where I have to shave daily (yea i know WTF, my precious beard). maybe one day they'll get with the times. :curse: Anyhow, any of you guys use an electric razor I just don't feel like shaving every single F'ing day with a razor.
  9. Presser

    Anyone Else Into "LAW OF ATTRACTION" & "RESONANCE" ?

    I am into all that "secret" type thinking, and read a load of books on Law of resonance and law of attraction and how it has effects on you, dna, cells and such. Anyways, Just bought a few new books, as i have been reading the same few over and over and it was time to get some new one, and i am...
  10. Presser

    SINGLE Vial IGF-1 Lr3 Purchases Now Available.

    We have brought back our Single Vial IGF-1 Lr3 Purchases For All The New Members On The Fence About Making a Larger Purchase of IGF-1 Lr3. This Way EVERYONE gets To Try Our IGF-1 lr3 and We Encourage Everyone To Post Their Experience With It! Just Like Last Years Single Vial Offer, This Will...
  11. Presser

    SINGLE Vial IGF-1 Lr3 Purchases Now Available.

    We have brought back our Single Vial IGF-1 Lr3 Purchases For All The New Members On The Fence About Making a Larger Purchase of IGF-1 Lr3. This Way EVERYONE gets To Try Our IGF-1 lr3 and We Encourage Everyone To Post Their Experience With It! Just Like Last Years Single Vial Offer, This Will...