
  1. Iron Game

    The Impact of Sleep on Fat

    The impact of sleep If you do not sleep enough your neuroendocrine control of appetite can become disturbed, leading to overeating, altered insulin resistance, and a higher risk of developing Diabetes Type 2 - all of which make a person put on weight.5 Several studies have shown that sleep...
  2. akn

    MK-677 – ‘The Best Growth Hormone Secretagogue?’

    by Mike Arnold As bodybuilders, we tend to take an interest in any drug which promises to move us one step closer to realizing our goals. Whether the claims are big or small, most new PED’s are welcomed into the fold with a certain degree of excitement and expectation, at which point they are...
  3. D

    Guide for Peptide Beginners

    <center style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;">Complete step-by-step guide for peptide beginners</center> Peptide Guide : 1 - You are on this site because you have heard of and want to become more familiar with Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP)...
  4. D

    Delta sleep-inducing peptide CONTINUED....

    European Journal of Anaesthesiology: July 2001 - Volume 18 - Issue 7 - pp 419-422 Delta sleep-inducing peptide Pollard, B. J.; Pomfrett, C. J. D. Delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) is a naturally occurring substance, which was originally isolated from rabbit brain in 1977 [1]. This curious...
  5. D

    Delta sleep-inducing peptide

    Delta sleep-inducing peptide Delta sleep-inducing peptide, abbreviated DSIP, is a neuropeptide that when infused into the mesodiencephalic ventricle of recipient rabbits induces spindle and delta EEG activity and reduced motor activities.[1] Its aminoacid sequence is...
  6. akn

    What Are the Real Problems Associated with Trenbolone Use?

    Q: “I’m very interested in trenbolone because of all the positive reports on it, and you obviously are a big booster of tren. But I’ve also seen many accounts of the problems it can cause: relationship problems, aggression problems, anxiety problems, and sleep problems! What are the real...
  7. Presser

    Up at 3 a.m. AGAIN! FUCK

    Man I hate being up so fucking early! Popped up at 3am and couldn't go back to sleep! SO here i am posting for the last hour and a half all by myself, lmao grrrrrrr
  8. HackTwat

    Sleep Changes in Healthy Men: Age-Related Sleep Changes and Relationship to HGH

    Clinical Investigation | August 16, 2000 Age-Related Changes in Slow Wave Sleep and REM Sleep and Relationship With Growth Hormone and Cortisol Levels in Healthy Men FREE Eve Van Cauter, PhD; Rachel Leproult, MS; Laurence Plat, MD [+-] Author Affiliations Author Affiliations: Department of...
  9. beeflover


    Sleep Loss, the silent killer of gains Zach Hudson | On 25, Mar 2014 Maybe the title is a little misleading…..because sleep loss isn’t really the killer of gains, but rather the killer of weight loss. Are you person who is so torn up from anxiety that you don’t get 7 or more hours of sleep...