
  1. Presser

    Men with testosterone deficiency and a history of cardiovascular diseases benefit from long-term testosterone therapy: observational, real-life data f

    Men with testosterone deficiency and a history of cardiovascular diseases benefit from long-term testosterone therapy: observational, real-life data from a registry study Background/objectivesLong-term testosterone therapy (TTh) in men with hypogonadism has been shown to improve all components...
  2. Iron Game

    Does Excessive Weight Loss in Female Competitors Cause Health Risks?

    by Matt Weik The industry today is definitely not lacking hardworking women. In fact, today there are more female competitors than ever before in the fitness industry. Their hard work and dedication to their craft is showcased on stages across the globe. That being said, many people believe the...
  3. Iron Game

    Study: Aromatase Inhibitors (AI's)

    by Matt Weik If you are a bodybuilder or are heavily into using supplements to achieve a desired physique, there’s a good chance at one point or another you have used aromatase inhibitors (AI’s). You could have used them as a standalone product or as part of post-cycle therapy (PCT). Aromatase...
  4. Iron Game

    Do Lower Calories Equal A Longer Life?

    by Matt Weik I think it’s safe to say around 75% of Americans could put the fork down a little earlier in the day and step away from the table. To say we have an obesity crisis on our hand is an understatement. With no end in sight, a group of researchers set out to see how putting the fork down...
  5. Iron Game

    Weight loss diet while physically inactive speeds up loss of muscle mass

    A few months ago we wrote that a surplus of calories during a period of physical inactivity speeds up muscle breakdown. This finding tempted us to speculate that during a period of inactivity a mild caloric deficit might be the way to hold this in check. If that’s the case, then the caloric...
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  7. drtbear1967

    Phophatidylserine (PS) Profile

    Phosphatidylserine(PS) is a phospholipid made up of 2 long chain fatty acids and the amino acid phosphorylated serine and is naturally produced in the body. Phospholipids are a main component of all cell membranes, as they form the lipid bilayer which is basically the bouncer for your cells and...
  8. Iron Game

    Eating Too Fast Messes With Your Insulin Balance

    The faster you eat, the more difficult it is for the hormone insulin to do its work in your body. That means that fewer nutrients reach your muscles, and probably that more get deposited in your fat reserves. In the long term this leads to a much higher chance of developing diabetes type-2...
  9. Iron Game

    Training With A Partner or Solo

    Generally, when people work in pairs, things get accomplished much faster. The old saying, “two heads are better than one” comes to mind. So how does that translate when it comes to exercise? Do we need a buddy system in order to stay on track or is it unnecessary? Or is it simply a way to keep...
  10. drtbear1967

    Effects of Nitrates and Performance

    theguerillachemist Pretty cool study about the effects of nitrates and performance that was published in December. 12 resistance-trained men were given either 400mg nitrates in the form of beet root drink or a placebo in a double-blind,placebo controlled study. The study measured the...
  11. Iron Game

    Study: Crash Dieting Works Better Without Carbs

    You need to lose a couple of pounds in a few weeks. The only solution: a strict diet with fewer than a thousand calories a day. You’re guaranteed to lose fat – but unfortunately you’ll lose muscle too. Italian researchers wrote in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences that...
  12. Iron Game

    Do Increased Cortisol Levels From Stress Make You Fat?

    We don’t need to tell our regular readers that cortisol, the hormone that’s released when we’re under stress, can have a disastrous effect on your body. The epidemiological study that British researchers published in Obesity confirms this yet again. The Brits were able to show that a chronically...
  13. Iron Game

    Should I Eat Before My Workout?

    by Matt Weik There has been a debate for quite some time on whether you should eat before you exercise or if you should exercise when in a fasted state. The banter has been enough to turn people blue in the face arguing their point of view. Theories have gone back and forth for both sides, yet...
  14. Iron Game

    Hormone Replacemen Therapy HRT Part 2

    Obesity and Hormone Imbalance A consistent finding in the scientific literature is that obese men have low testosterone and very high estrogen levels. Central or visceral obesity (pot belly) is recognized as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes. New findings have shed...
  15. Iron Game

    The Long And Misunderstood History Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

    The Long And Misunderstood History Of Hormone Replacement Therapy by Dr. Charles Mok, Contributor. It is time for all women to understand their options when it comes to seizing control of their quality of life. In the 1980s and 1990s the number one prescription medication in the...
  16. Iron Game

    Anabolics - Post Cycle Recovery

    Anabolics - Post Cycle Recovery Post-Cycle Recovery: How Long? When we discuss the side effects associated with steroid use, it is accurate to note that many of them (not all) are temporary. For example, oily skin, acne and increased water retention are all common side effects during a...
  17. Iron Game

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth The “strength-endurance continuum” is a widely accepted concept in the field of exercise science. Simply stated, the theory asserts that training in different rep ranges elicits differential effects on muscular adaptations. From a practical...
  18. Iron Game

    Torch Fat & Get Hard with Viagra

    Torch Fat & Get Hard with Viagra Get Jacked With Viagra! If you’ve ever sat down on a Sunday afternoon to watch an NFL football game, you’ve undoubtedly been exposed to one of those awkward commercials for the erectile dysfunction (ED) drug Viagra. That’s because one of the largest...
  19. drtbear1967

    Improve Body Comp During Meals by Doing This

    <!-- react-text: 641 -->Do This During Meals to Improve Body Comp<!-- /react-text --> <!-- react-text: 716 -->• Do you consider yourself a fast eater, a slow eater, or a just-the-right-speed eater? • Compared to others, do you eat faster than them, slower than them, or at the same speed?<!--...
  20. drtbear1967

    Vitamin K - Profile

    <!-- react-text: 40 -->This post goes out to all the hardcore bodybuilders who use "supplements." Two of the major side effects of these "supps" is the unfavorable change in HDL/LDL and loss of Ca from bones. Both of these can affect calcification/hardening of arteries which can cause serious...